2023-11-28 20:21:36 [0x201302d] (152,108,1) || The supply shuttle contents sold for 0 credits. Contents: .. Message: none.
2023-11-28 20:27:13 [mob_3492] (177,173,2) || Bulb (generubi) called the supply shuttle.
2023-11-28 20:27:20 [0x201302d] (152,108,1) || The supply shuttle Order #4419 (Heavy-Duty Saline Canister, placed by bobbussus/(Gavin Hujsak)), paid by nobody (department order) has shipped.
2023-11-28 20:27:20 [0x201302d] (152,108,1) || The supply shuttle Order #4420 (BZ Canister, placed by demirpl/(Alison Wayt)), paid by nobody (department order) has shipped.
2023-11-28 20:27:20 [0x201302d] (152,108,1) || The supply shuttle 2 orders in this shipment, worth 10200 credits. 4110 credits left.
2023-11-28 20:31:45 [mob_3492] (177,173,2) || Bulb (generubi) sent the supply shuttle away.
2023-11-28 20:32:55 [0x201302d] (152,108,1) || The supply shuttle contents sold for 3136 credits. Contents: shipping manifest - #4419 (Heavy-Duty Saline Canister), crate, 1000 cr bounty cube, crate, crate, 800 cr bounty cube, breath mask, breath mask, breath mask, internals crate, crate, breath mask, shipping manifest - #4420 (BZ Canister), crate, crate, crate,.. Message: +160 credits: Received 2 approved manifests. +1600 credits: Received 8 crates. Thanks for participating in Nanotrasen Crates Recycling Program. +1372 credits: Received 2 completed bounty cubes. +4 credits: Received 4 breath masks.
2023-11-28 20:33:02 [mob_3389] (177,173,2) || Brady Edwards (tortgamer) called the supply shuttle.
2023-11-28 20:33:09 [0x201302d] (152,108,1) || The supply shuttle Order #4421 (SWAT Crate, placed by tortgamer/(Brady Edwards)), paid by nobody (department order) has shipped.
2023-11-28 20:33:09 [0x201302d] (152,108,1) || The supply shuttle 1 orders in this shipment, worth 1400 credits. 7546 credits left.
2023-11-28 20:36:21 [mob_3492] (177,172,2) || Bulb (generubi) sent the supply shuttle away.
2023-11-28 20:37:31 [0x201302d] (152,108,1) || The supply shuttle contents sold for 1156 credits. Contents: shipping manifest - #4421 (SWAT Crate), 480 cr bounty cube, 800 cr bounty cube,.. Message: +80 credits: Received 1 approved manifest. +1076 credits: Received 2 completed bounty cubes.
2023-11-28 20:54:28 [mob_3423] (177,173,2) || Raven Roadstar (jaltsi) called the supply shuttle.
2023-11-28 20:54:35 [0x201302d] (152,108,1) || The supply shuttle Order #4422 (Raven Roadstar's Mining Order, placed by jaltsi/(Raven Roadstar)), paid by Raven Roadstar has shipped.
2023-11-28 20:54:35 [0x201302d] (152,108,1) || The supply shuttle 1 orders in this shipment, worth 6354 credits. 12587 credits left.