07:37:12 [0x20016fa] (70,72,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
07:37:25 [0x20017a6] (69,73,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
07:37:25 [0x20017a8] (71,73,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
07:37:34 [0x200189f] (70,74,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
07:54:20 [0x2019024] (0,0,0) || the micro-laser was irradiated by Pene Allen.
07:54:33 [mob_555] (0,0,0) || Pene Allen was irradiated by Pene Allen.
07:54:39 [0x2019021] (0,0,0) || DNA Scanner (Machine Board) was irradiated by Pene Allen.
07:54:39 [0x2019025] (0,0,0) || the glass was irradiated by Pene Allen.
07:55:16 [0x2019022] (0,0,0) || the scanning module was irradiated by Pene Allen.
07:55:28 [0x2019026] (0,0,0) || the cable piece was irradiated by Pene Allen.
07:57:23 [0x2019023] (0,0,0) || the matter bin was irradiated by Pene Allen.
08:05:28 [mob_50] (175,93,3) || the monkey (734) was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:05:28 [0x2002f2b] (179,95,3) || the expended Chameleon mutator was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:05:34 [mob_554] (177,93,3) || the monkey (794) was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:05:34 [0x200be58] (175,95,3) || the folder was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:05:34 [0x2003718] (177,95,3) || the moldy mess was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:05:40 [0x2003904] (177,94,3) || the expended Hulk mutator was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:05:52 [0x200bde1] (179,93,3) || the station intercom was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:06:05 [0x200bbd8] (177,95,3) || the monkey cube box was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:06:05 [mob_585] (179,94,3) || Fister Mister was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:06:30 [0x200be59] (179,94,3) || the science radio headset was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:06:48 [0x2018f6e] (178,95,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:07:25 [0x200374e] (177,95,3) || the expended Radioactivity mutator was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:07:31 [0x2001499] (179,94,3) || the camera was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:07:37 [0x200bbd9] (177,95,3) || the monkey cube box was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:07:49 [mob_552] (179,95,3) || Juliet Brinigh was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:08:45 [0x20190e9] (178,95,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:11:24 [mob_560] (176,94,3) || Patience Keppel was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:11:30 [0x201902c] (0,0,0) || the cable piece was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:11:42 [0x201902b] (0,0,0) || the glass was irradiated by the monkey (794).
08:25:51 [0x200aa12] (137,87,3) || the dropper was irradiated by the monkey (552).
08:26:16 [0x200ab1f] (140,89,3) || the solid plasma was irradiated by the monkey (552).
08:26:47 [0x200a877] (134,85,3) || the pen was irradiated by the monkey (552).
08:27:12 [mob_47] (135,85,3) || the monkey (552) was irradiated by the monkey (552).
08:27:55 [0x200a876] (134,85,3) || the folder was irradiated by the monkey (552).
08:31:28 [mob_514] (137,86,3) || Leland Ratcliff was irradiated by the monkey (552).
08:44:06 [0x2007d19] (0,0,0) || the broken Duke Purple tea was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:06 [0x2007ba1] (0,0,0) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:06 [0x2008154] (0,0,0) || the robust coffee was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:12 [0x200393f] (174,134,3) || the proximity sensor was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:12 [0x20183c5] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:12 [0x2018cf8] (174,134,3) || the paper was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:12 [0x2018cf6] (174,134,3) || the paper was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:12 [0x200805f] (174,134,3) || the right leg was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:12 [0x2007c6a] (174,134,3) || the left arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:12 [0x2009fc9] (174,134,3) || the epinephrine bottle was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:12 [mob_749] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:12 [mob_771] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:18 [0x20034ec] (174,134,3) || the bottle of Left 4 Zed was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:18 [0x20187b6] (174,134,3) || the unstable mutagen bottle was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:18 [0x20042c3] (174,134,3) || the syringe was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:18 [0x2009fa3] (174,134,3) || the titanium was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:18 [0x2018cf7] (174,134,3) || the paper was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:18 [0x2002d9f] (174,134,3) || the laser pointer was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:18 [0x200800c] (174,134,3) || the right arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:18 [0x2007eb5] (174,134,3) || the right arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:18 [0x2018291] (174,134,3) || the body bag was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:18 [0x201711a] (174,134,3) || the broken Duke Purple tea was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:18 [mob_768] (174,134,3) || the monkey (552) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:18 [mob_779] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:20 [mob_49] (175,91,3) || Unknown was irradiated by Unknown.
08:44:23 [0x20037f5] (0,0,0) || Void Magnet mutator was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:44:24 [mob_893] (166,134,3) || Lemon Mime was irradiated by Lemon Mime.
08:44:25 [0x201369e] (174,134,3) || DNA data disk was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:25 [0x2009ad0] (174,134,3) || the paper bin was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:25 [0x20038e4] (174,134,3) || the bottle of Left 4 Zed was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:25 [0x20034e1] (174,134,3) || the iron rod was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:25 [0x2018414] (174,134,3) || the iron rod was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:25 [0x2005e72] (174,134,3) || the spray can was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:25 [0x2018cf3] (174,134,3) || the paper was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:25 [0x2006c6b] (174,134,3) || the burned mess was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:25 [0x2007735] (174,134,3) || the left arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:25 [0x2009fca] (174,134,3) || the syringe was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:25 [0x2003d9c] (174,134,3) || the incomplete securitron assembly was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:25 [0x2006f08] (174,134,3) || the left arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:25 [mob_765] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:29 [0x2004b90] (0,0,0) || the quad-ultra micro-laser was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:44:30 [0x2007ecc] (165,135,3) || the cooldown decrease was irradiated by Lemon Mime.
08:44:31 [0x20182cd] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:31 [0x2004d65] (174,134,3) || the potato battery was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:31 [0x2002095] (174,134,3) || the epinephrine medipen was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:31 [0x2018cfc] (174,134,3) || the paper was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:31 [0x20051d4] (174,134,3) || the proximity sensor was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:31 [0x2007dd6] (174,134,3) || the left arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:31 [0x2008489] (174,134,3) || the broken Duke Purple tea was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:31 [mob_774] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:31 [mob_773] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:35 [0x2002e29] (0,0,0) || the damaged geneticist's jumpskirt was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:44:37 [0x201b712] (174,134,3) || the epinephrine medipen was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:37 [0x200b64e] (174,134,3) || the pen was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:37 [0x2007c7c] (174,134,3) || the left leg was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:37 [0x2007d27] (174,134,3) || the right arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:37 [0x2006a6a] (174,134,3) || the right leg was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:37 [0x20086d8] (174,134,3) || the robust coffee was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:37 [mob_764] (174,134,3) || the monkey (98) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:37 [mob_762] (174,134,3) || the monkey (234) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:37 [mob_751] (174,134,3) || the monkey (50) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x200394c] (174,134,3) || the expended Gigantism mutator was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x2017e03] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x20035f8] (174,134,3) || the broken shot glass was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x2003507] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x2018412] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x2017fdc] (174,134,3) || the spray can was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x20165bd] (174,134,3) || the cheesie honkers was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x2002fd7] (174,134,3) || the bottle of Left 4 Zed was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x2007c7b] (174,134,3) || the right leg was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x20058bf] (174,134,3) || the circuit gun was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x2007bb4] (174,134,3) || the eyes was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x2008bcd] (174,134,3) || the robust coffee was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [0x200834f] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [mob_786] (174,134,3) || the monkey (952) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:43 [mob_747] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:47 [0x2016fa5] (0,0,0) || PDA-Muriel Henry (Geneticist) was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:44:47 [0x20049c2] (0,0,0) || the super matter bin was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:44:47 [0x200b631] (168,137,3) || the H.A.U.L. gauntlets was irradiated by Gung Swaggins.
08:44:49 [0x20033f0] (167,130,3) || the eyes was irradiated by Lemon Mime.
08:44:49 [0x20069a5] (167,131,3) || the french beret was irradiated by Lemon Mime.
08:44:49 [0x20035e2] (174,134,3) || Deafness mutator was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:49 [0x200608a] (174,134,3) || the broken Duke Purple tea was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:49 [0x200a350] (174,134,3) || the donut box was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:49 [0x2018cf9] (174,134,3) || the paper was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:49 [0x201658d] (174,134,3) || the emergency first-aid autoinjector was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:49 [0x2001fb6] (174,134,3) || the wayfinding pinpointer was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:49 [0x2008536] (174,134,3) || the circuit gun was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:49 [0x2007243] (174,134,3) || the right arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:49 [mob_756] (174,134,3) || the monkey (97) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:49 [mob_781] (174,134,3) || the monkey (978) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:49 [mob_754] (174,134,3) || the monkey (350) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:53 [0x201900d] (0,0,0) || the emergency oxygen tank was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:44:55 [0x2008aff] (174,134,3) || the bottle of E-Z-Nutrient was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:55 [0x2009b0f] (174,134,3) || the beaker was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:55 [0x2016000] (174,134,3) || the robust coffee was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:55 [0x2005e15] (174,134,3) || the broken Dutch hot coco was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:55 [0x2018292] (174,134,3) || the body bag was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:55 [0x20081e6] (174,134,3) || the right arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:55 [0x200703f] (174,134,3) || the robust coffee was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:55 [0x2007dae] (174,134,3) || the right leg was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:55 [mob_757] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:44:56 [0x20138cc] (134,85,3) || the tongue was irradiated by Unknown.
08:45:01 [0x2003992] (174,134,3) || the bottle of Left 4 Zed was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:01 [0x20183c6] (174,134,3) || the iron rod was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:01 [0x2002df8] (174,134,3) || the white shoes was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:01 [0x2018415] (174,134,3) || the cable piece was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:01 [0x2007f72] (174,134,3) || the right leg was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:06 [0x2004b16] (0,0,0) || the phasic scanning module was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:45:08 [0x20138cb] (134,85,3) || the ears was irradiated by Unknown.
08:45:14 [0x2006b95] (123,135,2) || the cigarette butt was irradiated by Lemon Mime.
08:45:18 [0x20039ef] (174,134,3) || the iron rod was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:18 [0x2004d5f] (174,134,3) || the incomplete securitron assembly was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:18 [0x200180e] (174,134,3) || the expended Temperature Adaptation mutator was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:18 [0x2005cdc] (174,134,3) || the broken Dutch hot coco was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:18 [0x2018cf4] (174,134,3) || the paper was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:18 [0x2007d25] (174,134,3) || the left arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:18 [0x200805c] (174,134,3) || the left arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:18 [0x201828c] (174,134,3) || the body bag was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:18 [mob_777] (174,134,3) || the monkey (752) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:18 [mob_789] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:18 [0x2019027] (0,0,0) || DNA Scanner (Machine Board) was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:45:23 [0x2018eed] (174,93,3) || the radiation suit was irradiated by Unknown.
08:45:23 [0x2013928] (175,91,3) || the ears was irradiated by Unknown.
08:45:24 [0x2002d64] (174,134,3) || the penlight was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:24 [0x2005d39] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:24 [0x201665d] (174,134,3) || the pistachios pack was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:24 [0x20184c2] (174,134,3) || the flour sack was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:24 [0x200891b] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:24 [0x201828d] (174,134,3) || the body bag was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:24 [mob_788] (174,134,3) || the monkey (404) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:31 [0x20044b1] (174,134,3) || the expended Chameleon mutator was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:31 [0x2005c46] (174,134,3) || the spray can was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:31 [0x20181fb] (174,134,3) || the space milk was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:31 [0x2006a16] (174,134,3) || the burned mess was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:31 [0x20184c3] (174,134,3) || the flour sack was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:31 [0x20184c1] (174,134,3) || the flour sack was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:31 [0x2007e3f] (174,134,3) || the right leg was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:31 [mob_783] (174,134,3) || the monkey (610) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:31 [mob_778] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:31 [mob_769] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:33 [0x20056c5] (117,139,2) || the banana lamp was irradiated by Lemon Mime.
08:45:37 [0x20183c4] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:37 [0x2007e99] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:37 [mob_766] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:37 [mob_761] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:39 [0x2007c51] (0,0,0) || the mime's outfit was irradiated by Lemon Mime.
08:45:39 [0x20081cb] (0,0,0) || the white gloves was irradiated by Lemon Mime.
08:45:39 [mob_45] (135,85,3) || Unknown was irradiated by Unknown.
08:45:43 [0x200427e] (174,134,3) || the health analyzer was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:43 [0x2005561] (174,134,3) || the expended Hulk mutator was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:43 [0x2007ee1] (174,134,3) || the right arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:43 [mob_787] (174,134,3) || the monkey (792) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:45 [0x20080ff] (0,0,0) || the backpack was irradiated by Lemon Mime.
08:45:49 [0x2018cfb] (174,134,3) || the paper was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:49 [0x2008297] (174,134,3) || the right leg was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:49 [0x20087bc] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:49 [0x20063e1] (174,134,3) || the bacon burger was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:49 [0x20081ed] (174,134,3) || the left leg was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:49 [mob_772] (174,134,3) || Unknown was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:51 [0x2007dc6] (0,0,0) || the suspenders was irradiated by Lemon Mime.
08:45:54 [0x2018eee] (174,93,3) || the radiation hood was irradiated by Unknown.
08:45:56 [0x20037b9] (174,134,3) || the wooden plank was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:45:56 [0x200691a] (174,134,3) || the left leg was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:00 [0x2013927] (175,91,3) || the eyes was irradiated by Unknown.
08:46:02 [0x2003a01] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:02 [0x2007b2e] (174,134,3) || the left arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:02 [0x2007bb5] (174,134,3) || the ears was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:02 [0x2007267] (166,126,2) || the wrench was irradiated by Gung Swaggins.
08:46:13 [0x2013929] (175,91,3) || the tongue was irradiated by Unknown.
08:46:14 [0x2018cf5] (174,134,3) || the paper was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:16 [0x2015f37] (118,139,2) || the pie cannon was irradiated by Lemon Mime.
08:46:21 [0x2018290] (174,134,3) || the body bag was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:21 [0x201828e] (174,134,3) || the body bag was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:21 [0x2007ffb] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:23 [0x20178d0] (126,136,2) || the cigarette butt was irradiated by Lemon Mime.
08:46:25 [mob_51] (175,93,3) || Hepsie Hardy was irradiated by Unknown.
08:46:27 [0x201828f] (174,134,3) || the body bag was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:27 [0x2002dfe] (0,0,0) || the leather satchel was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:46:27 [0x2016941] (167,121,2) || the tin of beans was irradiated by Gung Swaggins.
08:46:33 [0x2003b60] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:33 [0x200b679] (174,134,3) || the latex gloves was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:33 [0x2008291] (174,134,3) || the right arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:33 [0x2008a43] (174,134,3) || the broken Duke Purple tea was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:40 [0x2007dac] (174,134,3) || the right arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:46 [0x2007383] (174,134,3) || the left arm was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:46 [mob_758] (174,134,3) || the monkey (558) was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:53 [0x2008199] (174,134,3) || the left leg was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:46:59 [0x200350b] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:12 [0x2003993] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:18 [0x2017e04] (174,134,3) || the iron rod was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:18 [0x2018413] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:24 [0x200849f] (174,134,3) || the broken Duke Purple tea was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:30 [0x2007ee4] (174,134,3) || the left leg was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:30 [0x20045b8] (174,134,3) || the forked tongue was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:36 [0x2007b08] (174,134,3) || the broken Dutch hot coco was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:36 [0x20081fb] (174,134,3) || the liver was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:43 [0x2004300] (174,134,3) || the medical radio headset was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:43 [0x20081fc] (174,134,3) || the stomach was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:49 [0x2007ff9] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:49 [0x20081f0] (174,134,3) || the lungs was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:49 [0x20081f4] (174,134,3) || the appendix was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:47:49 [mob_572] (0,0,0) || Muriel Henry was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:47:55 [0x20053b1] (174,134,3) || the night vision health scanner HUD was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:48:01 [0x2002e2a] (0,0,0) || the geneticist labcoat was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:48:08 [0x20045b5] (174,134,3) || the ears was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:48:08 [0x20081fe] (174,134,3) || the monkey tail was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:48:14 [0x2003e25] (174,134,3) || the moldy dead mouse was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:48:14 [0x2007ff4] (174,134,3) || the shard was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:48:14 [0x20081ef] (174,134,3) || the heart was irradiated by the monkey (558).
08:49:24 [0x201910c] (180,94,3) || the shard was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:49:43 [0x20086b2] (176,95,3) || the expended Cryokinesis mutator was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:50:01 [0x200be59] (180,94,3) || the science radio headset was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:50:21 [0x2003010] (178,93,3) || the eyes was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:50:27 [0x20043b8] (179,94,3) || the expended Webbing Production mutator was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:50:34 [0x2003012] (178,93,3) || the tongue was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:50:34 [mob_557] (176,95,3) || the monkey (908) was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:50:40 [0x201900f] (178,93,3) || the breath mask was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:51:29 [0x201bb43] (178,93,3) || the science radio headset was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:51:42 [0x200be51] (180,95,3) || the paper bin was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:52:40 [0x2003011] (178,93,3) || the cat ears was irradiated by Muriel Henry.
08:52:40 [mob_548] (179,94,3) || Ivan Thomlinson was irradiated by Muriel Henry.