2023-07-11 05:14:29 [0x201cddf] (60,67,12) || The Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
2023-07-11 05:14:39 [0x201cde0] (60,65,12) || The space cash was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
2023-07-11 05:14:48 [0x201ce08] (61,66,12) || The Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
2023-07-11 05:14:51 [0x201ce2f] (62,67,12) || The Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
2023-07-11 05:15:02 [0x201ce06] (61,68,12) || The Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
2023-07-11 05:28:53 [0x201eaf9] (84,103,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:00 [0x2003973] (81,102,2) || The box of sterile masks was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:00 [0x201e6cf] (81,103,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:00 [0x201e95c] (84,102,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:01 [mob_3315] (80,101,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:01 [0x2003bb0] (83,101,2) || The medical belt was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:01 [0x201eb13] (80,103,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:03 [0x2016f11] (81,101,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:05 [0x2016f16] (81,101,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:09 [mob_3320] (80,99,2) || Andrew Drake (thebleh) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:09 [0x200397f] (81,100,2) || The box of prescription glasses was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:14 [0x2003baf] (83,101,2) || The medical belt was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:15 [0x2016f13] (81,101,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:19 [0x2003ba9] (83,102,2) || The epinephrine bottle was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:21 [0x2016f12] (81,101,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:21 [0x2016f15] (81,101,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:21 [mob_3315] (81,103,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:21 [0x201e07c] (85,101,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:22 [0x2016f10] (81,101,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:22 [0x201e479] (81,98,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:24 [0x201e919] (85,100,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:26 [0x2003972] (81,102,2) || The box of latex gloves was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:26 [0x201ea5a] (82,104,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:26 [0x201e8ff] (82,98,2) || The white large tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:26 [0x2003f2d] (86,99,2) || The potted plant was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:27 [0x2003bb5] (83,100,2) || The regenerative mesh was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:29:29 [0x200397e] (81,100,2) || The intravenous medicine bag was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:30:00 [mob_3315] (81,103,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:30:06 [0x201eacd] (85,103,2) || The white large tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:30:12 [0x2003980] (81,100,2) || The medical gauze was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:30:12 [0x2003baa] (83,102,2) || The syringe was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:30:16 [mob_3315] (84,99,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:30:40 [0x201ec32] (86,98,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:30:43 [0x200397a] (81,101,2) || The health scanner HUD was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:30:46 [mob_3396] (80,102,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:30:51 [0x2016f14] (81,101,2) || The body bag was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:31:01 [mob_3303] (85,102,2) || Joshua Crimson (*no key*) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:31:03 [0x2002816] (85,100,2) || The dropper was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:31:12 [0x2005dba] (114,83,2) || The monkey cube box was irradiated by Lakeisha Bullard.
2023-07-11 05:32:02 [0x201b385] (85,97,2) || The paramedic penlight was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:20 [0x201eef6] (85,105,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:24 [0x201ea88] (85,104,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:26 [0x201e8da] (80,105,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:26 [0x201eb92] (83,105,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:28 [0x201f08e] (78,101,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:28 [0x201e8b5] (78,102,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:30 [0x201e892] (78,103,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:32 [0x201e2ca] (82,97,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:34 [0x201eaec] (79,97,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:34 [0x2018462] (79,98,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:36 [0x2003a2c] (79,104,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:36 [0x201e522] (81,105,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:36 [0x201efd8] (82,105,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:36 [0x201edf0] (86,102,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:38 [0x201eb14] (85,98,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:58 [0x201d507] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:58 [0x201e29f] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:58 [0x201e28c] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:58 [0x201e595] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:58 [0x201ea46] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:58 [0x201e561] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:58 [0x201e3aa] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:59 [0x201ea12] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:59 [0x201ea8f] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:59 [0x201ea51] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:59 [0x201ea42] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:59 [0x201d51f] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:59 [0x201d520] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:32:59 [mob_3315] (80,105,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:01 [0x201ea81] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:01 [0x201e26b] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:03 [0x201e26f] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:03 [0x201c25b] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:07 [0x201e2ab] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:07 [0x201e2a3] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:09 [0x201d283] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:09 [0x201e28d] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:11 [mob_3315] (80,104,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:25 [0x2002c26] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:25 [0x201eab9] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:25 [0x201ea43] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:29 [0x201e797] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:31 [mob_3315] (81,99,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:39 [0x201e965] (79,104,2) || The emergency crowbar was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:55 [0x201ea39] (82,98,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:33:55 [0x2017050] (86,104,2) || The salicylic acid medipen was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:34:10 [mob_3315] (80,103,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:35:00 [mob_3396] (81,103,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:35:19 [mob_3396] (82,103,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:35:27 [mob_3312] (81,104,2) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:35:35 [mob_3396] (80,100,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:35:35 [mob_3315] (113,82,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:35:35 [0x2005a5e] (111,83,2) || The latex gloves was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:35:41 [0x201f266] (110,81,2) || Radioactivity mutator was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:35:47 [0x2005935] (110,83,2) || The bottle of mutadone pills was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:35:47 [0x2005a5d] (111,83,2) || The diskette box was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:35:57 [mob_3315] (111,82,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:35:57 [mob_3396] (84,99,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:36:13 [0x2005db5] (114,83,2) || The medical research radio headset was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:36:15 [mob_3320] (79,101,2) || Andrew Drake (thebleh) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:36:25 [0x200592e] (110,85,2) || The folder was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:36:30 [mob_3315] (107,89,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:36:30 [0x20054ee] (106,90,2) || The station intercom was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:37:06 [mob_3320] (79,101,2) || Andrew Drake (thebleh) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:37:07 [mob_3315] (82,92,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:37:13 [0x200376d] (79,95,2) || The nitrile gloves was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:37:18 [mob_3396] (82,103,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:37:20 [mob_3320] (79,101,2) || Andrew Drake (thebleh) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:37:23 [mob_3315] (85,102,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:37:33 [mob_3295] (86,100,2) || Sandigo Bendford (d4c420) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:37:40 [mob_3320] (79,101,2) || Andrew Drake (thebleh) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:37:44 [mob_3315] (89,126,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:37:48 [mob_3320] (80,100,2) || Andrew Drake (thebleh) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:37:49 [mob_3396] (82,99,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:37:55 [mob_3315] (100,126,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:38:11 [0x2004eef] (100,120,2) || The station bounced radio was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:38:11 [0x2004ee7] (100,121,2) || The breath mask was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:38:11 [mob_3315] (99,123,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:38:27 [mob_3324] (91,103,2) || Steve Mic (kaptinalexander) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:38:54 [0x2004de9] (99,103,2) || The toxin bottle was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:39:00 [0x2004986] (95,107,2) || The paper was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:39:05 [mob_3315] (87,102,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:39:11 [mob_3396] (79,99,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:39:13 [mob_3312] (84,102,2) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:39:16 [mob_3396] (84,101,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:39:17 [mob_3315] (84,98,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:39:27 [mob_3396] (84,100,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:39:27 [0x2018984] (85,100,2) || Radioactivity mutator was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:39:27 [mob_3315] (85,99,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:39:27 [mob_3312] (84,103,2) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:39:36 [mob_3396] (84,100,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:39:37 [mob_3315] (84,100,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:39:48 [mob_3315] (84,105,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:39:53 [mob_3396] (85,104,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:39:53 [mob_3517] (85,105,2) || Chloe Thomas (*no key*) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:40:10 [mob_3315] (84,105,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:40:27 [mob_3396] (85,104,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:40:27 [mob_3315] (80,104,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:40:33 [mob_3315] (80,104,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:40:49 [mob_3396] (85,104,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:41:00 [mob_3315] (84,103,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:41:00 [mob_3396] (85,104,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:41:05 [mob_3325] (79,105,2) || Gow Tse (doomforever) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:41:11 [mob_3396] (85,104,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:41:17 [mob_3315] (80,102,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:41:25 [0x201d54f] (79,105,2) || The epinephrine medipen was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:41:27 [mob_3396] (85,104,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:41:27 [mob_3315] (80,104,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:41:53 [mob_3396] (85,104,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:42:09 [mob_3315] (80,104,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:42:09 [mob_3396] (80,105,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:42:20 [mob_3315] (84,105,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:42:32 [mob_3396] (80,104,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:42:32 [0x201b4de] (79,105,2) || The clown wig and mask was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:42:53 [mob_3315] (84,105,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:43:09 [mob_3396] (80,104,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:43:14 [mob_3315] (84,105,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:43:16 [mob_3396] (80,104,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:43:23 [0x201ff82] (80,105,2) || The blood pack was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:43:31 [mob_3325] (79,104,2) || Gow Tse (doomforever) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:43:32 [mob_3315] (80,99,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:43:35 [mob_3303] (83,99,2) || Joshua Crimson (as Mona Little) (maybejackson) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:43:42 [mob_3396] (83,97,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:43:42 [mob_3315] (80,99,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:43:49 [mob_3295] (84,100,2) || Sandigo Bendford (d4c420) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:43:52 [mob_3396] (83,98,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:44:01 [0x201b819] (84,100,2) || The paramedic cap was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:44:01 [0x2008fb7] (169,150,2) || The pocket crowbar was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
2023-07-11 05:44:03 [mob_3315] (80,99,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:44:14 [mob_3396] (81,98,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:44:14 [mob_3315] (80,99,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:44:30 [mob_3396] (85,104,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:44:37 [mob_3315] (81,98,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:44:43 [0x201b809] (83,99,2) || The paramedic's jacket was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:44:43 [mob_3315] (80,98,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:44:46 [mob_3396] (85,104,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:44:46 [0x20043b2] (79,100,2) || The uranium tile was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:44:52 [mob_3315] (82,105,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:44:57 [0x2005240] (84,105,2) || The uranium tile was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:44:57 [0x201ffbe] (83,103,2) || The uranium tile was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:45:02 [0x202009c] (82,97,2) || The uranium tile was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:45:08 [0x201fbea] (84,104,2) || The uranium tile was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:45:08 [0x200fd94] (83,99,2) || The uranium tile was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:45:13 [mob_3315] (84,102,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:45:30 [mob_3315] (84,100,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:45:30 [mob_3396] (85,100,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:45:30 [mob_3517] (85,101,2) || Chloe Thomas (*no key*) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:45:40 [mob_3315] (104,109,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:45:45 [mob_3396] (108,81,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:45:56 [0x20036fa] (104,55,2) || The mechanical toolbox was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:45:56 [0x2003701] (104,55,2) || The medkit was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:46:01 [mob_3517] (103,53,2) || Chloe Thomas (*no key*) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:46:01 [mob_3315] (102,54,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:46:07 [0x201e185] (103,52,2) || The cream cheese bread slice was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:46:12 [mob_3396] (102,51,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:46:12 [0x201edb0] (103,52,2) || The egg with sausage was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:46:12 [mob_3315] (98,51,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:46:17 [0x201f6a7] (102,50,2) || The multiver bottle was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:46:17 [0x202034a] (104,51,2) || The titanium tile was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:46:22 [0x200aa56] (100,50,2) || The pickaxe was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:46:23 [0x201ffb0] (97,51,2) || The white tile was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:46:24 [0x20201a2] (98,50,2) || The white tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:46:33 [mob_3315] (99,52,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:46:34 [0x2020438] (99,52,2) || The titanium tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:46:38 [mob_3396] (98,51,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:46:38 [0x20202e0] (99,51,2) || The titanium tile was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:46:39 [0x201ffb0] (100,52,2) || The titanium tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:46:39 [mob_3312] (100,53,2) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:46:41 [0x2020524] (100,53,2) || The blue titanium tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:46:45 [0x201df93] (100,52,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:46:47 [0x201ea67] (100,52,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:46:47 [0x201e289] (100,52,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:46:50 [mob_3396] (98,51,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:46:55 [0x202043f] (97,53,2) || The blue titanium tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:46:55 [0x201e7b3] (100,52,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:46:55 [mob_3315] (100,52,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:46:55 [mob_3312] (100,53,2) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:46:59 [0x201efc1] (100,50,2) || The blue titanium tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:46:59 [0x201e2c2] (100,52,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:47:00 [mob_3315] (98,50,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:47:00 [mob_3318] (97,52,2) || Bob Osborne (dazonkey) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:47:01 [0x2001fcb] (100,52,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:47:03 [0x2001a4d] (100,50,2) || Radioactivity mutator was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:47:06 [0x201eacd] (105,53,2) || Dwarfism mutator was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:47:06 [mob_3312] (105,53,2) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:47:14 [mob_3396] (99,50,2) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:47:14 [0x2007975] (100,52,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:47:14 [0x201f699] (110,50,2) || The medkit was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:47:14 [0x2020335] (109,53,2) || The engraved tile was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:47:20 [0x201e2b7] (100,52,2) || Light Healing Virus Pill was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:47:20 [0x201fd0f] (105,51,2) || The titanium tile was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:47:23 [mob_3315] (99,52,2) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:47:27 [0x201efc9] (42,193,12) || The white titanium tile was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:47:32 [0x20202a1] (42,193,12) || The shard was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:47:32 [mob_3295] (41,194,12) || Sandigo Bendford (d4c420) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:47:38 [0x201e25c] (42,189,12) || The shard was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:47:41 [mob_3396] (39,184,12) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:47:43 [mob_3312] (41,191,12) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:47:43 [0x2020496] (41,193,12) || The titanium tile was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:47:43 [mob_3315] (41,187,12) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:47:54 [mob_3312] (40,188,12) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:47:56 [mob_3396] (40,186,12) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:47:58 [mob_3324] (39,185,12) || Steve Mic (kaptinalexander) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:48:03 [mob_3315] (41,185,12) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:48:08 [mob_3312] (41,187,12) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:48:09 [mob_3324] (39,185,12) || Steve Mic (kaptinalexander) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:48:15 [mob_3315] (41,186,12) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:48:16 [mob_3312] (41,187,12) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:48:22 [mob_3396] (40,186,12) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:48:22 [mob_3312] (41,187,12) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:48:32 [0x2020455] (39,184,12) || The iron rod was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:48:32 [mob_3312] (42,186,12) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:48:37 [mob_3396] (40,186,12) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:48:37 [mob_3315] (41,185,12) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:48:39 [mob_3312] (42,186,12) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:48:42 [0x201dbc7] (42,186,12) || The iron rod was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:48:44 [mob_3312] (42,186,12) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:48:44 [mob_3396] (40,186,12) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:48:46 [mob_3315] (40,185,12) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:48:49 [mob_3312] (42,186,12) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:48:52 [mob_3396] (40,185,12) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:48:58 [mob_3536] (41,184,12) || Katherine Levitt (criticalblitz) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:49:00 [mob_3312] (42,186,12) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:49:05 [mob_3312] (42,186,12) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:49:09 [mob_3396] (39,186,12) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:49:09 [mob_3315] (40,184,12) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:49:16 [mob_3312] (42,185,12) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:49:19 [0x201b3a1] (39,190,12) || The blue shoes was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:49:19 [0x201e278] (41,191,12) || The warm Teriyaki-pocket was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:49:19 [0x201e3b7] (41,191,12) || The cream cheese bread slice was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:49:19 [mob_3315] (40,184,12) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:49:23 [mob_3396] (40,187,12) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:49:30 [mob_3315] (40,184,12) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:49:36 [mob_3396] (212,78,1) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:49:36 [mob_3315] (212,77,1) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:49:43 [0x2003bf7] (214,76,1) || The breath mask was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:49:43 [0x201c183] (212,82,1) || The shard was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:49:46 [0x201ec0d] (210,81,1) || Dwarfism mutator was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:49:49 [mob_3396] (213,77,1) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:49:49 [0x20182ff] (194,77,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:49:54 [0x201d8f1] (196,77,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:49:56 [0x2001693] (189,87,1) || The potted plant was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:49:59 [mob_3315] (198,77,1) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:49:59 [0x201856c] (202,82,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:00 [0x2020485] (214,83,1) || The white titanium tile was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:50:00 [mob_3396] (214,84,1) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:50:00 [0x2018590] (201,80,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:50:02 [0x201faec] (197,77,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:04 [0x20185b4] (199,78,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:05 [0x20109cb] (212,82,1) || The iron rod was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:50:09 [0x20185cf] (202,83,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:09 [0x2020088] (198,76,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:11 [mob_3315] (198,85,1) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:11 [0x2018591] (203,86,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:14 [mob_3319] (205,85,1) || Coco Ragyn (billychicken83) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:16 [0x201de82] (205,84,1) || The sharpened kitchen knife was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:50:16 [mob_3396] (206,85,1) || Fig Newton (jayzero) was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:50:17 [0x2018451] (204,87,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:17 [0x202084c] (204,88,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:19 [0x20185aa] (200,79,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:21 [0x201e236] (198,85,1) || The chemical grenade was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:21 [0x2020939] (205,85,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:50:21 [0x201b555] (205,85,1) || The chef's hat was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:50:21 [0x201cee2] (205,85,1) || Coco Ragyn's head was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:50:21 [0x201858f] (196,80,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:50:21 [mob_3315] (195,81,1) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:50:23 [0x201e9e8] (201,79,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:30 [0x20209dd] (203,87,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:34 [mob_3312] (169,76,1) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:50:35 [0x20185be] (198,77,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:35 [mob_3295] (200,83,1) || Sandigo Bendford (d4c420) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:35 [mob_3396] (200,85,1) || Fig Newton (*no key*) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:38 [0x20182d4] (203,85,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:39 [0x2018587] (202,81,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:41 [0x20206d9] (195,78,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:43 [0x201ddc0] (200,85,1) || The medical radio headset was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:50:43 [mob_3295] (198,82,1) || Sandigo Bendford (d4c420) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:50:43 [0x2020071] (199,84,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:50:43 [0x2001da3] (203,81,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:45 [0x201d8e0] (193,78,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:45 [0x20011b7] (196,76,1) || The potted plant was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:46 [0x2020a37] (195,77,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:46 [mob_3299] (195,82,1) || Kayla Paulson (cboggs03) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:49 [mob_3315] (200,83,1) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:49 [0x201fe4a] (197,85,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:50 [mob_3523] (174,78,1) || Joel Ostermann (theshroudedlord) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:50:51 [0x201857e] (202,84,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:51 [0x2020a23] (196,82,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:52 [0x200ee6a] (192,79,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:54 [0x20209fe] (196,81,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:55 [mob_3312] (175,78,1) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:50:57 [0x2020a17] (195,82,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:50:59 [0x201e065] (194,78,1) || The officer's sabre was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:50:59 [mob_3315] (195,78,1) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:50:59 [0x201e9e3] (194,78,1) || The chemical grenade was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:51:00 [0x2020065] (198,85,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:51:01 [0x202007d] (197,86,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:51:04 [0x2001144] (195,75,1) || The donut box was irradiated by Fig Newton.
2023-07-11 05:51:05 [0x2020064] (198,80,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:51:06 [0x202005c] (194,84,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:51:13 [mob_3315] (195,78,1) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:51:15 [0x2020a4c] (196,79,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:51:21 [mob_3315] (194,77,1) || Lilith Vita (hoolny) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:51:27 [mob_3296] (191,80,1) || Gary West (butterking3) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:51:31 [0x200114a] (196,75,1) || The pen was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:51:31 [0x2005655] (191,80,1) || The laser gun was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:51:33 [mob_3312] (169,89,1) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:51:36 [0x20011ac] (192,76,1) || The foam force crossbow was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:51:51 [0x201b59e] (192,79,1) || Gary West (Curator) was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:51:52 [mob_3315] (194,77,1) || Lilith Vita (*no key*) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:51:54 [mob_3312] (197,83,1) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:51:56 [0x2017482] (192,79,1) || The lantern was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:52:04 [mob_3517] (201,81,1) || Chloe Thomas (*no key*) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:52:04 [0x201e4ec] (199,83,1) || The police baton was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:52:05 [mob_3312] (199,83,1) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:52:10 [mob_3312] (199,83,1) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:52:10 [0x201d555] (205,85,1) || The service radio headset was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:52:12 [0x201e22d] (192,79,1) || The emergency oxygen tank was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:52:26 [mob_3312] (199,83,1) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:52:42 [mob_3312] (199,83,1) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:52:59 [mob_3312] (205,85,1) || Moffthias Skeli (codpiece1) was irradiated by the uranium floor.
2023-07-11 05:53:02 [0x2001149] (196,75,1) || The folder was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:53:05 [mob_3303] (208,92,1) || Mona Little (*no key*) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:53:10 [mob_3312] (208,92,1) || Moffthias Skeli (*no key*) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:53:10 [0x202030c] (209,92,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:53:15 [0x20011be] (209,92,1) || The dark tile was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:53:19 [0x20173a1] (192,79,1) || The energy gun was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:53:21 [0x200335c] (208,91,1) || The broken Nuka Cola was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:53:37 [0x201cb70] (197,76,1) || The human right leg was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:53:44 [0x2005085] (209,92,1) || The riot helmet was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:53:50 [0x201fd2e] (208,91,1) || The sticky bloody halberd was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:53:53 [0x200119f] (194,76,1) || The light tube was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:53:59 [0x200119c] (194,76,1) || The cable piece was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:53:59 [0x2018573] (195,76,1) || The iron rod was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:54:01 [0x20200be] (209,92,1) || The serving tray was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:54:04 [0x2020b03] (195,76,1) || The iron was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:54:06 [0x201b938] (208,91,1) || EMT belt was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:54:09 [0x20010aa] (194,74,1) || The zipties was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:54:09 [0x201d5c3] (195,76,1) || The white shoes was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:54:11 [0x200517d] (209,92,1) || The riot suit was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:54:17 [0x2020449] (209,93,1) || The floor tile was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:54:27 [mob_3334] (209,92,1) || Sebastian Albright (*no key*) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:54:32 [0x20182c9] (208,91,1) || The shard was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:54:48 [0x20201c0] (210,91,1) || The dark tile was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:54:48 [0x2017041] (209,93,1) || The salicylic acid medipen was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:54:52 [0x2020af9] (196,76,1) || The iron rod was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:55:26 [0x202032e] (211,91,1) || The dark tile was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:55:26 [0x201ba41] (211,92,1) || The shaft miner's jumpsuit was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:55:42 [0x201e297] (211,92,1) || The x-large beaker was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:55:48 [0x200b041] (211,92,1) || The seclite was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:55:58 [0x201c778] (211,92,1) || The black gloves was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:55:58 [0x2002bfa] (211,92,1) || The mining winter coat was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:55:58 [0x201ba97] (211,92,1) || The mining satchel was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:55:58 [0x201baca] (211,92,1) || The explorer gas mask was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:55:58 [0x201d663] (211,92,1) || The leather satchel was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:56:03 [0x201ba7f] (211,92,1) || The mining boots was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:56:03 [0x2003bb1] (211,92,1) || The medical belt was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:56:09 [0x20028c3] (211,92,1) || The black shoes was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:56:17 [0x2000dd6] (195,74,1) || The soap was irradiated by Lilith Vita.
2023-07-11 05:56:19 [0x201adb1] (211,92,1) || The satchel was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:56:25 [0x201d629] (211,92,1) || Liam Sheldon (Roboticist) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:56:42 [0x2017dc7] (211,92,1) || The optical meson scanner was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:56:48 [0x201805a] (211,92,1) || Uriel Lucy's ID Card (Shaft Miner) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:56:48 [0x201ab16] (211,92,1) || The backpack was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:56:48 [0x201b7b3] (211,92,1) || Andrew Drake (Medical Doctor) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:56:53 [0x201d60b] (211,91,1) || The toolbelt was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:57:15 [0x2003979] (211,92,1) || The health scanner HUD was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:57:20 [0x2010f57] (211,92,1) || The medical scrubs was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:57:25 [0x201b252] (211,92,1) || The white shoes was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:58:09 [0x2006686] (211,92,1) || The oxygen tank was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:58:09 [0x201e73b] (211,92,1) || Salbutamol chemical patch (10u) was irradiated by Moffthias Skeli.
2023-07-11 05:58:14 [mob_3852] (195,77,1) || Sandigo Bendford (d4c420) was irradiated by the uranium floor.