2024-02-13 05:38:54 [0x2020bf7] (100,65,13) || The space cash was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
2024-02-13 05:38:54 [0x2020c1c] (101,68,13) || The Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
2024-02-13 05:39:02 [0x2020c1e] (101,66,13) || The Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
2024-02-13 05:39:13 [0x2020c44] (102,67,13) || The Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
2024-02-13 05:39:42 [0x2020bf6] (100,67,13) || The Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
2024-02-13 05:51:23 [0x20202d9] (191,114,2) || The valentine was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
2024-02-13 06:16:54 [mob_3699] (123,153,2) || Makes-The-Abomination (*no key*) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:16:54 [0x201e8ba] (125,153,2) || The extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:16:54 [mob_3481] (125,153,2) || Launce Lloyd (*no key*) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:16:54 [0x200434d] (129,154,2) || The plasteel was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:16:54 [0x2007597] (120,156,2) || The epinephrine bottle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:16:54 [0x2007458] (119,159,2) || The latex gloves was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:16:54 [0x2010179] (122,152,2) || The valentine was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:16:54 [0x2007b34] (124,157,2) || The medical duffel bag was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:16:54 [0x200097e] (125,157,2) || The welding tool was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:16:54 [0x2007318] (118,159,2) || The chemical grenade casing was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:16:54 [0x200759d] (120,156,2) || The pill bottle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:16:56 [0x2007d88] (126,152,2) || The station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:16:56 [0x2007596] (120,156,2) || The multiver bottle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:17:26 [0x200759e] (120,156,2) || The medical gel was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:38 [mob_3452] (125,152,2) || Ronald Burns (velocitymagnet) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x200cea9] (110,156,2) || The rapid part exchange device was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x200655c] (109,157,2) || The medical gauze was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x2023ee4] (109,158,2) || The dark tile was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x202155b] (109,156,2) || The lit red candle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x2006556] (106,157,2) || The body bags was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x2006557] (106,157,2) || The pen was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x2006558] (106,157,2) || The beaker was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x2021578] (106,157,2) || The spare ID safe code biscuit card was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x202155a] (109,157,2) || The lit red candle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x20233c6] (112,157,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x2006bfd] (113,157,2) || The pen was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x2021557] (108,158,2) || The lit red candle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x2021559] (110,158,2) || The lit red candle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x2023267] (109,159,2) || The iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x2006b06] (112,159,2) || The potted plant was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [mob_3475] (108,161,2) || Paul Zalack (autonomousanonymous) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:42 [0x2006bea] (113,161,2) || The epinephrine bottle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:43 [0x2021558] (109,159,2) || The lit red candle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:43 [0x2006bf1] (113,160,2) || The paper bin was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:43 [0x2006beb] (113,161,2) || The syringe was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:48 [0x2022ce3] (109,152,2) || The Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:18:59 [0x2006bfc] (113,157,2) || The folder was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:04 [0x2006a1b] (111,156,2) || The station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:07 [0x2023f03] (107,157,2) || The advanced capacitor was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:09 [0x2021528] (108,158,2) || The advanced capacitor was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:09 [0x2002322] (106,157,2) || Tesla Controller (Machine Board) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:12 [0x20018fe] (109,158,2) || AI Holopad (Machine Board) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:12 [0x200aeb3] (109,158,2) || The capacitor was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:13 [0x2023bef] (109,158,2) || The cable coil was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:14 [0x2024261] (109,158,2) || The iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:16 [0x2022f90] (107,157,2) || The cable coil was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:23 [0x200161e] (106,157,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:23 [0x2001625] (106,157,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:26 [0x200161d] (106,157,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:28 [0x2006110] (102,156,2) || The potted plant was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:30 [0x2001623] (106,157,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:37 [0x2001622] (106,157,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:39 [0x2001616] (106,157,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:40 [0x201f05b] (106,157,2) || The iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:40 [0x201b3a7] (112,158,2) || The cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:19:55 [0x2001614] (106,157,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:20:00 [0x2007003] (116,158,2) || The syringe was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:20:00 [0x2007002] (116,158,2) || The syringe was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:20:03 [0x2022fb0] (112,161,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:20:05 [0x2024750] (112,157,2) || The cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:20:13 [0x2006be9] (113,161,2) || The multiver bottle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:20:26 [0x200654a] (106,160,2) || The potted plant was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:20:28 [0x2006314] (104,163,2) || The medical gauze was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:21:08 [0x202196c] (112,158,2) || The cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:21:20 [0x2007005] (116,158,2) || The large beaker was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:21:55 [0x20243a6] (106,157,2) || The iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:22:43 [mob_3483] (110,154,2) || Manley Jyllian (saprasam) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:23:45 [mob_3810] (115,157,2) || Zeek The Rat (blessedlemon) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:24:13 [0x2024b52] (111,157,2) || The iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:24:19 [0x2007b22] (111,160,2) || Emitter (Machine Board) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:24:23 [0x2024628] (112,159,2) || The iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:24:32 [0x2007598] (120,156,2) || The dropper was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:24:34 [0x2006bef] (113,161,2) || The cup was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:24:37 [0x20222c7] (111,160,2) || The micro-laser was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:24:47 [0x2006245] (103,152,2) || The station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:25:43 [0x2024bb1] (107,161,2) || The cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:26:15 [0x202474a] (106,160,2) || The iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:26:53 [0x2023b8d] (108,159,2) || The iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:26:56 [0x20030ea] (108,159,2) || The epinephrine medipen was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:27:13 [mob_3715] (108,158,2) || Duncan Smirnov (fawkes8) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:28:33 [0x200731d] (118,159,2) || The timer was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:28:52 [0x2022e80] (147,120,2) || The gas mask was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:28:52 [0x2022e7d] (147,120,2) || The fire extinguisher was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:28:58 [0x200a3b6] (160,105,2) || The breath mask was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:01 [0x200ace1] (170,103,2) || The paper bin was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:01 [0x200a93d] (166,107,2) || The potted plant was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:01 [0x200add7] (171,107,2) || The hyper-capacity power cell was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:09 [0x200a49d] (161,106,2) || The folder was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:17 [0x200af39] (173,110,2) || The folder was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:18 [0x200b049] (174,113,2) || The warning cone was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:26 [0x200af36] (173,113,2) || The station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:29 [0x200b2e6] (177,119,2) || The airlock painter was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:30 [0x2006142] (178,120,2) || The mechanical toolbox was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:30 [0x20093fe] (180,120,2) || The grey jumpsuit was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:32 [0x200e861] (178,119,2) || The mechanical toolbox was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:32 [0x2022e9c] (179,119,2) || The engineering radio headset was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:32 [0x2000f2c] (179,119,2) || The box of empty sandbags was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:32 [0x200b2d7] (177,121,2) || The pocket crowbar was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2024-02-13 06:29:32 [0x200b2d8] (177,121,2) || The extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank was irradiated by the supermatter shard.