11:38:38 [0x2000fcf] (63,64,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
11:38:38 [0x200105c] (62,65,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
11:38:44 [0x2000fcd] (61,64,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
11:38:53 [0x2000f5d] (62,63,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
11:40:48 [0x2000f09] (61,62,1) || the space cash was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
13:33:57 [0x201633f] (59,104,1) || the iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016439] (60,104,1) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016419] (61,104,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016203] (63,104,1) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2015b8a] (64,104,1) || the syndicate balloon was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x20160cb] (65,104,1) || the Geiger counter was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x20162e0] (60,105,1) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x20160e4] (63,105,1) || the radiation hood was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2013370] (65,105,1) || the syndicate balloon was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x20162cc] (59,106,1) || the paper was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016244] (60,106,1) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016307] (61,106,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016308] (63,106,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016317] (63,106,1) || the synthesizer was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x20156c6] (63,106,1) || the jaws of life was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x200e242] (63,106,1) || the insulated gloves was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [mob_3169] (63,106,1) || Unknown was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2003b35] (64,106,1) || the human left arm was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x201629d] (64,106,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2015b23] (64,106,1) || the plasmaman right arm was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x200f3b2] (66,106,1) || the plasmaman right leg was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2015e1d] (66,106,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x201644a] (67,106,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x20163ea] (67,106,1) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x200e383] (58,107,1) || the radiation suit was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x20152bc] (58,107,1) || the engineering scanner goggles was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x200ee69] (64,107,1) || Book: Big Reptilian Cock was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2015778] (65,107,1) || the plasmaman left leg was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x201657b] (67,107,1) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x20152cf] (58,108,1) || the engineering scanner goggles was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016572] (63,108,1) || the iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016573] (65,108,1) || the iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x20103d6] (63,109,1) || the advanced magboots was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2014788] (64,109,1) || the wirecutters was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x201577d] (64,109,1) || the syndicate balloon was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2014849] (63,110,1) || the human right leg was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016557] (63,110,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x201655a] (64,110,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016551] (65,110,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016563] (62,111,1) || the radiation suit was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x201655c] (63,111,1) || the radiation suit was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x201655d] (63,111,1) || the radiation hood was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x201641b] (65,103,1) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016334] (70,103,1) || the iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x201609a] (60,104,1) || the radiation suit was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x20063b1] (63,104,1) || the radiation suit was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x20130f6] (64,104,1) || the nitrile gloves was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x200e61f] (69,104,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x20162dd] (58,106,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2011763] (61,107,1) || the human left leg was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2002e3b] (67,109,1) || the iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x201657e] (58,110,1) || the water recycler was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:33:57 [0x2016035] (61,105,1) || the radiation hood was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:34:16 [0x201632d] (64,103,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:34:16 [0x20103c9] (66,103,1) || the engineering scanner goggles was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:34:16 [0x200712e] (66,104,1) || the jackboots was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:34:16 [0x2016344] (58,105,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:34:16 [0x20162e3] (58,105,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:34:16 [0x201657c] (66,107,1) || the cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:34:16 [0x20162c5] (58,109,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:34:16 [0x2016574] (61,109,1) || the titanium was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
13:34:16 [0x201655f] (60,114,1) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.