10:56:02 [0x2001370] (70,72,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
10:56:07 [0x2001497] (70,74,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
10:57:23 [0x20013e5] (71,73,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
10:57:32 [0x20013e3] (69,73,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
11:22:49 [0x200796f] (117,59,4) || the cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:49 [0x2007c00] (119,59,4) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:50 [0x2007db4] (121,62,4) || Rapid Pipe Dispenser (RPD) was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:51 [0x2007066] (107,59,4) || the cable coil was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:51 [0x2007344] (110,73,4) || the gas analyzer was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:52 [mob_3077] (115,62,4) || Robust-As-Chaplin was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:52 [0x2007342] (110,73,4) || the mechanical toolbox was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:52 [0x2007408] (111,73,4) || the black gloves was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:52 [0x200786d] (115,73,4) || the radiation suit was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:52 [0x2007956] (116,73,4) || the radiation suit was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:53 [mob_3081] (117,58,4) || Tye Maclagan was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:53 [0x200e855] (118,71,4) || the hard hat was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:54 [0x2007067] (107,58,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:55 [0x200786e] (115,73,4) || the radiation hood was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:55 [0x2007959] (116,73,4) || the Geiger counter was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:56 [0x2007345] (110,73,4) || Rapid Pipe Dispenser (RPD) was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:57 [0x2007407] (111,73,4) || the extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:57 [0x2007877] (115,71,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:22:57 [0x200786f] (115,73,4) || the Geiger counter was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:23:01 [0x2007db3] (121,62,4) || the gas analyzer was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:23:01 [0x2006fa7] (106,68,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:23:03 [0x2007957] (116,73,4) || the radiation hood was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:23:06 [0x2015041] (114,73,4) || the possessed blade was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:23:07 [mob_3078] (107,69,4) || Joe Hardie was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:23:07 [0x2007065] (107,59,4) || the cable coil was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:23:10 [0x2014f76] (114,73,4) || the crusader helmet was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:23:10 [0x2007cd0] (120,68,4) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:23:11 [0x2014f77] (114,73,4) || the crusader armour was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:23:15 [0x2007871] (111,72,4) || the optical meson scanner was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:23:25 [0x2011bf9] (0,0,0) || the station bounced radio was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:23:30 [0x2007248] (109,70,4) || the wrench was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:24:54 [0x2007eb8] (122,70,4) || the gas mask was irradiated by the omni pipe.
11:25:36 [0x2007eb9] (122,70,4) || the gas mask was irradiated by the omni pipe.
11:28:08 [0x201223f] (121,65,4) || the hazard vest was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:28:08 [0x2012240] (121,65,4) || the flashlight was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:28:08 [0x2012243] (121,65,4) || the welding tool was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:28:08 [0x2012244] (121,65,4) || the pocket crowbar was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:28:08 [0x2012245] (121,65,4) || the wirecutters was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:28:08 [0x201223c] (121,66,4) || the oxygen tank was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:28:08 [0x2012239] (121,66,4) || the emergency firesuit was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:28:08 [0x201223a] (121,66,4) || the gas mask was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:28:08 [0x201223e] (121,66,4) || the firefighter helmet was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:28:09 [0x2012242] (121,65,4) || the wrench was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:28:10 [0x201223d] (121,66,4) || the fire extinguisher was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
11:28:10 [0x2012241] (121,66,4) || the screwdriver was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.