03:40:21 [0x2000f66] (61,62,1) || the space cash was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
03:40:21 [0x200102a] (61,64,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
03:40:24 [0x20010b9] (62,65,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
03:40:28 [0x200102c] (63,64,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
03:40:50 [0x2000fba] (62,63,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
04:07:37 [0x200bece] (177,112,4) || the station bounced radio was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:07:37 [0x2000f96] (174,113,4) || the smuggler's satchel was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:07:44 [0x200bed0] (177,111,4) || the paper bin was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:07:44 [0x200bed5] (177,111,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:07:48 [0x200becb] (177,112,4) || Space Law was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:07:48 [0x200bec9] (177,113,4) || the screwdriver was irradiated by the uranium table.
04:07:52 [mob_3155] (175,114,4) || Justice Koster was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:08:09 [0x2017546] (174,115,4) || the hyper-capacity power cell was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:08:17 [0x200bb5a] (171,116,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:08:47 [0x200c0e9] (181,113,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:08:54 [0x200bb66] (171,111,4) || the folder was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:08:54 [0x200bb67] (171,111,4) || the pen was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:08:59 [0x200bede] (177,107,4) || the paper bin was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:09:01 [0x200bdaf] (175,109,4) || the personal AI device was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:09:01 [0x200be2e] (176,109,4) || the intelliCard was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:09:24 [0x200bdb0] (175,109,4) || the universal recorder was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:09:43 [0x200bf2e] (178,119,4) || the folder was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:10:12 [0x200aa46] (175,118,4) || the brute trauma treatment kit was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:11:20 [0x200a6db] (143,121,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:11:54 [mob_3178] (140,120,4) || Grendel Patel was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:12:02 [0x200bf2f] (178,119,4) || the pen was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:12:17 [mob_3505] (180,109,4) || Jemma Fett was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:12:36 [mob_3175] (173,108,4) || Unknown was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:12:45 [0x200333a] (173,109,4) || the research director's garment bag was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:12:45 [0x200332e] (173,109,4) || the flash was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:12:45 [0x2003332] (173,109,4) || the science medal box was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:12:45 [0x200332d] (173,109,4) || the research door remote was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:12:45 [0x2003337] (173,109,4) || the photo album (Research Director) was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:12:48 [0x2003363] (173,109,4) || the bio hood was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:12:48 [0x2003331] (173,109,4) || the command megaphone was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:12:51 [0x2003338] (173,109,4) || the Departmental Techfab - Science (Machine Board) was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:12:51 [0x2003369] (173,109,4) || the bio suit was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:13:01 [mob_3173] (175,119,4) || Cubato Tomson was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:13:04 [0x200333f] (173,109,4) || the box of science job skillchips was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:13:10 [0x2002ad6] (173,108,4) || the french beret was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:13:18 [0x2003327] (173,109,4) || the research director data disk was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:13:37 [0x2017138] (175,109,4) || the labcoat was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:13:37 [0x2017047] (176,109,4) || the leather satchel was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:14:01 [0x2014b5f] (173,109,4) || the laser pointer was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:15:54 [mob_3178] (145,119,4) || Grendel Patel was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:16:54 [mob_3505] (179,109,4) || Jemma Fett was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:16:57 [mob_3513] (176,118,4) || Clark Grabber was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:17:16 [mob_3505] (175,112,4) || Jemma Fett was irradiated by the uranium table.
04:18:50 [mob_3444] (141,120,4) || Maximilian Cherry was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:19:46 [mob_3156] (180,116,4) || Freidrich Leichter was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:19:49 [mob_3172] (180,116,4) || Felix Mitchell was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:20:32 [0x2017ba5] (178,115,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:20:32 [0x2017ce5] (177,116,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:20:35 [0x2017bad] (174,115,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:20:36 [0x2017575] (173,115,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:20:36 [0x2017d33] (178,116,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:20:38 [0x2015175] (175,116,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:20:38 [0x2017cdf] (176,116,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:20:41 [0x2017dad] (175,115,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:20:41 [0x2017dd7] (172,116,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium Airlock.
04:20:41 [0x2017dc5] (177,115,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:20:41 [0x2007f2b] (172,115,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:20:48 [0x2017de7] (176,115,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:21:05 [0x2017ab7] (174,116,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:21:24 [0x2017555] (173,116,4) || the uranium floor tile was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:21:33 [0x2012b7d] (97,81,4) || the 4no raisins was irradiated by the uranium wall.
04:25:07 [0x200a669] (142,125,4) || the folder was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:07 [0x2017cd4] (145,125,4) || Salbutamol (20u) (oxygen) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:07 [0x2017c8d] (147,125,4) || Salicylic Acid (20u) (brute) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:10 [0x2017a6c] (146,125,4) || Oxandrolone (20u) (burn) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:10 [0x2017d90] (146,125,4) || Oxandrolone (20u) (burn) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:14 [0x2017cd8] (145,125,4) || Salbutamol (20u) (oxygen) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:14 [0x2017798] (147,125,4) || Salicylic Acid (20u) (brute) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:14 [0x2017797] (147,125,4) || Salicylic Acid (20u) (brute) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:17 [0x2017cd6] (145,125,4) || Salbutamol (20u) (oxygen) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:17 [0x201779a] (147,125,4) || Salicylic Acid (20u) (brute) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:17 [0x2017cd0] (147,125,4) || Salicylic Acid (20u) (brute) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:17 [0x200a6cb] (143,126,4) || the medkit was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:20 [0x2017ded] (146,125,4) || Oxandrolone (25u) (burn) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:24 [0x2017d15] (146,125,4) || Oxandrolone (25u) (burn) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:24 [0x2017d00] (146,125,4) || Oxandrolone (25u) (burn) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:28 [0x2017cd7] (145,125,4) || Salbutamol (20u) (oxygen) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:31 [0x2017799] (147,125,4) || Salicylic Acid (20u) (brute) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:34 [0x2017612] (147,125,4) || Salicylic Acid (20u) (brute) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:34 [0x200a6ca] (143,126,4) || the medkit was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:37 [0x20177b0] (148,125,4) || Seiver (20u) (toxin) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:37 [0x2013ff2] (144,126,4) || the suture was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:44 [0x2002e4e] (145,125,4) || Salbutamol (20u) (oxygen) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:44 [0x2016f74] (145,125,4) || Salbutamol (20u) (oxygen) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:50 [0x200caca] (148,125,4) || Seiver (20u) (toxin) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:53 [0x2017830] (146,125,4) || Oxandrolone (20u) (burn) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:25:53 [0x2017c5e] (148,125,4) || Seiver (20u) (toxin) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:26:05 [0x200727b] (146,127,4) || the appendix was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:26:12 [0x2017dc6] (146,125,4) || Oxandrolone (25u) (burn) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:26:28 [0x200a66a] (142,125,4) || the pen was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:26:41 [0x200a7c1] (145,123,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:27:57 [0x2015128] (147,125,4) || Salicylic Acid (20u) (brute) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:27:57 [0x2017c7f] (148,125,4) || Seiver (20u) (toxin) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:28:00 [mob_3169] (146,126,4) || Chance Pattington was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:28:09 [0x200ba51] (181,115,4) || the chief engineer's winter coat was irradiated by the uranium floor.
04:34:46 [0x2017830] (146,125,4) || Oxandrolone (20u) (burn) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:34:49 [0x2016f74] (145,125,4) || Salbutamol (20u) (oxygen) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:34:50 [0x2018278] (146,125,4) || Oxandrolone (20u) (burn) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:34:50 [0x201779a] (147,125,4) || Salicylic Acid (20u) (brute) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:34:59 [0x2017799] (147,125,4) || Salicylic Acid (20u) (brute) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:35:05 [0x2002e4e] (145,125,4) || Salbutamol (20u) (oxygen) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:35:09 [0x20068d1] (146,125,4) || Oxandrolone (20u) (burn) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:35:09 [0x200caca] (148,125,4) || Seiver (20u) (toxin) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:35:09 [0x2017c7f] (148,125,4) || Seiver (20u) (toxin) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:35:29 [0x2017cd8] (145,125,4) || Salbutamol (20u) (oxygen) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:35:45 [0x2017cd7] (145,125,4) || Salbutamol (20u) (oxygen) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:36:12 [mob_3186] (147,124,4) || Lucy Cicero was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:36:18 [0x2017c5e] (148,125,4) || Seiver (20u) (toxin) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:36:27 [0x2009aa5] (146,125,4) || Oxandrolone (20u) (burn) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:36:44 [mob_3336] (145,125,4) || Ender Octanus was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:36:44 [0x200c4c5] (146,125,4) || the circular saw was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:37:06 [mob_3588] (146,127,4) || Khara J. Ross-Cravens was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:37:26 [0x20186f7] (146,125,4) || Oxandrolone (20u) (burn) (take one) pill was irradiated by the uranium chair.
04:37:49 [mob_3444] (147,126,4) || Maximilian Cherry was irradiated by the uranium chair.