2023-07-06 12:44:00 [0x201afc0] (103,68,2) || The shipping manifest - #4588 (Supermatter Shard Crate) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 12:44:42 [0x2004cc7] (98,64,2) || The station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 12:45:05 [mob_3248] (105,66,2) || Tristan Quilt (privatetristan) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 12:47:25 [0x201b6de] (105,66,2) || The connector port fitting was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 12:47:36 [mob_3248] (106,65,2) || Tristan Quilt (privatetristan) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 12:49:28 [0x2004a9c] (96,62,2) || The station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 12:50:34 [0x201b561] (107,64,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 12:57:31 [0x2002f60] (97,75,2) || The cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:00:42 [mob_3636] (100,71,2) || Johnny Pivot (tildetilter) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:00:49 [0x201ae7d] (107,68,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:00:57 [0x2004baf] (97,70,2) || The red candle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:01:01 [0x2015e9c] (103,65,2) || The tracking beacon was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:01:14 [0x201b2c4] (106,72,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:01:18 [0x201b508] (99,72,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:01:28 [0x201aec0] (107,72,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:01:40 [0x2019d08] (99,67,2) || The floor tile was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:01:53 [0x2004bb6] (97,67,2) || The red candle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:01:58 [0x201b89a] (107,71,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:01:59 [0x201b899] (107,66,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:02:04 [0x201ad59] (101,72,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:02:14 [0x201b88c] (107,69,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:02:14 [0x20057f0] (109,70,2) || The pen was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:02:31 [0x201af70] (108,68,2) || The floor tile was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:02:45 [0x20057ef] (109,70,2) || The folder was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:02:55 [0x201aec7] (102,72,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:03:04 [0x2004059] (107,70,2) || The floor tile was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:03:08 [0x201b7f6] (104,72,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:03:19 [0x2006230] (99,69,2) || The shard was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:03:23 [0x2019d76] (99,71,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:03:23 [0x201aec2] (103,72,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:03:31 [0x201b888] (106,72,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:04:05 [mob_3248] (99,66,2) || Tristan Quilt (privatetristan) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:04:12 [0x2005321] (99,69,2) || The grass tile was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:04:27 [0x201b968] (100,72,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:04:56 [mob_3656] (108,72,2) || Kal-Tasha (cherrycatgirl) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:05:37 [mob_3248] (108,70,2) || Tristan Quilt (privatetristan) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:05:55 [0x201bcaa] (106,64,2) || The large toner cartridge was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:06:28 [0x201b7ea] (105,72,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:07:00 [0x2005731] (108,68,2) || The potted plant was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:07:54 [mob_3248] (102,64,2) || Tristan Quilt (privatetristan) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:07:56 [0x2004cc4] (98,65,2) || The potted plant was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:08:17 [mob_3656] (108,73,2) || Kal-Tasha (cherrycatgirl) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:09:00 [0x201b993] (108,72,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:09:01 [0x201b952] (107,72,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:09:17 [0x201b8be] (107,73,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:09:37 [0x201bc5f] (105,64,2) || The spray can was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:09:43 [mob_3248] (108,73,2) || Tristan Quilt (privatetristan) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:09:43 [0x201b2ba] (108,74,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:09:55 [0x201b519] (108,73,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:10:59 [0x201b996] (108,63,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:11:01 [0x201b29c] (107,63,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:11:02 [0x201b4af] (99,67,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:11:36 [0x201b986] (108,70,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:11:55 [0x201b818] (108,64,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:12:12 [0x201af9f] (99,70,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:13:13 [0x201b4a2] (108,69,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:13:51 [0x201b9a9] (108,71,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:14:46 [0x201b861] (99,68,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:14:48 [0x201b9e3] (99,66,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:15:33 [0x201b625] (106,73,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:15:49 [mob_3248] (108,69,2) || Tristan Quilt (privatetristan) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:15:57 [0x2008916] (108,72,2) || The rapid pipe dispenser was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:17:23 [0x201b94d] (99,69,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:20:27 [0x201bc3b] (108,70,2) || The decal painter was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:01 [0x201b9b3] (105,73,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:05 [0x2004cb2] (98,71,2) || The potted plant was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:12 [0x201b9d7] (106,63,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:14 [0x201b89f] (107,67,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:15 [0x201b517] (107,70,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:19 [0x2005743] (111,72,2) || The potted plant was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:20 [0x201a8cf] (110,72,2) || The chief engineer's winter coat was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:33 [0x201afdc] (108,76,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:40 [0x2004ddf] (99,75,2) || The pen was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:41 [0x2005742] (108,65,2) || The station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:44 [0x200b1ba] (108,76,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:45 [0x20067bc] (110,66,2) || The passive vent fitting was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:46 [0x20053eb] (105,73,2) || The station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:22:54 [0x201b837] (108,76,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:23:02 [0x201b98c] (108,65,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:23:05 [0x201b859] (108,76,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:23:05 [0x201b9f1] (108,76,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:23:06 [0x201ab31] (107,74,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:23:09 [0x2004979] (95,70,2) || The red candle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:23:20 [0x201b4a7] (108,76,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:23:40 [0x201b86e] (108,76,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:23:43 [0x201b9c6] (108,66,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:23:46 [0x200510f] (102,75,2) || The cheesie honkers was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:24:16 [0x201a8d4] (110,72,2) || The welding hard hat was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:24:39 [0x2007d33] (100,75,2) || The mouse was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:24:48 [0x201b96a] (108,76,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:25:02 [0x2005b74] (110,68,2) || The paper bin was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:25:10 [0x200b27d] (108,76,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:25:17 [0x2004893] (96,69,2) || The paper bin was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:25:41 [0x2004765] (95,68,2) || The harebell was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:25:42 [0x2004766] (95,68,2) || The harebell was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:25:42 [0x2004759] (95,72,2) || The 4no raisins was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:25:42 [0x2004647] (95,68,2) || The tracking beacon was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:25:52 [0x2004767] (95,68,2) || The harebell was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:25:54 [0x201b607] (108,76,2) || The potassium iodine pill was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:26:19 [0x2004764] (95,68,2) || The harebell was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:27:18 [0x2004768] (95,68,2) || The harebell was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:28:23 [mob_3331] (108,71,2) || Ryan Miller (longestarmlonglaw) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:28:42 [mob_3415] (106,63,2) || Leylin Reed (*no key*) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:28:43 [mob_3309] (99,64,2) || Esteban Holdeman (zony804) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:29:26 [0x2000df4] (99,75,2) || The moldy dead mouse was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:30:09 [0x201c1b7] (107,71,2) || The medkit was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:30:10 [0x201c1d3] (107,71,2) || The proximity sensor was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:30:11 [0x201c1e6] (107,71,2) || The health analyzer was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
2023-07-06 13:30:12 [0x2001b6e] (107,71,2) || The robotic right arm was irradiated by the supermatter shard.