11:26:21 [0x20096a4] (129,93,2) || the power cable was cut by Sakamoto4ka/(Alina Cidarmanovna) in Aft Primary Hallway (129,93,2)
11:26:30 [0x20092ef] (126,93,2) || the power cable was cut by Sakamoto4ka/(Alina Cidarmanovna) in Aft Primary Hallway (126,93,2)
11:26:45 [0x2008c81] (121,93,2) || the power cable was cut by Sakamoto4ka/(Alina Cidarmanovna) in Aft Maintenance (121,93,2)
11:26:51 [0x20086ee] (117,92,2) || the power cable was cut by Sakamoto4ka/(Alina Cidarmanovna) in Aft Maintenance (117,92,2)
11:27:01 [0x2007484] (105,87,2) || the power cable was cut by Sakamoto4ka/(Alina Cidarmanovna) in Aft Maintenance (105,87,2)