03:41:01 [0x20016e7] (70,72,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
03:41:05 [0x2001795] (71,73,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
03:41:08 [0x2001793] (69,73,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
03:42:14 [0x200188c] (70,74,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
03:59:34 [0x2008873] (105,108,2) || the jetpack (carbon dioxide) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x200d5d1] (106,113,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x200d601] (104,107,2) || the cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x200d5f8] (106,107,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x201e487] (107,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x201e48b] (107,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x201e48f] (107,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x201e490] (107,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x201e493] (107,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x201e49a] (107,107,2) || the light bulb was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x2007b52] (98,107,2) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [mob_3386] (98,115,2) || Ricky Mclousky was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x2007b2f] (98,116,2) || the decal painter was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x200d610] (98,116,2) || the iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x200f21d] (105,106,2) || the plasteel was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x20079a8] (97,113,2) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x200d611] (98,117,2) || the iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [mob_3070] (103,111,2) || Angie Olphert was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x2025fb5] (104,112,2) || the left arm was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x201e2f6] (104,113,2) || the breath mask was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x200d602] (104,107,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x2008872] (107,109,2) || the jetpack (carbon dioxide) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x2008866] (107,112,2) || the magboots was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x2007bcf] (98,114,2) || the industrial welding tool was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x2007b36] (98,115,2) || the electrical toolbox was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x2008119] (101,116,2) || the high-capacity power cell was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x200f206] (106,106,2) || the plasteel was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:34 [0x200ed5f] (107,106,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:35 [0x201e275] (103,113,2) || the engineering MOD control unit was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:35 [0x200d5d0] (106,113,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:35 [0x2008881] (106,107,2) || the wrench was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:35 [0x201e488] (106,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:35 [0x201e489] (106,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:35 [0x201e48e] (106,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:35 [0x201e494] (106,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:35 [0x201e499] (106,107,2) || the light bulb was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:35 [0x200f632] (107,107,2) || the plasteel was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:35 [0x200f63d] (110,107,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:40 [0x201e48a] (106,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:40 [0x201e48c] (106,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:40 [0x201e492] (106,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:40 [0x201e2f8] (104,110,2) || the engineering MOD control unit was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:40 [0x201e273] (103,112,2) || the breath mask was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:40 [0x20079b4] (103,112,2) || the welding tool was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:40 [0x201e3a0] (106,113,2) || the breath mask was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:40 [0x201e3a2] (106,113,2) || the engineering MOD control unit was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:41 [0x200d612] (104,109,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:41 [0x200d5fa] (106,107,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:41 [0x200d5fb] (106,107,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:41 [0x201e48d] (106,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:41 [0x201e498] (106,107,2) || the light bulb was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:41 [0x200d60a] (107,111,2) || the cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:41 [0x200d0af] (103,104,2) || the plasteel was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:41 [0x200d5cf] (106,113,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x201e491] (106,107,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x201e495] (106,107,2) || the light bulb was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x201e496] (106,107,2) || the light bulb was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x200d607] (107,111,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x2007eae] (99,102,2) || Engineering Textbook was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x201e49b] (106,107,2) || the light bulb was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x20086d8] (106,108,2) || the plasteel was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x2007370] (99,102,2) || the hazard vest was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [mob_3170] (99,110,2) || Rebeka Boyd was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x200d600] (105,108,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x200f642] (105,108,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x2008879] (106,108,2) || the EMP-proof cell was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x2008288] (103,107,2) || the potted plant was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x2007368] (99,102,2) || the sign backing was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:43 [0x2007366] (99,102,2) || the gas analyzer was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:13 [0x200d56e] (106,108,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:13 [0x201e30c] (106,108,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:13 [0x2008406] (106,108,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:13 [0x201e46f] (107,110,2) || the plasma tank was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:13 [0x201e473] (107,110,2) || the plasma tank was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:13 [0x2008865] (103,112,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:16 [0x200d5ab] (105,107,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:16 [0x201e497] (106,107,2) || the light bulb was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:16 [0x20043c0] (106,108,2) || the plasteel was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:16 [0x201e453] (107,110,2) || the oxygen tank was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:16 [0x201e457] (107,110,2) || the oxygen tank was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:16 [0x201e46d] (107,110,2) || the plasma tank was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:17 [0x201e477] (107,110,2) || the plasma tank was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:17 [0x2008f05] (105,107,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:17 [0x201e467] (107,110,2) || the plasma tank was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:17 [0x201e479] (107,110,2) || the plasma tank was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:05:01 [0x200db3f] (155,102,2) || the pen was irradiated by Rebeka Boyd.
04:05:01 [0x200eb08] (158,102,2) || the folder was irradiated by Rebeka Boyd.
04:07:18 [0x200f09d] (106,106,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:07:18 [0x2008570] (106,108,2) || the plasteel was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:09:41 [0x2006b0e] (87,122,2) || the cable coil was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:10:41 [0x2006111] (77,121,2) || the gas analyzer was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:10:41 [0x2006b10] (87,122,2) || the cable coil was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:10:41 [0x2006b12] (87,122,2) || the pocket crowbar was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:10:53 [0x2006b1a] (87,120,2) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:11:24 [0x2015935] (176,81,10) || the laser gun was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:11:24 [0x2015e76] (175,80,10) || the prototype energy gun was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:11:24 [0x2015e0b] (176,86,10) || the sodium bottle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:11:24 [0x2015e61] (177,86,10) || the silicon bottle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:11:52 [0x2015e71] (177,80,10) || Supermatter Crystal Generator was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:12:17 [0x200beeb] (80,116,2) || the iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:12:17 [0x2006110] (77,121,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:12:17 [0x2006b11] (87,122,2) || the wirecutters was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:12:35 [0x2006113] (77,121,2) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:13:25 [0x201551a] (176,81,10) || the pocket crowbar was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:14:19 [0x201e39d] (80,116,2) || Tesla Controller (Machine Board) was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:14:23 [0x201e39c] (83,113,2) || the capacitor was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:14:34 [0x201d7bf] (84,114,2) || the capacitor was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:14:34 [0x20062b0] (79,116,2) || the wrench was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:14:34 [0x20064f7] (82,112,2) || the pocket crowbar was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:14:34 [0x2006b0f] (87,122,2) || the cable coil was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:14:34 [0x2007251] (87,122,2) || Rapid Pipe Dispenser (RPD) was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:14:34 [0x2006dcd] (89,122,2) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:14:42 [0x201e39b] (83,113,2) || Tesla Controller (Machine Board) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:15:40 [0x2006b07] (87,123,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:16:03 [0x201d74a] (83,115,2) || Tesla Controller (Machine Board) was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:16:04 [0x201d71f] (81,117,2) || Tesla Controller (Machine Board) was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:16:04 [0x201d7be] (84,114,2) || Tesla Controller (Machine Board) was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:16:04 [0x201e39e] (80,116,2) || the capacitor was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:16:04 [0x2015fd2] (84,117,2) || the syndicate encryption key was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:16:04 [0x2006b0a] (87,123,2) || the screwdriver was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:16:04 [0x200a1a3] (90,118,2) || the trick-o-treat bag was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:16:18 [0x2006af5] (91,114,2) || the insulated gloves was irradiated by the supermatter shard.