22:06:38 [0x2000f5f] (62,63,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
22:06:38 [0x2000fcf] (61,64,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
22:06:42 [0x200105e] (62,65,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
22:06:57 [0x2000fd1] (63,64,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
22:08:39 [0x2000f0b] (61,62,1) || the space cash was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
22:29:40 [0x200c037] (155,123,4) || Infections - Making your own pandemic! was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:40 [0x2011c8e] (141,124,4) || the beaker was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:40 [0x2015968] (140,125,4) || Psicodine bottle was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:40 [mob_3302] (147,125,4) || Tristan Quilt was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:40 [0x2012346] (153,125,4) || the cardboard was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:40 [0x2016f8b] (147,126,4) || the large tile was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:40 [0x2016d45] (149,128,4) || the white tile was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:40 [0x200b63a] (144,135,4) || the pepper mill was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:40 [0x2016251] (151,135,4) || the flour sack was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:43 [0x2011c92] (141,124,4) || the beaker was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:43 [0x2011edd] (145,124,4) || the fire extinguisher was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:43 [mob_3296] (145,124,4) || Clotheater was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:51 [mob_3515] (146,124,4) || Horsehead Neb was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:29:51 [0x2016cfa] (149,126,4) || the white tile was irradiated by the reinforced floor.
22:40:38 [0x20098af] (107,59,4) || the cable coil was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:40:46 [0x2009bbe] (110,73,4) || the flashlight was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:40:46 [0x2009c98] (111,73,4) || the black gloves was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:40:52 [0x20098b0] (107,59,4) || the cable coil was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:40:56 [0x200a123] (115,71,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:40:58 [0x20038c8] (116,73,4) || the radiation hood was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:40:59 [0x20098b1] (107,58,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:40:59 [0x2003876] (116,73,4) || the optical meson scanner was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:06 [0x200a11b] (115,73,4) || the Geiger counter was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:12 [0x200a3ef] (119,59,4) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:16 [0x20097ee] (106,68,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:16 [0x2009bbc] (110,73,4) || the gas analyzer was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:16 [0x2009abb] (109,70,4) || the wrench was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:17 [0x20038c7] (116,73,4) || the radiation suit was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:20 [0x2009c97] (111,73,4) || the extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:20 [0x2009bbd] (110,73,4) || Rapid Pipe Dispenser (RPD) was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:26 [0x200a11d] (115,73,4) || the optical meson scanner was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:31 [0x2009bba] (110,73,4) || the mechanical toolbox was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:39 [0x200a11a] (115,73,4) || the radiation hood was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:45 [0x200a4cb] (120,68,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:41:59 [0x200a5b5] (121,62,4) || the gas analyzer was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:42:01 [0x200a5b6] (121,62,4) || Rapid Pipe Dispenser (RPD) was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:42:08 [0x200a119] (115,73,4) || the radiation suit was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:43:07 [0x20038ca] (119,73,4) || the Geiger counter was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:43:11 [mob_3302] (114,72,4) || Tristan Quilt was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:43:30 [0x200d496] (196,115,4) || the monkey cube was irradiated by Patience Overstreet.
22:43:30 [mob_108] (196,115,4) || Patience Overstreet was irradiated by Patience Overstreet.
22:43:44 [0x2017f68] (113,69,4) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:43:44 [0x2017f10] (113,70,4) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:44:01 [mob_3507] (109,61,4) || Kenzie Rathers was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:44:48 [mob_3302] (110,61,4) || Tristan Quilt was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:45:18 [0x201848e] (113,70,4) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
22:45:18 [0x201849c] (113,70,4) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.