15:59:42 [0x2000f5f] (62,63,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
15:59:42 [0x2000fd1] (63,64,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
15:59:42 [0x200105e] (62,65,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
15:59:58 [0x2000f0b] (61,62,1) || the space cash was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
16:00:01 [0x2000fcf] (61,64,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
16:09:07 [0x2007ab8] (121,72,2) || the cable coil was irradiated by the vacuum floor.
16:09:22 [0x2007abb] (121,70,2) || the shard was irradiated by the vacuum floor.
16:09:28 [0x201d8e0] (125,73,2) || the gas pump fitting was irradiated by the vacuum floor.
16:09:30 [0x2017943] (120,71,2) || the mousetrap was irradiated by the vacuum floor.
16:10:10 [0x201ce1e] (125,73,2) || the pipe fitting was irradiated by the vacuum floor.
16:14:32 [0x200810a] (127,73,2) || the bar stool was irradiated by the vacuum floor.
16:16:13 [mob_3063] (110,116,2) || Dominic Burkett was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:17:31 [mob_3053] (107,114,2) || Sven Grey was irradiated by the uranium toilet.
16:17:34 [mob_3063] (107,115,2) || Dominic Burkett was irradiated by the uranium toilet.
16:17:54 [0x200607d] (107,115,2) || the multiver bottle was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:17:55 [mob_3056] (105,113,2) || Johnson Parkinson was irradiated by the uranium toilet.
16:17:58 [0x201e29c] (106,115,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:17:58 [0x201e370] (107,115,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:18:01 [0x201e190] (108,115,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:18:24 [mob_3063] (107,115,2) || Dominic Burkett was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:19:15 [mob_3053] (109,114,2) || Sven Grey was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:19:21 [mob_3056] (106,115,2) || Johnson Parkinson was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:19:21 [mob_3063] (107,115,2) || Dominic Burkett was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:20:04 [0x201e35a] (107,113,2) || the toy AI was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:20:10 [mob_3063] (107,115,2) || Dominic Burkett was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:20:49 [0x201e365] (107,113,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:20:52 [0x201d4a8] (105,114,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:20:52 [0x201e36b] (108,114,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:20:55 [0x201e238] (106,114,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:20:55 [mob_3063] (108,115,2) || Dominic Burkett was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:21:01 [0x200b8ce] (105,115,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:21:04 [0x201e126] (109,116,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:21:04 [0x201e0f0] (105,116,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:21:07 [0x201dff2] (106,116,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:21:10 [0x201e373] (104,113,2) || the fake pits was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:21:17 [0x200b896] (107,116,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:21:20 [0x200b9ad] (109,114,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:21:20 [0x2017824] (106,115,2) || the pocket crowbar was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:21:23 [0x200b9d6] (109,115,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:21:29 [0x201e18f] (108,116,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:21:32 [0x201e3bb] (106,113,2) || the floor tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:21:50 [mob_3063] (107,114,2) || Dominic Burkett was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:21:57 [mob_3062] (107,114,2) || Xander Hastings was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:22:00 [0x2006190] (105,116,2) || the potted plant was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:22:06 [mob_3112] (108,114,2) || Naught Ghey was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:22:15 [0x201e39c] (107,114,2) || the uranium tile was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:24:50 [0x200b961] (107,113,2) || the box of crayons was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:25:02 [0x201d365] (105,113,2) || Licks-The-Icicles's ID Card (Chaplain) was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:25:21 [0x201e38d] (107,113,2) || the white glitter bomb was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:25:22 [0x201e3d2] (124,75,2) || the scrubbers pipe fitting was irradiated by the canister.
16:25:22 [0x201d886] (120,76,2) || the connector port fitting was irradiated by the canister.
16:25:50 [0x20118f9] (49,86,10) || the shard was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:25:56 [0x20118a8] (48,85,10) || the chair was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:25:57 [0x201e5e5] (107,113,2) || the antag token was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:25:59 [0x20118a6] (48,86,10) || the shard was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:26:12 [0x201e4ac] (107,113,2) || the snap pop box was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:26:47 [0x20118f7] (49,87,10) || the shard was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:27:14 [0x201d999] (107,113,2) || the runner plushie was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:27:29 [mob_3063] (107,115,2) || Dominic Burkett was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:27:32 [0x2018e97] (107,113,2) || the toy Firefighter was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:28:09 [0x2011982] (51,85,10) || the shard was irradiated by the uranium block.
16:28:12 [0x201e606] (107,114,2) || the big red button was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:29:28 [0x201e72a] (107,113,2) || the strange goat plushie was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:29:43 [0x201e84a] (107,113,2) || the Atmospheric Technician action figure was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:30:08 [0x201e848] (107,113,2) || the Head of Security action figure was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:30:26 [0x201e839] (107,113,2) || the Chaplain action figure was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:30:26 [0x201e84c] (107,113,2) || the Ian action figure was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:30:44 [0x201e82c] (104,116,2) || the box of action figures was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:31:49 [0x200910b] (107,113,2) || the Clown action figure was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:32:01 [0x201ea22] (107,113,2) || the Scientist action figure was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:32:14 [0x201ea1c] (107,113,2) || the Wizard action figure was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:32:14 [mob_3063] (107,115,2) || Dominic Burkett was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:32:21 [0x201ea1d] (107,113,2) || the Space Ninja action figure was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:32:24 [0x201e9f2] (104,116,2) || the box of action figures was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:32:36 [0x201e206] (107,113,2) || the foam finger was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:33:16 [0x201b142] (107,113,2) || the white shoes was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:34:02 [0x201e730] (107,113,2) || the ACME Extendo-Hand was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:34:11 [0x201eafe] (107,113,2) || the ACME Extendo-Hand was irradiated by the uranium chair.
16:34:44 [0x201d881] (108,113,2) || the squeaky brain was irradiated by the uranium chair.