[2023-10-31 01:12:34.548] Starting up round ID 217837. - ------------------------- [2023-10-31 01:12:34.980] RUNTIME: World loaded at 01:12:34! [2023-10-31 01:12:34.989] RUNTIME: TGS Info: Activating API for version -censored- [2023-10-31 01:12:34.990] RUNTIME: TGS Warn: Custom chat commands in /datum/tgs_version lacks the /datum/tgs_chat_user/sender.channel field! [2023-10-31 01:12:34.990] RUNTIME: TGS Warn: Use of TgsRevision on -censored- origin_commit only points to master! [2023-10-31 01:12:34.990] RUNTIME: Running /tg/ revision: - origin/master: e714849a591f7f45904dbf53d18a48a0846aa53d - Test merge active of PR #79340 commit 615818d8d125e0aff4befeddd5bcc1655152373c - Test merge active of PR #79316 commit 9cc0f029d3aa387937dd3f2b0960dbeef0c851e1 - HEAD: 6d47126cb0faea0ae6a109f7b06371e68d5667ae - Running rust-g version 3.0.0 [2023-10-31 01:12:34.994] RUNTIME: map_config not found: _maps/boxstation.json [2023-10-31 01:12:34.996] RUNTIME: Database connection established. [2023-10-31 01:12:35.005] RUNTIME: Running /tg/ revision: - origin/master: e714849a591f7f45904dbf53d18a48a0846aa53d - Test merge active of PR #79340 commit 615818d8d125e0aff4befeddd5bcc1655152373c - Test merge active of PR #79316 commit 9cc0f029d3aa387937dd3f2b0960dbeef0c851e1 - HEAD: 6d47126cb0faea0ae6a109f7b06371e68d5667ae - Running rust-g version 3.0.0 [2023-10-31 01:12:36.121] RUNTIME: Initialized Title Screen subsystem within 0.01 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:36.121] RUNTIME: Initialized Server Tasks subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:36.122] RUNTIME: Initialized Input subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:36.130] RUNTIME: Initialized Profiler subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:36.131] RUNTIME: Initialized Database subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:36.131] RUNTIME: Initialized Blackbox subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:36.180] RUNTIME: Initialized Sounds subsystem within 0.05 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:36.200] RUNTIME: Initialized Instruments subsystem within 0.02 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:37.105] RUNTIME: Initialized Greyscale subsystem within 0.9 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:37.105] RUNTIME: Initialized Vis contents overlays subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:37.105] RUNTIME: Initialized Security Level subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:37.107] RUNTIME: Initialized Discord subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.244] RUNTIME: Initialized Achievements subsystem within 1.14 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.244] RUNTIME: Initialized Station subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.248] RUNTIME: Initialized Quirks subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.277] RUNTIME: Initialized Reagents subsystem within 0.03 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.283] RUNTIME: Initialized Events subsystem within 0.01 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.291] RUNTIME: Initialized IDs and Access subsystem within 0.01 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.292] RUNTIME: Initialized Jobs subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.293] RUNTIME: Initialized AI movement subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.313] RUNTIME: Initialized Ticker subsystem within 0.02 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.320] RUNTIME: Initialized AI Controller Ticker subsystem within 0.01 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.320] RUNTIME: Initialized AI Behavior Ticker subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.337] RUNTIME: Initialized Trading Card Game subsystem within 0.02 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:12:38.355] RUNTIME: Loading MetaStation... [2023-10-31 01:12:40.160] RUNTIME: Loaded Station in 1.8s! [2023-10-31 01:12:41.400] RUNTIME: Loaded Lavaland in 1.2s! [2023-10-31 01:12:48.089] RUNTIME: Ruin loader finished with 0 left to spend. [2023-10-31 01:12:51.579] RUNTIME: Ruin loader finished with 0 left to spend. [2023-10-31 01:12:51.756] RUNTIME: Cave Generator terrain generation finished in 0.2s! [2023-10-31 01:12:51.768] RUNTIME: Cave Generator terrain generation finished in 0s! [2023-10-31 01:12:51.945] RUNTIME: Cave Generator terrain population finished in 0.1s! [2023-10-31 01:12:51.952] RUNTIME: Cave Generator terrain population finished in 0s! [2023-10-31 01:12:52.843] RUNTIME: Initialized Mapping subsystem within 14.51 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:13:12.025] RUNTIME: Initialized Early Assets subsystem within 19.18 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:13:12.083] RUNTIME: Initialized Research subsystem within 0.06 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:13:12.084] RUNTIME: Initialized Time Tracking subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:13:12.126] RUNTIME: Initialized Spatial Grid subsystem within 0.04 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:13:12.318] RUNTIME: Initialized Economy subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:13:12.320] RUNTIME: Initialized Restaurant subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:13:33.341] RUNTIME: runtime error: error sending request for url (http://-censored-:5002/tts-voices): error trying to connect: tcp connect error: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. (os error 10060) (code/controllers/subsystem/tts.dm:66) - proc name: stack trace (/proc/_stack_trace) - source file: code/__HELPERS/stack_trace.dm,4 - usr: (src) - src: null - call stack: - stack trace("error sending request for url ...", "code/controllers/subsystem/tts...", 66) - Text To Speech (/datum/controller/subsystem/tts): establish connection to tts() - Text To Speech (/datum/controller/subsystem/tts): Initialize() - Master (/datum/controller/master): init subsystem(Text To Speech (/datum/controller/subsystem/tts)) - Master (/datum/controller/master): Initialize(10, 0, 1) - [2023-10-31 01:13:33.342] RUNTIME: Failed to initialize Text To Speech subsystem after 21.02 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:54.997] RUNTIME: Initialized Atoms subsystem within 81.65 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:55.129] RUNTIME: Initialized Language subsystem within 0.01 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:55.270] RUNTIME: Initialized Machines subsystem within 0.14 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:55.282] RUNTIME: Initialized Skills subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:55.284] RUNTIME: Initialized Queue Links subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:55.286] RUNTIME: Initialized Addiction subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:55.289] RUNTIME: Initialized Blackmarket subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:55.291] RUNTIME: Initialized Disease subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:55.293] RUNTIME: Initialized Fluid subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:55.296] RUNTIME: Initialized Smoke subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:55.298] RUNTIME: Initialized Foam subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:55.301] RUNTIME: Initialized Lag Switch subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:55.928] RUNTIME: Initialized Library Loading subsystem within 0.63 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:56.172] RUNTIME: Initialized Lua Scripting subsystem within 0.24 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:56.202] RUNTIME: Initialized Modular Computers subsystem within 0.01 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:56.204] RUNTIME: Initialized Night Shift subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:56.206] RUNTIME: Initialized Stock Market subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:56.208] RUNTIME: Initialized Sun subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:56.216] RUNTIME: Initialized Traitor subsystem within 0.01 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:56.220] RUNTIME: Initialized Tutorials subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:56.251] RUNTIME: Initialized Wardrobe subsystem within 0.03 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:56.252] RUNTIME: Initialized Weather subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:14:56.254] RUNTIME: Initialized Wiremod Composite Templates subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:04.818] RUNTIME: Initialized Atmospherics subsystem within 8.56 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:04.861] RUNTIME: Loaded 18 engraved messages on map MetaStation [2023-10-31 01:15:04.863] RUNTIME: Loaded 2 prison tattoos [2023-10-31 01:15:05.036] RUNTIME: Initialized Persistence subsystem within 0.22 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:05.116] RUNTIME: Initialized Persistent Paintings subsystem within 0.07 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:05.117] RUNTIME: Initialized Vote subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:07.852] RUNTIME: Initialized Assets subsystem within 2.72 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:11.380] RUNTIME: Initialized Icon Smoothing subsystem within 3.5 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:11.386] RUNTIME: Initialized XKeyScore subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:11.435] RUNTIME: Initialized PRISM subsystem within 0.05 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:25.155] RUNTIME: Initialized Lighting subsystem within 13.72 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:33.402] RUNTIME: runtime error: list index out of bounds - proc name: shuttleRotate (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/shuttleRotate) - source file: code/modules/shuttle/shuttle_rotate.dm,94 - usr: null - src: the omni pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air) - src.loc: the plating (172,92,5) (/turf/open/floor/plating) - call stack: - the omni pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): shuttleRotate(270, null) - the omni pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): afterShuttleMove(hyperspace (224,22,13) (/turf/open/space/transit), /list (/list), 8, 1, 2, 270) - the omni pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): afterShuttleMove(hyperspace (224,22,13) (/turf/open/space/transit), /list (/list), 8, 1, 2, 270) - the omni pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): afterShuttleMove(hyperspace (224,22,13) (/turf/open/space/transit), /list (/list), 8, 1, 2, 270) - White Ship (/obj/docking_port/mobile): cleanup runway(Deep Space (/obj/docking_port/stationary/picked/whiteship), /list (/list), /list (/list), /list (/list), /list (/list), 270, 2, Space (/area/space)) - White Ship (/obj/docking_port/mobile): initiate docking(Deep Space (/obj/docking_port/stationary/picked/whiteship), 2, 0) - Shuttle (/datum/controller/subsystem/shuttle): action load(NT Science Vessel (/datum/map_template/shuttle/whiteship/pubby), Deep Space (/obj/docking_port/stationary/picked/whiteship), 0) - Deep Space (/obj/docking_port/stationary/picked/whiteship): load roundstart() - Shuttle (/datum/controller/subsystem/shuttle): setup shuttles(/list (/list)) - Shuttle (/datum/controller/subsystem/shuttle): Initialize() - Master (/datum/controller/master): init subsystem(Shuttle (/datum/controller/subsystem/shuttle)) - Master (/datum/controller/master): Initialize(10, 0, 1) - [2023-10-31 01:15:33.474] RUNTIME: Initialized Shuttle subsystem within 8.32 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:33.558] RUNTIME: Initialized Minor Mapping subsystem within 0.08 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:33.567] RUNTIME: Initialized Pathfinder subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:33.616] RUNTIME: Initialized Ban Cache subsystem within 0.05 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:33.677] RUNTIME: Initialized Init Profiler subsystem within 0.05 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:33.679] RUNTIME: Initialized Chat subsystem within 0 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:33.679] RUNTIME: Initializations complete within 177.5 seconds! [2023-10-31 01:15:56.242] RUNTIME: ### VarEdit by Trexter555/(Trexter555): /turf/closed/indestructible/splashscreen icon=config/title_screens/images/nicodeluna.png => narussy.jpg [2023-10-31 01:17:23.321] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: the ghost (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (107,144,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Iansdoor (/mob/dead/new_player): make me an observer() - Observe (/atom/movable/screen/lobby/button/observe): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=60;icon-y=14;left=1;but...") - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.001] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the iron sand (154,38,13) (/turf/open/misc/ironsand) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.002] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the iron sand (149,38,13) (/turf/open/misc/ironsand) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.100] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the iron sand (150,37,13) (/turf/open/misc/ironsand) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.101] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (155,33,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.102] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (155,32,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.104] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (152,32,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.105] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (151,32,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.106] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (148,32,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.107] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (148,31,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.200] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (150,30,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.201] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (155,29,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.202] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (150,29,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.203] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (153,28,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.204] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (150,28,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.205] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (153,27,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.206] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (148,27,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.251] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (155,26,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.252] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (150,26,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.252] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (155,25,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.253] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (151,25,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.254] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt) - src.loc: the stone brick floor (150,25,13) (/turf/open/floor/stone) - call stack: - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): bitmask smooth() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - the dirt (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.458] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the impervious iron wall (146,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/iron) - call stack: - the impervious iron wall (146,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/iron): bitmask smooth() - the impervious iron wall (146,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/iron): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.459] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (145,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted) - call stack: - the wall (145,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted): bitmask smooth() - the wall (145,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.558] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the necropolis wall (144,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss) - call stack: - the necropolis wall (144,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): bitmask smooth() - the necropolis wall (144,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.559] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the necropolis wall (143,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss) - call stack: - the necropolis wall (143,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): bitmask smooth() - the necropolis wall (143,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.560] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the necropolis wall (142,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss) - call stack: - the necropolis wall (142,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): bitmask smooth() - the necropolis wall (142,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.561] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the necropolis wall (141,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss) - call stack: - the necropolis wall (141,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): bitmask smooth() - the necropolis wall (141,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.562] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the necropolis wall (140,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss) - call stack: - the necropolis wall (140,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): bitmask smooth() - the necropolis wall (140,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.562] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the necropolis wall (139,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss) - call stack: - the necropolis wall (139,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): bitmask smooth() - the necropolis wall (139,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.660] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the necropolis wall (138,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss) - call stack: - the necropolis wall (138,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): bitmask smooth() - the necropolis wall (138,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.661] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the necropolis wall (137,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss) - call stack: - the necropolis wall (137,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): bitmask smooth() - the necropolis wall (137,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.662] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the necropolis wall (136,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss) - call stack: - the necropolis wall (136,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): bitmask smooth() - the necropolis wall (136,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.664] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the necropolis wall (135,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss) - call stack: - the necropolis wall (135,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): bitmask smooth() - the necropolis wall (135,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.715] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the necropolis wall (134,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss) - call stack: - the necropolis wall (134,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): bitmask smooth() - the necropolis wall (134,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.716] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the necropolis wall (133,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss) - call stack: - the necropolis wall (133,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): bitmask smooth() - the necropolis wall (133,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted/boss): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.717] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (132,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted) - call stack: - the wall (132,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted): bitmask smooth() - the wall (132,36,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:29.718] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (158,35,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted) - call stack: - the wall (158,35,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted): bitmask smooth() - the wall (158,35,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/riveted): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:31.391] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the table (/obj/structure/table) - src.loc: the engraved floor (36,37,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the table (/obj/structure/table): bitmask smooth() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:31.392] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the table (/obj/structure/table) - src.loc: the engraved floor (36,36,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the table (/obj/structure/table): bitmask smooth() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:31.495] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the engraved floor (50,35,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:31.496] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the engraved floor (50,34,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:31.802] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (49,47,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:31.822] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (50,45,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:31.824] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the table (/obj/structure/table) - src.loc: the plastic floor (33,44,13) (/turf/open/floor/plastic) - call stack: - the table (/obj/structure/table): bitmask smooth() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:31.825] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the fancy table (/obj/structure/table/wood/fancy) - src.loc: the plastic floor (32,45,13) (/turf/open/floor/plastic) - call stack: - the fancy table (/obj/structure/table/wood/fancy): bitmask smooth() - the fancy table (/obj/structure/table/wood/fancy): smooth icon() - the fancy table (/obj/structure/table/wood/fancy): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:31.827] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the table (/obj/structure/table) - src.loc: the plastic floor (32,44,13) (/turf/open/floor/plastic) - call stack: - the table (/obj/structure/table): bitmask smooth() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:31.894] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (50,43,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:31.895] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (49,43,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.194] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (36,33,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood) - call stack: - the wall (36,33,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wall (36,33,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.195] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (35,33,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood) - call stack: - the wall (35,33,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wall (35,33,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.208] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (31,33,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood) - call stack: - the wall (31,33,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wall (31,33,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.208] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (43,32,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood) - call stack: - the wall (43,32,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wall (43,32,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.209] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (39,32,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood) - call stack: - the wall (39,32,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wall (39,32,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.210] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the carpet (42,57,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet/red) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.211] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the carpet (40,57,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet/red) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.213] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the engraved floor (45,56,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.214] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the engraved floor (45,55,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.215] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the engraved floor (37,56,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.216] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the engraved floor (37,55,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.217] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the engraved floor (47,53,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.218] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the engraved floor (46,53,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.219] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the engraved floor (34,53,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.227] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the engraved floor (33,53,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.228] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the engraved floor (45,53,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.229] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the engraved floor (44,52,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.230] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker) - src.loc: the engraved floor (50,50,13) (/turf/open/floor/engine/cult) - call stack: - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): bitmask smooth() - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): smooth icon() - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.362] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: the ghost (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (107,144,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Rageguy505 (/mob/dead/new_player): make me an observer() - Observe (/atom/movable/screen/lobby/button/observe): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=96;icon-y=11;left=1;but...") - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.535] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (31,38,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood) - call stack: - the wall (31,38,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wall (31,38,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.648] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the carpet (42,57,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet/red) - call stack: - the carpet (42,57,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet/red): bitmask smooth() - the carpet (42,57,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet/red): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.649] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the carpet (41,57,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet/red) - call stack: - the carpet (41,57,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet/red): bitmask smooth() - the carpet (41,57,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet/red): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.649] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the carpet (40,57,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet/red) - call stack: - the carpet (40,57,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet/red): bitmask smooth() - the carpet (40,57,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet/red): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.717] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (45,57,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/fakeglass) - call stack: - the window (45,57,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/fakeglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (45,57,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/fakeglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:32.718] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (37,57,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/fakeglass) - call stack: - the window (37,57,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/fakeglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (37,57,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/fakeglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:46.854] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: the ghost (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (107,144,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Nukashimika (/mob/dead/new_player): make me an observer() - Observe (/atom/movable/screen/lobby/button/observe): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=51;icon-y=20;left=1;but...") - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.465] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (106,82,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.466] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass) - src.loc: the floor (84,82,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): bitmask smooth() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.473] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (98,82,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.475] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (98,81,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.475] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (98,80,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.476] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice) - src.loc: space (78,80,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice): bitmask smooth() - the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice): smooth icon() - the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.477] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice) - src.loc: space (78,79,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice): bitmask smooth() - the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice): smooth icon() - the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.478] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: find type in direction (/atom/proc/find_type_in_direction) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,326 - usr: null - src: the iron pressure tank (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/nitrogen) - src.loc: space (70,80,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - the iron pressure tank (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/nitrogen): find type in direction(1) - the iron pressure tank (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/nitrogen): calculate adjacencies() - the iron pressure tank (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/nitrogen): calculate adjacencies() - the iron pressure tank (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/nitrogen): smooth icon() - the iron pressure tank (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/nitrogen): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.479] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: find type in direction (/atom/proc/find_type_in_direction) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,326 - usr: null - src: the iron pressure tank (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/nitrogen) - src.loc: space (70,80,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - the iron pressure tank (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/nitrogen): find type in direction(4) - the iron pressure tank (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/nitrogen): calculate adjacencies() - the iron pressure tank (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/nitrogen): calculate adjacencies() - the iron pressure tank (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/nitrogen): smooth icon() - the iron pressure tank (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/nitrogen): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.481] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: space (70,80,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.482] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice) - src.loc: space (69,80,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice): bitmask smooth() - the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice): smooth icon() - the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.483] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice) - src.loc: space (68,80,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice): bitmask smooth() - the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice): smooth icon() - the lattice (/obj/structure/lattice): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.484] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (98,79,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.485] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: space (70,79,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.486] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: space (70,78,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.487] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (106,78,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.487] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (98,78,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.496] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (105,77,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.497] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (104,76,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.498] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (103,76,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.499] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (102,76,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.500] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (101,76,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.519] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (99,77,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.521] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (100,76,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.611] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.temperature - proc name: power change (/obj/machinery/airalarm/power_change) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/air_alarm/_air_alarm.dm,147 - usr: null - src: Syndicate Ordnance Laboratory ... (/obj/machinery/airalarm/directional/west) - src.loc: the titanium tile (72,82,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/titanium/tiled/yellow) - call stack: - Syndicate Ordnance Laboratory ... (/obj/machinery/airalarm/directional/west): power change() - Syndicate Ordnance Laboratory ... (/obj/machinery/airalarm/directional/west): LateInitialize() - Atoms (/datum/controller/subsystem/atoms): InitializeAtoms(/list (/list), null) - assault pod (Default) (/datum/map_template/shuttle/assault_pod/default): initTemplateBounds(/list (/list)) - assault pod (Default) (/datum/map_template/shuttle/assault_pod/default): load(hyperspace (200,25,13) (/turf/open/space/transit), 0, 0) - assault pod (Default) (/datum/map_template/shuttle/assault_pod/default): load(hyperspace (200,25,13) (/turf/open/space/transit), 0, 0) - Shuttle (/datum/controller/subsystem/shuttle): load template(assault pod (Default) (/datum/map_template/shuttle/assault_pod/default)) - Shuttle (/datum/controller/subsystem/shuttle): action load(assault pod (Default) (/datum/map_template/shuttle/assault_pod/default), the escape pod loader 6 (/obj/docking_port/stationary), 0) - the escape pod loader 6 (/obj/docking_port/stationary): load roundstart() - Shuttle (/datum/controller/subsystem/shuttle): setup shuttles(/list (/list)) - ... - Atoms (/datum/controller/subsystem/atoms): CreateAtoms(/list (/list), null) - Atoms (/datum/controller/subsystem/atoms): InitializeAtoms(/list (/list), null) - /datum/lazy_template/nukie_bas... (/datum/lazy_template/nukie_base): lazy load() - Mapping (/datum/controller/subsystem/mapping): lazy load template("LT_NUKIEBASE", 0) - Mapping (/datum/controller/subsystem/mapping): lazy load template("LT_NUKIEBASE", 0) - Nuclear Emergency (/datum/dynamic_ruleset/roundstart/nuclear): load templates() - /datum/game_mode/dynamic (/datum/game_mode/dynamic): roundstart(/list (/list)) - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): setup() - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): ignite(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.857] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (100,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (100,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (100,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.858] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (101,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (101,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (101,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.859] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (103,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (103,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (103,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.860] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (104,76,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.861] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,440 - usr: null - src: the wall (104,82,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (104,82,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (104,82,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.877] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (104,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (104,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (104,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.878] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (105,77,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.880] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the wall (105,78,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (105,78,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (105,78,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.881] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (106,78,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.882] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the wall (105,79,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (105,79,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (105,79,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.916] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the wall (105,81,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (105,81,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (105,81,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.917] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (106,82,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:51.918] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (105,82,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (105,82,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (105,82,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.110] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the wall (105,78,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (105,78,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (105,78,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.111] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the wall (105,79,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (105,79,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (105,79,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.112] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the wall (105,81,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (105,81,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (105,81,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.113] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (63,87,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium/red) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.114] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (137,86,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.115] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (90,86,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.116] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (72,85,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium/red) - call stack: - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): smooth icon() - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.117] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (71,85,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium/red) - call stack: - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): smooth icon() - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.138] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (103,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (103,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (103,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.139] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (90,85,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.140] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker) - src.loc: the floor (82,84,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): bitmask smooth() - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): smooth icon() - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.141] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (106,82,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.142] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (105,82,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (105,82,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (105,82,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.218] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the carpet (119,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.220] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the carpet (117,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.221] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (115,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.222] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (114,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.223] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (113,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.224] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (112,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.225] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (66,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium/red) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.226] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (63,87,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium/red) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.228] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (138,88,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.244] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (137,88,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.245] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (137,86,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.246] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (90,86,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.247] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (104,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (104,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (104,83,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.313] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,440 - usr: null - src: the wall (104,82,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the wall (104,82,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (104,82,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.314] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (100,84,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.316] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (90,84,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.317] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (90,83,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.319] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass) - src.loc: the floor (84,82,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): bitmask smooth() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.320] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass) - src.loc: the floor (84,83,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): bitmask smooth() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.321] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (105,83,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.363] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (90,87,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.364] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (137,87,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.366] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (63,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium/red) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.367] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (64,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium/red) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.377] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (103,84,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.378] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (104,84,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.378] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (102,84,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.379] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the liquid plasma (101,84,13) (/turf/open/lava/plasma/ice_moon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.646] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (141,92,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.647] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (141,91,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.674] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (141,90,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.675] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (140,90,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.676] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (140,89,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.744] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the carpet (117,90,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.745] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the carpet (117,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.746] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (115,90,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.747] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (115,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.748] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (114,90,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.749] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (114,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.749] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (113,90,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.750] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (113,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.751] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (112,90,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.761] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (112,88,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.762] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (101,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.762] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (100,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.763] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (99,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.764] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (98,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.765] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (97,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.766] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (96,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.766] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (95,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.767] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (94,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.768] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (93,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.769] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (92,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.770] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (91,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.777] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk) - src.loc: the snowed-over plating (90,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating/snowed/icemoon) - call stack: - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): bitmask smooth() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - the catwalk (/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.778] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the carpet (117,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/carpet) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.778] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (115,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:52.779] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (112,89,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:53.061] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (72,94,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:53.062] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (141,92,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:53.078] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (141,93,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.870] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,84,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,84,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,84,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.890] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,84,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,84,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,84,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.891] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.892] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.893] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,86,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,86,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,86,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.893] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,86,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,86,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,86,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.894] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,87,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,87,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,87,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.895] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,87,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,87,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,87,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.896] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.897] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,440 - usr: null - src: the hull (134,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (134,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (134,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.898] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,437 - usr: null - src: the hull (128,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (128,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (128,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.899] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.900] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (134,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (134,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (134,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.901] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,440 - usr: null - src: the hull (133,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (133,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (133,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.902] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,437 - usr: null - src: the hull (129,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (129,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (129,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.963] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (128,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (128,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (128,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.964] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (133,90,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (133,90,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (133,90,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.965] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (129,90,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (129,90,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (129,90,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.966] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.967] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (137,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (137,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (137,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.967] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (136,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (136,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (136,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.968] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.969] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (134,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (134,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (134,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.970] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,447 - usr: null - src: the hull (133,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (133,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (133,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.971] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,444 - usr: null - src: the hull (129,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (129,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (129,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.971] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (128,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (128,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (128,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.972] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.973] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (126,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (126,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (126,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.974] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (125,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (125,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (125,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.975] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (124,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (124,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (124,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.976] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,92,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,92,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,92,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.977] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (124,92,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (124,92,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (124,92,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.977] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,93,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,93,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,93,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.978] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the wall (124,93,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium/nodiagonal) - call stack: - the wall (124,93,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium/nodiagonal): bitmask smooth() - the wall (124,93,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium/nodiagonal): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.984] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,94,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,94,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,94,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.984] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,95,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,95,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,95,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.985] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the wall (124,95,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium/nodiagonal) - call stack: - the wall (124,95,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium/nodiagonal): bitmask smooth() - the wall (124,95,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium/nodiagonal): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.986] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,96,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,96,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,96,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.987] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (124,96,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (124,96,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (124,96,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.988] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.989] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,447 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.990] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,444 - usr: null - src: the hull (124,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (124,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (124,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.991] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.992] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,98,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,98,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,98,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.993] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,98,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,98,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,98,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.993] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,99,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,99,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,99,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.995] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,99,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,99,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,99,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.995] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,100,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,100,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,100,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.996] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,100,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,100,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,100,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.997] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,101,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,101,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,101,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.998] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,101,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,101,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,101,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:55.999] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,102,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,102,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,102,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.000] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,102,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,102,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,102,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.001] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.188] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (76,118,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): smooth icon() - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.189] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (76,117,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): smooth icon() - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.190] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the wall (124,95,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium/nodiagonal) - call stack: - the wall (124,95,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium/nodiagonal): bitmask smooth() - the wall (124,95,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium/nodiagonal): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.191] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,96,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,96,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,96,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.192] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (124,96,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (124,96,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (124,96,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.268] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (71,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (71,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (71,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.269] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (70,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (70,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (70,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.270] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (67,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (67,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (67,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.271] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (64,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (64,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (64,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.272] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (61,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (61,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (61,82,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.272] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (112,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (112,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (112,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.273] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (110,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (110,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (110,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.274] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (109,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (109,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (109,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.275] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (108,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (108,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (108,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.276] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (90,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (90,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (90,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.276] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (89,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (89,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (89,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.277] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (82,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (82,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (82,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.278] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (81,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (81,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (81,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.279] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (80,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (80,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (80,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.279] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (76,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (76,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (76,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.282] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.283] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,447 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.290] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,444 - usr: null - src: the hull (124,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (124,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (124,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.291] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,97,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.292] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,98,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,98,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,98,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.293] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,98,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,98,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,98,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.294] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,99,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,99,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,99,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.295] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,99,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,99,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,99,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.296] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,100,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,100,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,100,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.296] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,100,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,100,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,100,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.297] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,101,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,101,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,101,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.298] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,101,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,101,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,101,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.299] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,102,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,102,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,102,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.300] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,102,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,102,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,102,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.301] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.302] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,437 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate/nodiagonal) - call stack: - the hull (135,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate/nodiagonal): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate/nodiagonal): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.303] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (134,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (134,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (134,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.303] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,440 - usr: null - src: the hull (133,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (133,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (133,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.304] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,437 - usr: null - src: the hull (129,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (129,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (129,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.305] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (128,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (128,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (128,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.306] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,440 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate/nodiagonal) - call stack: - the hull (127,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate/nodiagonal): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate/nodiagonal): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.372] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,103,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.372] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.374] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.375] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (133,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (133,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (133,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.376] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (129,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (129,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (129,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.376] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.377] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,104,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.378] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.379] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.380] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (133,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (133,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (133,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.381] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (129,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (129,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (129,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.382] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.383] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,105,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.384] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (139,106,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (139,106,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (139,106,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.392] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,106,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,106,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,106,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.393] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,106,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,106,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,106,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.394] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (123,106,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (123,106,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (123,106,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.396] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (141,105,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.397] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (141,104,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.400] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass) - src.loc: the floor (109,103,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): bitmask smooth() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.401] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass) - src.loc: the floor (108,103,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): bitmask smooth() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.401] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (141,103,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.402] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (141,102,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.403] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (91,102,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.404] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (90,102,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.405] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (94,101,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.420] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (93,102,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.422] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (92,102,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.423] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (93,101,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.424] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (107,101,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.431] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass) - src.loc: the floor (106,100,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): bitmask smooth() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.432] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass) - src.loc: the floor (106,99,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): bitmask smooth() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.434] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (101,99,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.435] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (110,99,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.443] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the floor (110,98,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.444] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (100,99,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.445] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (99,99,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.446] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (99,98,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.447] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (98,98,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.448] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (80,99,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.449] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass) - src.loc: the floor (76,99,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): bitmask smooth() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.450] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (87,98,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood/tile) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.452] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (87,97,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood/tile) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.453] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (86,98,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood/tile) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.454] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (86,97,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood/tile) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.455] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (80,98,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.456] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass) - src.loc: the floor (76,98,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): bitmask smooth() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.456] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass) - src.loc: the floor (76,97,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): bitmask smooth() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - the plastitanium glass table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plastitaniumglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.467] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass) - src.loc: the titanium tile (74,98,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/titanium/tiled/blue) - call stack: - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): smooth icon() - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.468] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass) - src.loc: the titanium tile (74,97,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/titanium/tiled/blue) - call stack: - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): smooth icon() - the reinforced plasma glass ta... (/obj/structure/table/reinforced/plasmarglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.469] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the titanium tile (62,98,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/titanium/tiled/yellow) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.470] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (141,97,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.471] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags) - src.loc: the snow (141,96,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/snow/airless) - call stack: - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): bitmask smooth() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - the sandbags (/obj/structure/barricade/sandbags): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.472] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (80,97,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.473] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (80,96,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.473] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (79,96,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.474] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (78,96,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.475] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the titanium tile (62,97,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/titanium/tiled/yellow) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.476] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (72,96,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.477] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (72,94,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.478] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the titanium tile (70,96,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/titanium/tiled/yellow) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.479] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the titanium tile (70,95,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/titanium/tiled/yellow) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.481] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the titanium tile (62,96,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/titanium/tiled/yellow) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.482] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the titanium tile (62,95,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/titanium/tiled/yellow) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.500] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (77,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (77,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (77,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.501] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (78,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (78,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (78,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.501] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (79,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (79,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (79,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.502] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (83,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (83,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (83,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.503] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (84,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (84,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (84,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.504] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (85,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (85,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (85,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.504] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the impervious iron wall (106,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/iron) - call stack: - the impervious iron wall (106,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/iron): bitmask smooth() - the impervious iron wall (106,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/iron): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.505] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (107,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (107,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (107,81,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.506] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass) - src.loc: the shuttle floor (72,95,13) (/turf/open/floor/mineral/plastitanium) - call stack: - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): bitmask smooth() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - the plasma glass table (/obj/structure/table/glass/plasmaglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.631] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (61,86,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (61,86,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (61,86,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.632] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (119,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (119,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (119,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.633] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (118,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (118,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (118,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.634] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (116,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (116,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (116,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.635] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (112,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (112,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (112,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.636] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (110,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (110,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (110,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.636] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden wall (88,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood) - call stack: - the wooden wall (88,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden wall (88,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.637] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden wall (87,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood) - call stack: - the wooden wall (87,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden wall (87,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.638] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden wall (86,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood) - call stack: - the wooden wall (86,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden wall (86,85,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.640] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (85,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (85,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (85,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.641] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (78,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (78,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (78,85,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.736] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,86,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,86,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,86,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.753] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,86,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,86,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,86,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.754] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,87,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,87,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,87,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.755] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,87,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,87,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,87,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.756] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.766] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,440 - usr: null - src: the hull (134,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (134,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (134,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.795] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,437 - usr: null - src: the hull (128,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (128,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (128,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.796] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,88,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.796] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (134,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (134,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (134,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.797] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,440 - usr: null - src: the hull (133,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (133,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (133,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.798] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,437 - usr: null - src: the hull (129,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (129,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (129,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.799] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the hull (128,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (128,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (128,89,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.800] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (133,90,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (133,90,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (133,90,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.802] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (129,90,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (129,90,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (129,90,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.803] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.803] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (137,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (137,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (137,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.812] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (136,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (136,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (136,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.813] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (135,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (135,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (135,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.814] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (134,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (134,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (134,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.815] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,447 - usr: null - src: the hull (133,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (133,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (133,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.990] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (110,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (110,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (110,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.991] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (108,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (108,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (108,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.992] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (107,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (107,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (107,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.993] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (106,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (106,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (106,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.994] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (105,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (105,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (105,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.995] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (85,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (85,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (85,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.996] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (81,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (81,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (81,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.997] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (78,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (78,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (78,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.998] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (70,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (70,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (70,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:56.999] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,444 - usr: null - src: the hull (129,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (129,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (129,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.012] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (128,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (128,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (128,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.013] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (127,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (127,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (127,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.014] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (126,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (126,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (126,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.015] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (125,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (125,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (125,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.016] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the hull (124,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (124,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (124,91,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.016] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,92,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,92,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,92,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.076] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the hull (124,92,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (124,92,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (124,92,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.077] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,93,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,93,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,93,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.078] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the wall (124,93,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium/nodiagonal) - call stack: - the wall (124,93,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium/nodiagonal): bitmask smooth() - the wall (124,93,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/plastitanium/nodiagonal): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.079] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,94,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,94,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,94,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.080] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the hull (138,95,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate) - call stack: - the hull (138,95,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the hull (138,95,13) (/turf/closed/wall/r_wall/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.209] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (119,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (119,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (119,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.222] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (120,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (120,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (120,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.223] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (89,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (89,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (89,87,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.224] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (62,88,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (62,88,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (62,88,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.453] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (117,99,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (117,99,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (117,99,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.454] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (103,99,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (103,99,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (103,99,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.469] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the window (89,99,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass) - call stack: - the window (89,99,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): bitmask smooth() - the window (89,99,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/opsglass): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.557] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (111,99,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (111,99,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (111,99,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.558] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (75,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (75,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (75,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.559] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (76,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (76,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (76,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.560] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (77,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (77,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (77,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.657] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (79,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (79,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (79,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.658] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (80,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (80,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (80,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:57.659] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wall (81,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate) - call stack: - the wall (81,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): bitmask smooth() - the wall (81,100,13) (/turf/closed/indestructible/syndicate): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:17:59.905] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: the ghost (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (107,144,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Mindstormy (/mob/dead/new_player): make me an observer() - Observe (/atom/movable/screen/lobby/button/observe): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=84;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - [2023-10-31 01:18:05.289] RUNTIME: runtime error: recursive_jsonify got an empty list after serialization (code/modules/logging/log_holder.dm:334) - proc name: stack trace (/proc/_stack_trace) - source file: code/__HELPERS/stack_trace.dm,4 - usr: (src) - src: null - call stack: - stack trace("recursive_jsonify got an empty...", "code/modules/logging/log_holde...", 334) - /datum/log_holder (/datum/log_holder): recursive jsonify(/list (/list), /list (/list)) - /datum/log_holder (/datum/log_holder): recursive jsonify(/list (/list), /list (/list)) - /datum/log_holder (/datum/log_holder): Log("manifest", "havelth3rock \\ Generic Utilit...", /list (/list)) - log manifest("havelth3rock", /datum/mind (/datum/mind), Generic Utility Robot (/mob/living/silicon/robot), 0) - /datum/manifest (/datum/manifest): build() - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): setup() - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): fire(0) - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): ignite(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:05.294] RUNTIME: runtime error: recursive_jsonify got an empty list after serialization (code/modules/logging/log_holder.dm:334) - proc name: stack trace (/proc/_stack_trace) - source file: code/__HELPERS/stack_trace.dm,4 - usr: (src) - src: null - call stack: - stack trace("recursive_jsonify got an empty...", "code/modules/logging/log_holde...", 334) - /datum/log_holder (/datum/log_holder): recursive jsonify(/list (/list), /list (/list)) - /datum/log_holder (/datum/log_holder): recursive jsonify(/list (/list), /list (/list)) - /datum/log_holder (/datum/log_holder): Log("manifest", "bluberry016 \\ X.E.D.S. \\ AI ...", /list (/list)) - log manifest("bluberry016", X.E.D.S. (/datum/mind), X.E.D.S. (/mob/living/silicon/ai), 0) - /datum/manifest (/datum/manifest): build() - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): setup() - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): fire(0) - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): ignite(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:05.305] RUNTIME: runtime error: recursive_jsonify got an empty list after serialization (code/modules/logging/log_holder.dm:334) - proc name: stack trace (/proc/_stack_trace) - source file: code/__HELPERS/stack_trace.dm,4 - usr: (src) - src: null - call stack: - stack trace("recursive_jsonify got an empty...", "code/modules/logging/log_holde...", 334) - /datum/log_holder (/datum/log_holder): recursive jsonify(/list (/list), /list (/list)) - /datum/log_holder (/datum/log_holder): recursive jsonify(/list (/list), /list (/list)) - /datum/log_holder (/datum/log_holder): Log("manifest", "inertinertia \\ A.B 17 Lite \\...", /list (/list)) - log manifest("inertinertia", /datum/mind (/datum/mind), A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), 0) - /datum/manifest (/datum/manifest): build() - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): setup() - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): fire(0) - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): ignite(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:05.307] RUNTIME: runtime error: recursive_jsonify got an empty list after serialization (code/modules/logging/log_holder.dm:334) - proc name: stack trace (/proc/_stack_trace) - source file: code/__HELPERS/stack_trace.dm,4 - usr: (src) - src: null - call stack: - stack trace("recursive_jsonify got an empty...", "code/modules/logging/log_holde...", 334) - /datum/log_holder (/datum/log_holder): recursive jsonify(/list (/list), /list (/list)) - /datum/log_holder (/datum/log_holder): recursive jsonify(/list (/list), /list (/list)) - /datum/log_holder (/datum/log_holder): Log("manifest", "rotax \\ Damascus Aether \\ Wi...", /list (/list)) - log manifest("rotax", /datum/mind (/datum/mind), Damascus Aether (/mob/living/carbon/human), 0) - /datum/manifest (/datum/manifest): build() - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): setup() - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): fire(0) - Ticker (/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker): ignite(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:06.791] RUNTIME: Game start took 40.1s [2023-10-31 01:18:49.840] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: the ghost (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (107,144,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Enansal (/mob/dead/new_player): make me an observer() - Observe (/atom/movable/screen/lobby/button/observe): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=94;icon-y=7;left=1;butt...") - Observe (/atom/movable/screen/lobby/button/observe): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=94;icon-y=7;left=1;butt...") - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): Invoke() - world: push usr(Enansal (/mob/dead/new_player), /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback)) - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): InvokeAsync() - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.294] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: find type in direction (/atom/proc/find_type_in_direction) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,326 - usr: null - src: the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air) - src.loc: the plating (198,47,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating) - call stack: - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): find type in direction(1) - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): calculate adjacencies() - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): calculate adjacencies() - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): smooth icon() - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.295] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: find type in direction (/atom/proc/find_type_in_direction) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,326 - usr: null - src: the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air) - src.loc: the plating (198,47,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating) - call stack: - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): find type in direction(2) - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): calculate adjacencies() - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): calculate adjacencies() - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): smooth icon() - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.295] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: find type in direction (/atom/proc/find_type_in_direction) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,326 - usr: null - src: the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air) - src.loc: the plating (198,47,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating) - call stack: - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): find type in direction(4) - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): calculate adjacencies() - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): calculate adjacencies() - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): smooth icon() - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.296] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: find type in direction (/atom/proc/find_type_in_direction) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,326 - usr: null - src: the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air) - src.loc: the plating (198,47,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating) - call stack: - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): find type in direction(8) - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): calculate adjacencies() - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): calculate adjacencies() - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): smooth icon() - the iron pressure tank (Air) (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/tank/air): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.389] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the pod floor (196,43,13) (/turf/open/floor/pod/light) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.391] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the pod floor (195,43,13) (/turf/open/floor/pod/light) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): bitmask smooth() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.392] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (175,44,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.393] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the table (/obj/structure/table) - src.loc: the floor (172,44,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the table (/obj/structure/table): bitmask smooth() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.440] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the table (/obj/structure/table) - src.loc: the floor (172,43,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the table (/obj/structure/table): bitmask smooth() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.441] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (175,43,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.442] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (175,42,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.443] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (174,41,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.444] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (173,41,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.700] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (182,58,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.791] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (182,57,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.792] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the full tile window (/obj/structure/window/fulltile) - src.loc: the plating (193,55,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating) - call stack: - the full tile window (/obj/structure/window/fulltile): bitmask smooth() - the full tile window (/obj/structure/window/fulltile): smooth icon() - the full tile window (/obj/structure/window/fulltile): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.793] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (182,56,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.794] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (182,55,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.795] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (186,53,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.797] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (185,53,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.798] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (184,53,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.799] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (188,51,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.808] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (174,33,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (174,33,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.810] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (174,34,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (174,34,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.811] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (174,35,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (174,35,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.811] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (174,36,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (174,36,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.812] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (174,32,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (174,32,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.813] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (174,37,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (174,37,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.813] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (173,32,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (173,32,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.814] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (173,37,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (173,37,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.815] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (172,32,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (172,32,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.815] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (172,37,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (172,37,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.816] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (171,32,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (171,32,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.817] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (170,32,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (170,32,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.818] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (169,32,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (169,32,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.818] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (168,32,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (168,32,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.819] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (168,33,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (168,33,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.820] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (168,34,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (168,34,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.820] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (168,35,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (168,35,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.825] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (202,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (202,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.826] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (201,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (201,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.827] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (200,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (200,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.872] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (199,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (199,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.873] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (198,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (198,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.874] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (197,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (197,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.875] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (196,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (196,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.876] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (195,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (195,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.877] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (194,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (194,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.878] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (193,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (193,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.925] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (192,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (192,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.927] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (191,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (191,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.928] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (190,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (190,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.930] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (189,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (189,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.931] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (188,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (188,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.933] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (187,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (187,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.934] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (186,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (186,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.935] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (185,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (185,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:18:59.936] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (184,30,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (184,30,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.115] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (171,41,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (171,41,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (171,41,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.116] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the rock (164,41,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random/volcanic) - call stack: - the rock (164,41,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random/volcanic): bitmask smooth() - the rock (164,41,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random/volcanic): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.222] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (199,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (199,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (199,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.223] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (198,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (198,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (198,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.224] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (194,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (194,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (194,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.224] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (193,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (193,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (193,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.225] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the rock (192,40,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random/volcanic) - call stack: - the rock (192,40,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random/volcanic): bitmask smooth() - the rock (192,40,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random/volcanic): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.226] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (191,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (191,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (191,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.271] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (180,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (180,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (180,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.272] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (179,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (179,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (179,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.272] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (178,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (178,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (178,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.273] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (177,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (177,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (177,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.274] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (176,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (176,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (176,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.277] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (195,66,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.278] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker) - src.loc: the floor (178,62,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): bitmask smooth() - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): smooth icon() - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.279] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker) - src.loc: the floor (177,62,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): bitmask smooth() - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): smooth icon() - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.280] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker) - src.loc: the floor (176,62,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): bitmask smooth() - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): smooth icon() - the gambling table (/obj/structure/table/wood/poker): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.281] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the table (/obj/structure/table) - src.loc: the floor (185,60,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the table (/obj/structure/table): bitmask smooth() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.282] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the table (/obj/structure/table) - src.loc: the floor (183,60,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the table (/obj/structure/table): bitmask smooth() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - the table (/obj/structure/table): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.302] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the floor (173,41,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the floor (173,41,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.303] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the floor (197,40,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/grimy) - call stack: - the floor (197,40,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/grimy): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.321] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the full tile window (/obj/structure/window/fulltile) - src.loc: the plating (192,59,13) (/turf/open/floor/plating) - call stack: - the full tile window (/obj/structure/window/fulltile): bitmask smooth() - the full tile window (/obj/structure/window/fulltile): smooth icon() - the full tile window (/obj/structure/window/fulltile): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.323] RUNTIME: runtime error: /obj/structure/table/reinforced called smooth_icon() without being on a z-level - proc name: smooth icon (/atom/proc/smooth_icon) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,172 - usr: null - src: the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced) - src.loc: the food cart (/obj/machinery/food_cart) - call stack: - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - the reinforced table (/obj/structure/table/reinforced): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.323] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood) - src.loc: the floor (186,58,13) (/turf/open/floor/wood) - call stack: - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): bitmask smooth() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - the wooden table (/obj/structure/table/wood): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.324] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (172,41,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (172,41,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (172,41,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.325] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (174,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (174,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (174,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.326] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (175,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (175,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (175,40,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.350] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the floor (196,40,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/grimy) - call stack: - the floor (196,40,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/grimy): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.351] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the floor (195,40,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/grimy) - call stack: - the floor (195,40,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/grimy): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.351] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the coastline (190,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast/corner) - call stack: - the coastline (190,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast/corner): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.352] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the coastline (189,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast) - call stack: - the coastline (189,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.387] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the coastline (188,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast) - call stack: - the coastline (188,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.388] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the coastline (187,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast) - call stack: - the coastline (187,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.389] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the coastline (186,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast) - call stack: - the coastline (186,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.390] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the coastline (185,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast) - call stack: - the coastline (185,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.390] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the coastline (184,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast) - call stack: - the coastline (184,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.391] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the coastline (183,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast) - call stack: - the coastline (183,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.392] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the coastline (182,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast) - call stack: - the coastline (182,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.393] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: the coastline (181,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast/corner) - call stack: - the coastline (181,40,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/coast/corner): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.394] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.reset cooldowns(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the volcanic floor (174,38,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins) - call stack: - the volcanic floor (174,38,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.395] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.reset cooldowns(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the volcanic floor (173,38,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins) - call stack: - the volcanic floor (173,38,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.396] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.reset cooldowns(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the volcanic floor (172,38,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins) - call stack: - the volcanic floor (172,38,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.399] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.reset cooldowns(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the volcanic floor (175,37,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins) - call stack: - the volcanic floor (175,37,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.401] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.reset cooldowns(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the volcanic floor (175,36,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins) - call stack: - the volcanic floor (175,36,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.402] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.reset cooldowns(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the volcanic floor (175,35,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins) - call stack: - the volcanic floor (175,35,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.404] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.reset cooldowns(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the volcanic floor (167,35,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins) - call stack: - the volcanic floor (167,35,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.405] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.reset cooldowns(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the volcanic floor (175,34,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins) - call stack: - the volcanic floor (175,34,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.406] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.reset cooldowns(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the volcanic floor (167,34,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins) - call stack: - the volcanic floor (167,34,13) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface/no_ruins): process cell(77) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.535] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the rock (200,61,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random/volcanic) - call stack: - the rock (200,61,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random/volcanic): bitmask smooth() - the rock (200,61,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random/volcanic): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.626] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (199,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (199,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (199,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.627] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (196,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (196,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (196,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.628] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (195,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (195,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (195,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.629] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (193,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (193,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (193,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.630] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (192,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (192,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (192,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.631] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden wall (188,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal) - call stack: - the wooden wall (188,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal): bitmask smooth() - the wooden wall (188,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.632] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden wall (187,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal) - call stack: - the wooden wall (187,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal): bitmask smooth() - the wooden wall (187,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.680] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (174,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (174,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (174,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.740] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the sandstone wall (175,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone) - call stack: - the sandstone wall (175,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): bitmask smooth() - the sandstone wall (175,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/sandstone): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.797] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden wall (186,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal) - call stack: - the wooden wall (186,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal): bitmask smooth() - the wooden wall (186,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.798] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden wall (185,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal) - call stack: - the wooden wall (185,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal): bitmask smooth() - the wooden wall (185,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.798] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden wall (184,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal) - call stack: - the wooden wall (184,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal): bitmask smooth() - the wooden wall (184,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.799] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the wooden wall (183,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal) - call stack: - the wooden wall (183,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal): bitmask smooth() - the wooden wall (183,61,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/wood/nonmetal): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.995] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the wall (172,37,13) (/turf/closed/wall) - call stack: - the wall (172,37,13) (/turf/closed/wall): bitmask smooth() - the wall (172,37,13) (/turf/closed/wall): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:00.996] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the wall (170,37,13) (/turf/closed/wall) - call stack: - the wall (170,37,13) (/turf/closed/wall): bitmask smooth() - the wall (170,37,13) (/turf/closed/wall): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:06.866] RUNTIME: runtime error: Invalid timer: Timer: Timer: 3064 ([0x210038a1]), TTR: 47465, wait:10 Flags: 76, callBack: [0x2100389d], callBack.object: /datum/looping_sound/deep_fryer(/datum/looping_sound/deep_fryer), callBack.delegate:start_sound_loop, source: code/datums/looping_sounds/_looping_sound.dm:220Prev: NULL, Next: NULL, SPENT(47468), QDELETED, NO CALLBACK world.time: 2668.5, head_offset: 2400, practical_offset: 538, REALTIMEOFDAY: 47468 - proc name: fire (/datum/controller/subsystem/timer/fire) - source file: code/controllers/subsystem/timer.dm,125 - usr: null - src: Sound Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/timer/sound_loops) - call stack: - Sound Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/timer/sound_loops): fire(0) - Sound Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/timer/sound_loops): fire(0) - Sound Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/timer/sound_loops): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:19:53.509] RUNTIME: runtime error: Found undeleted query, check the sql.log for the undeleted query and add a delete call to the query datum. (code/controllers/subsystem/dbcore.dm:119) - proc name: stack trace (/proc/_stack_trace) - source file: code/__HELPERS/stack_trace.dm,4 - usr: (src) - src: null - call stack: - stack trace("Found undeleted query, check t...", "code/controllers/subsystem/dbc...", 119) - Database (/datum/controller/subsystem/dbcore): fire(0) - Database (/datum/controller/subsystem/dbcore): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:20:13.973] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.visual_delay - proc name: process (/datum/move_loop/process) - source file: code/controllers/subsystem/movement/movement_types.dm,115 - usr: null - src: /datum/move_loop/has_target/di... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/dist_bound/move_to) - call stack: - /datum/move_loop/has_target/di... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/dist_bound/move_to): process() - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): pour bucket(/list (/list)) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): fire(0) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): fire(0) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:20:17.012] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.client - proc name: open (/datum/tgui/proc/open) - source file: code/modules/tgui/tgui.dm,85 - usr: null - src: /datum/tgui (/datum/tgui) - call stack: - /datum/tgui (/datum/tgui): open() - Kraven Lockharte (Research Dir... (/obj/item/modular_computer/pda/heads/rd): update tablet open uis(null) - /datum/computer_file/program/b... (/datum/computer_file/program/budgetorders): kill program(null) - /datum/computer_file/program/b... (/datum/computer_file/program/budgetorders): event networkfailure(0) - Kraven Lockharte (Research Dir... (/obj/item/modular_computer/pda/heads/rd): process(2) - Objects (/datum/controller/subsystem/processing/obj): fire(0) - Objects (/datum/controller/subsystem/processing/obj): fire(0) - Objects (/datum/controller/subsystem/processing/obj): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:21:21.163] RUNTIME: ### VarEdit by Rageguy505/(Space Clown): /obj/machinery/netpod server_ref= => /datum/weakref [2023-10-31 01:21:25.277] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: Pilk Smirnov (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the reinforced floor (168,154,2) (/turf/open/floor/engine) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(Pilk Smirnov (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Pilk Smirnov (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Pilk Smirnov (/mob/dead/observer)) - Pilk Smirnov (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - Pilk Smirnov (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Pilk Smirnov (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - ... - Pilk Smirnov (/mob/living/carbon/human): Bump(the supermatter crystal (/obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/engine)) - Pilk Smirnov (/mob/living/carbon/human): Bump(the supermatter crystal (/obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/engine)) - Pilk Smirnov (/mob/living/carbon/human): Move(the reinforced floor (169,154,2) (/turf/open/floor/engine), 4, 0, 1) - Pilk Smirnov (/mob/living/carbon/human): Move(the reinforced floor (169,154,2) (/turf/open/floor/engine), 4, null) - Pilk Smirnov (/mob/living/carbon/human): Move(the reinforced floor (169,154,2) (/turf/open/floor/engine), 4) - the supermatter crystal (/obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/engine): process atmos() - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:21:56.940] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null._listen_lookup - proc name: add mutation (/datum/dna/proc/add_mutation) - source file: code/datums/dna.dm,144 - usr: Crzy82 (/mob/dead/new_player) - src: /datum/dna (/datum/dna) - usr.loc: null - call stack: - /datum/dna (/datum/dna): add mutation(Clumsiness (/datum/mutation/human/clumsy), 3, null) - /datum/dna (/datum/dna): copy dna(/datum/dna (/datum/dna)) - /datum/manifest (/datum/manifest): inject(Bonkers (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Crzy82 (/mob/dead/new_player): AttemptLateSpawn("Clown") - /datum/latejoin_menu (/datum/latejoin_menu): ui act("select_job", /list (/list), /datum/tgui (/datum/tgui), /datum/ui_state/new_player_sta... (/datum/ui_state/new_player_state)) - /datum/tgui (/datum/tgui): on act message("select_job", /list (/list), /datum/ui_state/new_player_sta... (/datum/ui_state/new_player_state)) - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): Invoke() - world: push usr(Crzy82 (/mob/dead/new_player), /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback)) - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): InvokeAsync() - Verb Manager (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager): run verb queue() - Verb Manager (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager): fire(0) - Verb Manager (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:22:38.158] RUNTIME: ### VarEdit by Mindstormy/(Chance Pattington): /obj/item/spellbook uses=0 => 4 [2023-10-31 01:23:28.266] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot modify null.dismantle_cooldown. - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the asteroid sand (186,78,6) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/airless) - call stack: - the asteroid sand (186,78,6) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/airless): process cell(569) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:23:28.268] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot modify null.dismantle_cooldown. - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the asteroid sand (190,78,6) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/airless) - call stack: - the asteroid sand (190,78,6) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/airless): process cell(569) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:23:28.269] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot modify null.dismantle_cooldown. - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the asteroid sand (189,78,6) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/airless) - call stack: - the asteroid sand (189,78,6) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/airless): process cell(569) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:23:28.270] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot modify null.dismantle_cooldown. - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the asteroid sand (187,78,6) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/airless) - call stack: - the asteroid sand (187,78,6) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/airless): process cell(569) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:23:28.270] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot modify null.dismantle_cooldown. - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the asteroid sand (188,78,6) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/airless) - call stack: - the asteroid sand (188,78,6) (/turf/open/misc/asteroid/airless): process cell(569) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:23:48.441] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.visual_delay - proc name: process (/datum/move_loop/process) - source file: code/controllers/subsystem/movement/movement_types.dm,115 - usr: null - src: /datum/move_loop/has_target/di... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/dist_bound/move_to) - call stack: - /datum/move_loop/has_target/di... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/dist_bound/move_to): process() - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): pour bucket(/list (/list)) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): fire(0) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): fire(0) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:24:21.138] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e405] | /obj/effect/spawner/structure/window/reinforced was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.139] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e4e9] | /obj/effect/spawner/structure/window/reinforced was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.139] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e451] | /obj/effect/spawner/structure/window/reinforced was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.140] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e2cc] | /obj/effect/spawner/structure/window/reinforced was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.140] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x2019a57] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/trimline/brown/filled/line was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.140] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e387] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/trimline/brown/filled/line was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.141] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e3ff] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/trimline/brown/filled/line was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.141] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e4fc] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/trimline/brown/filled/line was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.142] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e413] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/trimline/brown/filled/line was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.142] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e504] | /obj/effect/spawner/structure/window/reinforced was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.142] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201760f] | /obj/effect/spawner/structure/window/reinforced was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.143] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e408] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/trimline/brown/filled/line was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.143] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x2016af2] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/loading_area was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.143] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e4d7] | /obj/effect/spawner/structure/window/reinforced was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.144] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e3e5] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/trimline/brown/filled/line was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.144] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e4c7] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/loading_area was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.145] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201d9d2] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/trimline/brown/filled/line was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.145] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e406] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/trimline/brown/filled/line was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.145] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e3f3] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/trimline/brown/filled/line was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.146] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e4f0] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/trimline/brown/filled/line was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.146] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e649] | /obj/effect/turf_decal/trimline/brown/filled/line was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.146] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201e2fa] | /obj/effect/spawner/structure/window/reinforced was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.146] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201765b] | /obj/effect/spawner/structure/window/reinforced was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:21.147] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x2019a7d] | /obj/effect/mapping_helpers/airlock/access/all was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:27.110] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: Dalya Harris (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (170,33,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/smooth_edge) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(Dalya Harris (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Dalya Harris (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Dalya Harris (/mob/dead/observer)) - Dalya Harris (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - Dalya Harris (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Dalya Harris (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Dalya Harris (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Dalya Harris (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - Dalya Harris (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): return to old body() - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): full avatar disconnect(0, null) - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): on safe disconnect(Dalya Harris (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Dalya Harris (/mob/living/carbon/human): SendSignal("bitrunner_disconnect", /list (/list)) - the hololadder (/obj/structure/hololadder): disconnect(Dalya Harris (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - the hololadder (/obj/structure/hololadder): on enter(the floor (170,33,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/smooth_edge), Dalya Harris (/mob/living/carbon/human), the floor (170,34,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark/textured_large), null) - [2023-10-31 01:24:34.086] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x201c8c0] | /obj/item/language_manual/roundstart_species was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 2) [2023-10-31 01:24:55.857] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.client - proc name: open (/datum/tgui/proc/open) - source file: code/modules/tgui/tgui.dm,85 - usr: null - src: /datum/tgui (/datum/tgui) - call stack: - /datum/tgui (/datum/tgui): open() - Josh Barrett (Station Engineer... (/obj/item/modular_computer/pda/engineering): update tablet open uis(null) - /datum/computer_file/program/s... (/datum/computer_file/program/supermatter_monitor): kill program(null) - /datum/computer_file/program/s... (/datum/computer_file/program/supermatter_monitor): kill program(null) - /datum/computer_file/program/s... (/datum/computer_file/program/supermatter_monitor): event networkfailure(0) - Josh Barrett (Station Engineer... (/obj/item/modular_computer/pda/engineering): process(2) - Objects (/datum/controller/subsystem/processing/obj): fire(0) - Objects (/datum/controller/subsystem/processing/obj): fire(0) - Objects (/datum/controller/subsystem/processing/obj): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:24:55.869] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.reset cooldowns(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the sand (190,62,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/sand) - call stack: - the sand (190,62,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/sand): process cell(731) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:24:56.634] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.reset cooldowns(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the sand (190,58,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/sand) - call stack: - the sand (190,58,13) (/turf/open/misc/beach/sand): process cell(732) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:24:59.590] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.reset cooldowns(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,346 - usr: null - src: the floor (180,46,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/stairs/right) - call stack: - the floor (180,46,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron/stairs/right): process cell(735) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:25:06.558] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: Andre Lester (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (85,105,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron/white) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(Andre Lester (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Andre Lester (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Andre Lester (/mob/dead/observer)) - Andre Lester (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - Andre Lester (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Andre Lester (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Andre Lester (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Andre Lester (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - Andre Lester (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - Xarros (/client): Move(the floor (84,105,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron/white), 8) - Andre Lester (/mob/living/carbon/human): keyLoop(Xarros (/client)) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): fire(0) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:25:18.330] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: the ghost (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (107,144,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - AIIA (/mob/dead/new_player): make me an observer() - Observe (/atom/movable/screen/lobby/button/observe): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=79;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - [2023-10-31 01:25:35.209] RUNTIME: runtime error: Invalid timer: Timer: Timer: 27313 ([0x2109a16f]), TTR: 51352, wait:10 Flags: 76, callBack: [0x2109ff4d], callBack.object: /datum/looping_sound/deep_fryer(/datum/looping_sound/deep_fryer), callBack.delegate:start_sound_loop, source: code/datums/looping_sounds/_looping_sound.dm:220Prev: NULL, Next: NULL, SPENT(51352), QDELETED, NO CALLBACK world.time: 6342.5, head_offset: 6000, practical_offset: 686, REALTIMEOFDAY: 51352 - proc name: fire (/datum/controller/subsystem/timer/fire) - source file: code/controllers/subsystem/timer.dm,125 - usr: null - src: Sound Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/timer/sound_loops) - call stack: - Sound Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/timer/sound_loops): fire(0) - Sound Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/timer/sound_loops): fire(0) - Sound Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/timer/sound_loops): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:26:01.340] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.air - proc name: merge (/datum/pipeline/proc/merge) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/datum_pipeline.dm,173 - usr: A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot) - src: /datum/pipeline (/datum/pipeline) - usr.loc: space (173,143,2) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - /datum/pipeline (/datum/pipeline): merge(null) - /datum/pipeline (/datum/pipeline): add member(the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w), the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w)) - the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w): add member(the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w)) - the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w): on construction(A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), "#EEEEEE", 2) - 4-way pipe manifold fitting (/obj/item/pipe/quaternary): wrench act(A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), the rapid pipe dispenser (/obj/item/pipe_dispenser)) - the rapid pipe dispenser (/obj/item/pipe_dispenser): pre attack(the omni pipe (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/simple), A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), "icon-x=14;icon-y=18;left=1;but...") - the rapid pipe dispenser (/obj/item/pipe_dispenser): melee attack chain(A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), the omni pipe (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/simple), "icon-x=14;icon-y=18;left=1;but...") - A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot): ClickOn(the omni pipe (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/simple), "icon-x=14;icon-y=18;left=1;but...") - the omni pipe (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/simple): Click(space (173,144,2) (/turf/open/space), "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=14;icon-y=18;left=1;but...") - [2023-10-31 01:26:01.342] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.add member(). - proc name: add member (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/add_member) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/datum_pipeline.dm,194 - usr: A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot) - src: the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w) - usr.loc: space (173,143,2) (/turf/open/space) - src.loc: space (174,144,2) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w): add member(the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w)) - the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w): on construction(A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), "#EEEEEE", 2) - 4-way pipe manifold fitting (/obj/item/pipe/quaternary): wrench act(A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), the rapid pipe dispenser (/obj/item/pipe_dispenser)) - the rapid pipe dispenser (/obj/item/pipe_dispenser): pre attack(the omni pipe (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/simple), A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), "icon-x=14;icon-y=18;left=1;but...") - the rapid pipe dispenser (/obj/item/pipe_dispenser): melee attack chain(A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), the omni pipe (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/simple), "icon-x=14;icon-y=18;left=1;but...") - A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot): ClickOn(the omni pipe (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/simple), "icon-x=14;icon-y=18;left=1;but...") - the omni pipe (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/simple): Click(space (173,144,2) (/turf/open/space), "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=14;icon-y=18;left=1;but...") - [2023-10-31 01:26:37.789] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.add member(). - proc name: add member (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/add_member) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/datum_pipeline.dm,194 - usr: A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot) - src: the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w) - usr.loc: space (176,143,2) (/turf/open/space) - src.loc: space (176,142,2) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w): add member(the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w)) - the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w): on construction(A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), "#EEEEEE", 4) - 4-way pipe manifold fitting (/obj/item/pipe/quaternary): wrench act(A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), the rapid pipe dispenser (/obj/item/pipe_dispenser)) - the rapid pipe dispenser (/obj/item/pipe_dispenser): pre attack(the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w), A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), "icon-x=25;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - the rapid pipe dispenser (/obj/item/pipe_dispenser): melee attack chain(A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w), "icon-x=25;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot): ClickOn(the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w), "icon-x=25;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w): Click(space (175,142,2) (/turf/open/space), "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=25;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - [2023-10-31 01:26:37.790] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.air - proc name: merge (/datum/pipeline/proc/merge) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/datum_pipeline.dm,173 - usr: A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot) - src: /datum/pipeline (/datum/pipeline) - usr.loc: space (176,143,2) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - /datum/pipeline (/datum/pipeline): merge(null) - /datum/pipeline (/datum/pipeline): add member(the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w), the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w)) - the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w): add member(the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w)) - the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w): on construction(A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), "#EEEEEE", 4) - 4-way pipe manifold fitting (/obj/item/pipe/quaternary): wrench act(A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), the rapid pipe dispenser (/obj/item/pipe_dispenser)) - the rapid pipe dispenser (/obj/item/pipe_dispenser): pre attack(the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w), A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), "icon-x=25;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - the rapid pipe dispenser (/obj/item/pipe_dispenser): melee attack chain(A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot), the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w), "icon-x=25;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - A.B 17 Lite (/mob/living/silicon/robot): ClickOn(the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w), "icon-x=25;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - the omni 4-way pipe manifold (/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/manifold4w): Click(space (175,142,2) (/turf/open/space), "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=25;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - [2023-10-31 01:27:55.651] RUNTIME: runtime error: type mismatch: null ** 2 - proc name: in fov (/mob/living/proc/in_fov) - source file: code/modules/mob/living/living_fov.dm,38 - usr: John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human) - src: Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human) - usr.loc: the floor (43,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: the floor (53,144,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human): in fov(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human), 1) - play fov effect(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human), 5, "footstep", 4, 1, 0, 15, /list (/list)) - /datum/element/footstep (/datum/element/footstep): play humanstep(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human), the floor (42,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron), 4, 0, null, 1) - John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human): SendSignal("movable_moved", /list (/list)) - John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human): Moved(the floor (42,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron), 4, 0, null, 1) - John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human): Moved(the floor (42,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron), 4, 0, null, 1) - John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human): Move(the floor (43,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron), 4, 0, 1) - John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human): Move(the floor (43,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron), 4, 0, 1) - John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human): Move(the floor (43,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron), 4, null) - John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human): Move(the floor (43,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron), 4) - John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human): Move(the floor (43,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron), 4) - Rotax (/client): Move(the floor (43,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron), 4) - John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human): keyLoop(Rotax (/client)) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): fire(0) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.601] RUNTIME: runtime error: undefined variable /turf/closed/indestructible/binary/var/run_later - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,276 - usr: null - src: space (40,110,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (40,110,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.602] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (40,111,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (40,111,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.603] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (39,112,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (39,112,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.604] RUNTIME: runtime error: undefined variable /turf/closed/mineral/random/var/run_later - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,276 - usr: null - src: space (40,118,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (40,118,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.605] RUNTIME: runtime error: undefined variable /turf/closed/mineral/random/var/run_later - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,276 - usr: null - src: space (39,117,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (39,117,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.606] RUNTIME: runtime error: undefined variable /turf/closed/mineral/random/var/run_later - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,276 - usr: null - src: space (40,119,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (40,119,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.608] RUNTIME: runtime error: undefined variable /turf/closed/mineral/random/var/run_later - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,276 - usr: null - src: space (40,120,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (40,120,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(0) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.763] RUNTIME: runtime error: undefined variable /turf/closed/mineral/random/var/run_later - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,276 - usr: null - src: space (49,126,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,126,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.858] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,127,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,127,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.859] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,128,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,128,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.860] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,129,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,129,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.861] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,130,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,130,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.862] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,131,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,131,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.863] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,132,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,132,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.912] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,133,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,133,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.913] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,134,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,134,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.914] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,135,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,135,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.960] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,136,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,136,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.961] RUNTIME: runtime error: undefined variable /turf/closed/mineral/random/var/run_later - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,276 - usr: null - src: space (49,137,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,137,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.962] RUNTIME: runtime error: undefined variable /turf/closed/mineral/random/var/run_later - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,276 - usr: null - src: space (49,138,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,138,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.963] RUNTIME: runtime error: undefined variable /turf/closed/mineral/random/var/run_later - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,276 - usr: null - src: space (49,139,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,139,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.964] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,140,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,140,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.965] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,141,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,141,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:27:59.966] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,142,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,142,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:00.014] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,143,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,143,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:00.015] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,144,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,144,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:00.016] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot execute null.archive(). - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,281 - usr: null - src: space (49,145,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,145,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:00.017] RUNTIME: runtime error: undefined variable /turf/closed/mineral/random/var/run_later - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,276 - usr: null - src: space (49,146,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,146,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:00.018] RUNTIME: runtime error: undefined variable /turf/closed/mineral/random/var/run_later - proc name: process cell (/turf/open/process_cell) - source file: code/modules/atmospherics/environmental/LINDA_turf_tile.dm,276 - usr: null - src: space (49,147,13) (/turf/open/space) - call stack: - space (49,147,13) (/turf/open/space): process cell(1060) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): process active turfs(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): fire(1) - Atmospherics (/datum/controller/subsystem/air): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:01.120] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the rock (47,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random) - call stack: - the rock (47,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random): bitmask smooth() - the rock (47,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(0) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:01.169] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the rock (44,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random) - call stack: - the rock (44,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random): bitmask smooth() - the rock (44,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:01.170] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the rock (43,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random) - call stack: - the rock (43,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random): bitmask smooth() - the rock (43,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:01.171] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the rock (42,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random) - call stack: - the rock (42,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random): bitmask smooth() - the rock (42,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:01.172] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,425 - usr: null - src: the rock (41,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random) - call stack: - the rock (41,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random): bitmask smooth() - the rock (41,148,13) (/turf/closed/mineral/random): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:01.388] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,426 - usr: null - src: the wall (37,117,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/titanium) - call stack: - the wall (37,117,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/titanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (37,117,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/titanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:01.490] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,427 - usr: null - src: the wall (35,117,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/titanium) - call stack: - the wall (35,117,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/titanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (35,117,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/titanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:01.492] RUNTIME: runtime error: bad index - proc name: bitmask smooth (/atom/proc/bitmask_smooth) - source file: code/__HELPERS/icon_smoothing.dm,428 - usr: null - src: the wall (39,116,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/titanium) - call stack: - the wall (39,116,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/titanium): bitmask smooth() - the wall (39,116,13) (/turf/closed/wall/mineral/titanium): smooth icon() - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): fire(1) - Icon Smoothing (/datum/controller/subsystem/icon_smooth): ignite(1) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:05.624] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (48,146,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer)) - Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Reider Meza (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - Reider Meza (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - Maskenary (/client): Move(the floor (48,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron), 2) - Reider Meza (/mob/living/carbon/human): keyLoop(Maskenary (/client)) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): fire(0) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:06.025] RUNTIME: runtime error: Mob with client has been deleted. (code/modules/mob/mob.dm:29) - proc name: stack trace (/proc/_stack_trace) - source file: code/__HELPERS/stack_trace.dm,4 - usr: the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter) - src: null - usr.loc: the water (/obj/effect/dummy/phased_mob) - call stack: - stack trace("Mob with client has been delet...", "code/modules/mob/mob.dm", 29) - Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human): Destroy(0) - Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human): Destroy(0) - Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human): Destroy(0) - Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human): Destroy(0) - qdel(Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human), 0) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): on victim consumed(Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): consume victim(Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): try enter jaunt(the blood (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/trail_holder), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): do bloodcrawl(the blood (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/trail_holder), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): cast(the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): Activate(the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): PreActivate(the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): Trigger(null, null) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/atom/movable/screen/movable/action_button): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=21;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - Voracious Blood Crawl (/atom/movable/screen/movable/action_button): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=21;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): Invoke() - world: push usr(the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter), /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback)) - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): InvokeAsync() - [2023-10-31 01:28:06.052] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: Alec Petrov (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (51,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(Alec Petrov (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Alec Petrov (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Alec Petrov (/mob/dead/observer)) - Alec Petrov (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - Alec Petrov (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Alec Petrov (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - ... - Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human): Destroy(0) - qdel(Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human), 0) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): on victim consumed(Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): consume victim(Alec Petrov (/mob/living/carbon/human), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): do bloodcrawl(the blood (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/trail_holder), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): Activate(the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): Trigger(null, null) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/atom/movable/screen/movable/action_button): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=21;icon-y=13;left=1;but...") - world: push usr(the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter), /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback)) - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): InvokeAsync() - [2023-10-31 01:28:07.396] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.visual_delay - proc name: process (/datum/move_loop/process) - source file: code/controllers/subsystem/movement/movement_types.dm,115 - usr: null - src: /datum/move_loop/has_target/mo... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/move_towards) - call stack: - /datum/move_loop/has_target/mo... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/move_towards): process() - Movement Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement): pour bucket(/list (/list)) - Movement Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement): fire(0) - Movement Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:09.500] RUNTIME: runtime error: Missing value for 'view' in getviewsize(), defaulting to world.view! (code/__HELPERS/view.dm:3) - proc name: stack trace (/proc/_stack_trace) - source file: code/__HELPERS/stack_trace.dm,4 - usr: Space Clown (/mob/dead/observer) - src: null - usr.loc: the floor (45,146,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - stack trace("Missing value for \'view\' in ...", "code/__HELPERS/view.dm", 3) - getviewsize(0) - /datum/view_data (/datum/view_data): setTo(0, 0) - Rageguy505 (/client): rescale view(-1, 0, 14) - Space Clown (/mob/dead/observer): Add View Range(-1) - Space Clown (/mob/dead/observer): MouseWheelOn(the floor (48,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron), 0, 120, "icon-x=9;icon-y=26;shift=1;scr...") - the floor (48,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron): MouseWheel(0, 120, "map", "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=9;icon-y=26;shift=1;scr...") - [2023-10-31 01:28:10.268] RUNTIME: runtime error: Missing value for 'view' in getviewsize(), defaulting to world.view! (code/__HELPERS/view.dm:3) - proc name: stack trace (/proc/_stack_trace) - source file: code/__HELPERS/stack_trace.dm,4 - usr: Space Clown (/mob/dead/observer) - src: null - usr.loc: the floor (45,146,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - stack trace("Missing value for \'view\' in ...", "code/__HELPERS/view.dm", 3) - getviewsize(0) - /datum/view_data (/datum/view_data): setTo(0, 0) - Rageguy505 (/client): rescale view(-1, 0, 14) - Space Clown (/mob/dead/observer): Add View Range(-1) - Space Clown (/mob/dead/observer): MouseWheelOn(the floor (50,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron), 0, 120, "icon-x=17;icon-y=19;shift=1;sc...") - the floor (50,145,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron): MouseWheel(0, 120, "map", "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=17;icon-y=19;shift=1;sc...") - [2023-10-31 01:28:42.316] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.visual_delay - proc name: process (/datum/move_loop/process) - source file: code/controllers/subsystem/movement/movement_types.dm,115 - usr: null - src: /datum/move_loop/has_target/mo... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/move_towards) - call stack: - /datum/move_loop/has_target/mo... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/move_towards): process() - Movement Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement): pour bucket(/list (/list)) - Movement Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement): fire(0) - Movement Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:28:58.198] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: the ghost (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (107,144,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(the ghost (/mob/dead/observer)) - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - the ghost (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Davethwave (/mob/dead/new_player): make me an observer() - Observe (/atom/movable/screen/lobby/button/observe): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=68;icon-y=16;left=1;but...") - [2023-10-31 01:29:04.367] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.visual_delay - proc name: process (/datum/move_loop/process) - source file: code/controllers/subsystem/movement/movement_types.dm,115 - usr: null - src: /datum/move_loop/has_target/mo... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/move_towards) - call stack: - /datum/move_loop/has_target/mo... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/move_towards): process() - Movement Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement): pour bucket(/list (/list)) - Movement Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement): fire(0) - Movement Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:29:10.957] RUNTIME: runtime error: list index out of bounds - proc name: equip monky (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian/proc/equip_monky) - source file: code/modules/spells/spell_types/conjure/simian.dm,75 - usr: John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human) - src: Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian) - usr.loc: the floor (87,131,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): equip monky(the primal monkey (592) (/mob/living/carbon/human/species/monkey/angry)) - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): post summon(the primal monkey (592) (/mob/living/carbon/human/species/monkey/angry), John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): cast(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): cast(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): Activate(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): PreActivate(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): Trigger(null, null) - Summon Simians (/atom/movable/screen/movable/action_button): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=10;icon-y=20;left=1;but...") - Summon Simians (/atom/movable/screen/movable/action_button): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=10;icon-y=20;left=1;but...") - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): Invoke() - world: push usr(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human), /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback)) - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): InvokeAsync() - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): run verb queue() - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): fire(0) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): fire(0) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): fire(0) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:29:10.990] RUNTIME: runtime error: list index out of bounds - proc name: equip monky (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian/proc/equip_monky) - source file: code/modules/spells/spell_types/conjure/simian.dm,75 - usr: John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human) - src: Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian) - usr.loc: the floor (87,131,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - call stack: - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): equip monky(the primal monkey (822) (/mob/living/carbon/human/species/monkey/angry)) - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): post summon(the primal monkey (822) (/mob/living/carbon/human/species/monkey/angry), John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): cast(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): cast(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): Activate(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): PreActivate(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Summon Simians (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/conjure/simian): Trigger(null, null) - Summon Simians (/atom/movable/screen/movable/action_button): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=10;icon-y=20;left=1;but...") - Summon Simians (/atom/movable/screen/movable/action_button): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=10;icon-y=20;left=1;but...") - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): Invoke() - world: push usr(John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human), /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback)) - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): InvokeAsync() - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): run verb queue() - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): fire(0) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): fire(0) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): fire(0) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:29:13.708] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null._status_traits - proc name: stage act (/datum/disease/proc/stage_act) - source file: code/datums/diseases/_disease.dm,69 - usr: null - src: Gastritium (/datum/disease/advance/gastritium) - call stack: - Gastritium (/datum/disease/advance/gastritium): stage act(2, 311) - Gastritium (/datum/disease/advance/gastritium): stage act(2, 311) - Gastritium (/datum/disease/advance/gastritium): stage act(2, 311) - Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/carbon/human): handle diseases(2, 311) - Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/carbon/human): Life(2, 311) - Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/carbon/human): Life(2, 311) - Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/carbon/human): Life(2, 311) - Mobs (/datum/controller/subsystem/mobs): fire(0) - Mobs (/datum/controller/subsystem/mobs): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:29:35.292] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (36,113,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer)) - Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/gondola/virtual_domain): ghostize(1) - Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/gondola/virtual_domain): ghostize(1) - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): return to old body() - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): full avatar disconnect(0, null) - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): on safe disconnect(Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/gondola/virtual_domain)) - Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/gondola/virtual_domain): SendSignal("bitrunner_disconnect", /list (/list)) - the hololadder (/obj/structure/hololadder): disconnect(Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/gondola/virtual_domain)) - the hololadder (/obj/structure/hololadder): on enter(the floor (36,113,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron), Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/gondola/virtual_domain), the floor (37,113,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron), null) - [2023-10-31 01:29:42.274] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.visual_delay - proc name: process (/datum/move_loop/process) - source file: code/controllers/subsystem/movement/movement_types.dm,115 - usr: null - src: /datum/move_loop/has_target/mo... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/move_towards) - call stack: - /datum/move_loop/has_target/mo... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/move_towards): process() - Movement Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement): pour bucket(/list (/list)) - Movement Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement): fire(0) - Movement Loops (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:29:43.236] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (37,113,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer)) - Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Sachie Faqua (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - Sachie Faqua (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): return to old body() - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): full avatar disconnect(0, null) - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): on safe disconnect(Sachie Faqua (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Sachie Faqua (/mob/living/carbon/human): SendSignal("bitrunner_disconnect", /list (/list)) - the hololadder (/obj/structure/hololadder): disconnect(Sachie Faqua (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - the hololadder (/obj/structure/hololadder): on enter(the floor (37,113,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron), Sachie Faqua (/mob/living/carbon/human), the floor (37,114,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron), null) - [2023-10-31 01:29:44.391] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: John Magic (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (213,140,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(John Magic (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(John Magic (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(John Magic (/mob/dead/observer)) - John Magic (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - John Magic (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - John Magic (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - John Magic (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - Rotax (/client): Move(the floor (214,141,2) (/turf/open/floor/circuit), 5) - John Magic (/mob/living/carbon/human): keyLoop(Rotax (/client)) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): fire(0) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:30:27.923] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x300001a] | /mob/living/carbon/human/species/monkey/punpun was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 4) [2023-10-31 01:30:45.106] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (36,113,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer)) - Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Sandra Clewett (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/gondola/virtual_domain): ghostize(1) - Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/gondola/virtual_domain): ghostize(1) - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): return to old body() - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): full avatar disconnect(0, null) - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): on safe disconnect(Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/gondola/virtual_domain)) - Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/gondola/virtual_domain): SendSignal("bitrunner_disconnect", /list (/list)) - the hololadder (/obj/structure/hololadder): disconnect(Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/gondola/virtual_domain)) - the hololadder (/obj/structure/hololadder): on enter(the floor (36,113,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron), Sandra Clewett (/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/gondola/virtual_domain), the floor (37,113,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron), null) - [2023-10-31 01:30:49.865] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (37,113,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer)) - Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Sachie Faqua (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Sachie Faqua (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - Sachie Faqua (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): return to old body() - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): full avatar disconnect(0, null) - /datum/component/avatar_connec... (/datum/component/avatar_connection): on safe disconnect(Sachie Faqua (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - Sachie Faqua (/mob/living/carbon/human): SendSignal("bitrunner_disconnect", /list (/list)) - the hololadder (/obj/structure/hololadder): disconnect(Sachie Faqua (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - the hololadder (/obj/structure/hololadder): on enter(the floor (37,113,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron), Sachie Faqua (/mob/living/carbon/human), the floor (37,114,13) (/turf/open/floor/iron), null) - [2023-10-31 01:30:51.908] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.visual_delay - proc name: process (/datum/move_loop/process) - source file: code/controllers/subsystem/movement/movement_types.dm,115 - usr: null - src: /datum/move_loop/has_target/di... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/dist_bound/move_to) - call stack: - /datum/move_loop/has_target/di... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/dist_bound/move_to): process() - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): pour bucket(/list (/list)) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): fire(0) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): fire(0) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:31:16.425] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.visual_delay - proc name: process (/datum/move_loop/process) - source file: code/controllers/subsystem/movement/movement_types.dm,115 - usr: null - src: /datum/move_loop/has_target/di... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/dist_bound/move_to) - call stack: - /datum/move_loop/has_target/di... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/dist_bound/move_to): process() - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): pour bucket(/list (/list)) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): fire(0) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): fire(0) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:31:48.774] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.visual_delay - proc name: process (/datum/move_loop/process) - source file: code/controllers/subsystem/movement/movement_types.dm,115 - usr: null - src: /datum/move_loop/has_target/di... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/dist_bound/move_to) - call stack: - /datum/move_loop/has_target/di... (/datum/move_loop/has_target/dist_bound/move_to): process() - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): pour bucket(/list (/list)) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): fire(0) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): fire(0) - AI movement (/datum/controller/subsystem/movement/ai_movement): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:32:07.958] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the glass floor (85,105,2) (/turf/open/floor/material) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer)) - Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Reider Meza (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Reider Meza (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - Reider Meza (/mob/living/carbon/human): ghostize(1) - Maskenary (/client): Move(the glass floor (84,105,2) (/turf/open/floor/material), 8) - Reider Meza (/mob/living/carbon/human): keyLoop(Maskenary (/client)) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): fire(0) - Input (/datum/controller/subsystem/verb_manager/input): ignite(0) - Master (/datum/controller/master): RunQueue() - Master (/datum/controller/master): Loop(2) - Master (/datum/controller/master): StartProcessing(0) - [2023-10-31 01:33:10.403] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x21099f72] | /datum/chatmessage was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 3) [2023-10-31 01:33:10.403] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x21079218] | /datum/chatmessage was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 3) [2023-10-31 01:33:10.403] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x210a0f0e] | /datum/chatmessage was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 3) [2023-10-31 01:33:10.404] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x210a10ca] | /datum/chatmessage was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 3) [2023-10-31 01:33:10.404] RUNTIME: ## TESTING: GC: -- [0x210a113a] | /datum/chatmessage was unable to be GC'd -- (ref count of 3) [2023-10-31 01:33:25.541] RUNTIME: runtime error: Mob with client has been deleted. (code/modules/mob/mob.dm:29) - proc name: stack trace (/proc/_stack_trace) - source file: code/__HELPERS/stack_trace.dm,4 - usr: the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter) - src: null - usr.loc: the water (/obj/effect/dummy/phased_mob) - call stack: - stack trace("Mob with client has been delet...", "code/modules/mob/mob.dm", 29) - Kraven Lockharte (/mob/living/carbon/human): Destroy(0) - Kraven Lockharte (/mob/living/carbon/human): Destroy(0) - Kraven Lockharte (/mob/living/carbon/human): Destroy(0) - Kraven Lockharte (/mob/living/carbon/human): Destroy(0) - qdel(Kraven Lockharte (/mob/living/carbon/human), 0) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): on victim consumed(Kraven Lockharte (/mob/living/carbon/human), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): consume victim(Kraven Lockharte (/mob/living/carbon/human), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): try enter jaunt(the blood (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): do bloodcrawl(the blood (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): cast(the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): Activate(the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): PreActivate(the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): Trigger(null, null) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/atom/movable/screen/movable/action_button): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=10;icon-y=12;left=1;but...") - Voracious Blood Crawl (/atom/movable/screen/movable/action_button): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=10;icon-y=12;left=1;but...") - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): Invoke() - world: push usr(the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter), /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback)) - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): InvokeAsync() - [2023-10-31 01:33:25.570] RUNTIME: runtime error: cannot read from list - proc name: account for cutoffs (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate/proc/account_for_cutoffs) - source file: code/_onclick/hud/rendering/render_plate.dm,107 - usr: Kraven Lockharte (/mob/dead/observer) - src: Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate) - usr.loc: the floor (78,133,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: null - call stack: - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): account for cutoffs(15, null) - Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate): show to(Kraven Lockharte (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show plane(Game rendering plate #0 (/atom/movable/screen/plane_master/rendering_plate/game_plate)) - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): show hud() - /datum/plane_master_group/main (/datum/plane_master_group/main): attach to(/datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Kraven Lockharte (/mob/dead/observer)) - /datum/hud/ghost (/datum/hud/ghost): New(Kraven Lockharte (/mob/dead/observer)) - Kraven Lockharte (/mob/dead/observer): create mob hud() - Kraven Lockharte (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - Kraven Lockharte (/mob/dead/observer): Login() - ... - Kraven Lockharte (/mob/living/carbon/human): Destroy(0) - qdel(Kraven Lockharte (/mob/living/carbon/human), 0) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): on victim consumed(Kraven Lockharte (/mob/living/carbon/human), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): consume victim(Kraven Lockharte (/mob/living/carbon/human), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): do bloodcrawl(the blood (/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): Activate(the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter)) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/datum/action/cooldown/spell/jaunt/bloodcrawl/slaughter_demon): Trigger(null, null) - Voracious Blood Crawl (/atom/movable/screen/movable/action_button): Click(null, "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=10;icon-y=12;left=1;but...") - world: push usr(the slaughter demon (/mob/living/basic/demon/slaughter), /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback)) - /datum/callback/verb_callback (/datum/callback/verb_callback): InvokeAsync() - [2023-10-31 01:33:50.653] RUNTIME: runtime error: Cannot read null.imaginary_group - proc name: Destroy (/mob/camera/imaginary_friend/Destroy) - source file: code/datums/brain_damage/imaginary_friend.dm,204 - usr: 0 - src: the figment of imagination? (/mob/camera/imaginary_friend/trapped) - src.loc: the floor (203,136,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark) - call stack: - the figment of imagination? (/mob/camera/imaginary_friend/trapped): Destroy(0) - qdel(the figment of imagination? (/mob/camera/imaginary_friend/trapped), 0) - Trapped Victim (/datum/brain_trauma/special/imaginary_friend/trapped_owner): on lose() - Trapped Victim (/datum/brain_trauma/special/imaginary_friend/trapped_owner): Destroy(0) - qdel(Trapped Victim (/datum/brain_trauma/special/imaginary_friend/trapped_owner), 0) - the bolt of possession (/obj/projectile/magic/wipe): possession test(Johnathon Gupta (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - the bolt of possession (/obj/projectile/magic/wipe): on hit(Johnathon Gupta (/mob/living/carbon/human), 0, 0) - Johnathon Gupta (/mob/living/carbon/human): bullet act(the bolt of possession (/obj/projectile/magic/wipe), "head", 0) - Johnathon Gupta (/mob/living/carbon/human): bullet act(the bolt of possession (/obj/projectile/magic/wipe), "head", 0) - Johnathon Gupta (/mob/living/carbon/human): bullet act(the bolt of possession (/obj/projectile/magic/wipe), "head", 0) - the bolt of possession (/obj/projectile/magic/wipe): process hit(the floor (203,136,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark), Johnathon Gupta (/mob/living/carbon/human), Johnathon Gupta (/mob/living/carbon/human), 1) - the bolt of possession (/obj/projectile/magic/wipe): Impact(Johnathon Gupta (/mob/living/carbon/human)) - the bolt of possession (/obj/projectile/magic/wipe): scan moved turf() - the bolt of possession (/obj/projectile/magic/wipe): Moved(the floor (202,136,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark), 4, 0, null, 1) - the bolt of possession (/obj/projectile/magic/wipe): Move(the floor (203,136,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark), 4, 0, 1) - the bolt of possession (/obj/projectile/magic/wipe): Move(the floor (203,136,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark), 4, 0, 1) - [2023-10-31 01:33:56.090] RUNTIME: runtime error: get_language_holder() called on a QDELing atom, this will try to re-instantiate the language holder that's about to be deleted, which is bad. - proc name: get language holder (/atom/movable/proc/get_language_holder) - source file: code/game/atoms_movable.dm,1465 - usr: Karl Hoffman (/mob/living/carbon/human) - src: the figment of imagination? (/mob/camera/imaginary_friend/trapped) - usr.loc: the floor (123,143,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron) - src.loc: the floor (203,136,2) (/turf/open/floor/iron/dark) - call stack: - the figment of imagination? (/mob/camera/imaginary_friend/trapped): get language holder() - the figment of imagination? (/mob/camera/imaginary_friend/trapped): has language(/datum/language/common (/datum/language/common), null) - Galactic Common (/datum/language/common): display icon(the figment of imagination? (/mob/camera/imaginary_friend/trapped)) - the figment of imagination? (/mob/camera/imaginary_friend/trapped): compose message(Karl Hoffman (/atom/movable/virtualspeaker), /datum/language/common (/datum/language/common), "CLEAN BLOOD", 1459, /list (/list), /list (/list), 0) - the figment of imagination? (/mob/camera/imaginary_friend/trapped): Hear("