02:22:25 [0x20017a6] (69,73,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
02:22:29 [0x20016fa] (70,72,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
02:22:39 [0x200cd73] (170,197,5) || the plate was irradiated by the uranium airlock.
02:22:41 [0x20017a8] (71,73,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
02:23:36 [0x200189f] (70,74,1) || the Nuclear Operative action figure was irradiated by the statue of a nuclear fission explosive.
02:24:14 [0x200cd6d] (166,190,5) || the syndi-cakes was irradiated by the uranium airlock.
02:24:53 [0x200cd75] (171,196,5) || the pistachios pack was irradiated by the uranium airlock.
02:25:11 [0x200cd4a] (159,195,5) || the popcorn was irradiated by the uranium airlock.
02:25:11 [0x200cd49] (159,197,5) || the veal render was irradiated by the uranium airlock.
02:25:26 [0x200cd5b] (164,191,5) || the candy was irradiated by the uranium airlock.
02:25:58 [0x201840e] (0,0,0) || the scanning module was irradiated by Nerissa Dean.
02:25:58 [0x2018410] (0,0,0) || the micro-laser was irradiated by Nerissa Dean.
02:26:25 [0x201840f] (0,0,0) || the matter bin was irradiated by Nerissa Dean.
02:26:25 [0x2018412] (0,0,0) || the cable piece was irradiated by Nerissa Dean.
02:26:31 [0x2018411] (0,0,0) || the glass was irradiated by Nerissa Dean.
02:26:58 [0x201840d] (0,0,0) || DNA Scanner (Machine Board) was irradiated by Nerissa Dean.
02:28:31 [mob_30] (0,0,0) || Nerissa Dean was irradiated by Nerissa Dean.
02:37:47 [0x201a4d3] (161,147,2) || the power control module was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:47 [0x200b87e] (177,160,2) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:47 [0x201a5e4] (164,146,2) || the flashlight was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:48 [0x201a402] (163,149,2) || the radiation hood was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:48 [0x201a4d7] (161,147,2) || the multitool was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:48 [0x200aceb] (161,157,2) || the hazard vest was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:49 [0x201e170] (172,148,2) || the iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:51 [0x20036ae] (173,150,2) || the meter was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:51 [0x200ad05] (161,151,2) || the optical meson scanner was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:53 [0x200372b] (172,150,2) || the roach was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:53 [0x200aced] (161,157,2) || the extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:56 [0x201a5ee] (164,146,2) || the hard hat was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:59 [0x200acec] (161,157,2) || the hazard vest was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:37:59 [0x201a5e3] (164,146,2) || the hazard vest was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:01 [0x200acf4] (161,156,2) || the engineering scanner goggles was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:02 [0x201a5e9] (164,146,2) || the T-ray scanner was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:03 [0x200b4e1] (172,160,2) || the station intercom was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:04 [0x201a4d6] (161,147,2) || the multitool was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:04 [0x200b0ee] (166,146,2) || the light replacer was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:06 [0x201a4b5] (161,147,2) || the electrical toolbox was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:09 [0x200b884] (177,148,2) || the wrench was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:10 [0x201a880] (0,0,0) || the station bounced radio was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:10 [0x201a4b1] (161,147,2) || the inducer was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:10 [0x201a4d4] (161,147,2) || the power control module was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:11 [0x200ad06] (161,151,2) || the optical meson scanner was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:13 [0x201a4d5] (161,147,2) || the power control module was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:14 [0x200acf6] (161,156,2) || the engineering scanner goggles was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:14 [0x200b314] (169,150,2) || the pocket crowbar was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:15 [0x201a401] (165,148,2) || the radiation suit was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:15 [0x201a4c9] (161,147,2) || the electrical toolbox was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:17 [mob_744] (166,149,2) || Mythmi Aguilar was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:38:17 [0x201a4bf] (161,147,2) || the electrical toolbox was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:41:06 [0x201a3dd] (161,160,2) || the wirecutters was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:41:22 [mob_658] (171,162,2) || Adrian Moffler was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:42:32 [0x201a374] (166,154,2) || the fire extinguisher was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:42:36 [0x2004998] (166,154,2) || the rapid-construction-device (RCD) was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:42:55 [mob_670] (164,154,2) || Rick Hick was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
02:43:11 [mob_720] (161,154,2) || Lyn Nakamura was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:03:17 [0x20187c7] (0,0,0) || the micro-laser was irradiated by Jacaline Overstreet.
03:03:48 [0x20187c9] (0,0,0) || the cable piece was irradiated by Jacaline Overstreet.
03:04:34 [0x20187c6] (0,0,0) || the matter bin was irradiated by Jacaline Overstreet.
03:04:52 [mob_28] (0,0,0) || Jacaline Overstreet was irradiated by Jacaline Overstreet.
03:28:22 [mob_948] (163,155,2) || Chiko Treeby was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:33:03 [mob_1120] (168,146,2) || Fermi Pa'Ra Dox was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:39:13 [mob_948] (161,161,2) || Chiko Treeby was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:45:04 [0x200ad09] (161,152,2) || the toolbelt was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:45:17 [0x2006830] (161,152,2) || the industrial duffel bag was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:46:06 [0x200a9fe] (161,152,2) || the airlock painter was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:46:20 [0x200ad0a] (161,152,2) || the toolbelt was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:46:21 [0x20067de] (161,152,2) || the tablet computer was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:46:48 [0x200ad0b] (161,152,2) || the toolbelt was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:48:44 [0x2006bff] (161,152,2) || the wayfinding pinpointer was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:50:43 [mob_1474] (161,159,2) || Edward Bailey was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:52:01 [mob_923] (164,152,2) || Sandigo Bendford was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:53:25 [0x201a641] (164,154,2) || the advanced fire extinguisher was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:53:31 [0x2015c95] (165,159,2) || the meter was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:53:36 [0x200c8bd] (167,148,2) || the cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:53:38 [0x20137a7] (168,148,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:12 [0x200921b] (168,149,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:18 [0x200d0a3] (172,151,2) || the cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:19 [mob_948] (162,154,2) || Chiko Treeby was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:23 [0x2019739] (168,149,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:24 [0x20065bb] (161,154,2) || the pocket crowbar was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:26 [0x200944d] (172,151,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:27 [0x201b003] (172,152,2) || the cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:27 [0x200968c] (171,149,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:32 [0x200c865] (172,152,2) || the meter was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:34 [0x200b469] (163,159,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:36 [0x200d71b] (172,150,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:41 [0x200d272] (168,149,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:49 [0x200d713] (172,154,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:54:49 [0x200d717] (172,154,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:56:06 [0x200dc2f] (164,157,2) || the frozen shard was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:56:11 [0x200db99] (163,153,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:56:21 [0x200d0af] (163,155,2) || the frozen shard was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:13 [0x200de17] (173,150,2) || the cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:13 [0x200c936] (170,160,2) || the meter was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:16 [0x2003b1f] (166,159,2) || the meter was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:27 [0x200de1a] (173,148,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:27 [0x200ddf6] (173,148,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:32 [0x200c95c] (170,159,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:34 [0x200c8e5] (167,159,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:34 [0x200de1d] (165,160,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:36 [0x201973e] (165,159,2) || the cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:38 [0x20057c5] (165,157,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:39 [0x200dd49] (170,148,2) || the cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:52 [0x201bb7d] (163,159,2) || the meter was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:53 [0x200c92b] (165,157,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:57 [0x200dfab] (164,159,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:57:57 [0x20199fe] (170,159,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:58:07 [0x200a3b2] (173,151,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:58:07 [0x200dfc0] (163,155,2) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:58:32 [0x200944d] (163,159,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:58:58 [0x200ea46] (173,146,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:58:58 [0x200df9c] (173,146,2) || the iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:59:06 [0x200b7b7] (173,146,2) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:59:15 [0x200dba3] (173,146,2) || the gas filter fitting was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
03:59:42 [0x20103bb] (142,64,6) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:42 [0x20104eb] (152,64,6) || the potted plant was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:42 [0x200c643] (141,67,6) || the xeno meat was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:42 [0x20031f5] (145,67,6) || Rodrigo Biery's head was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
03:59:42 [0x20103db] (148,67,6) || the sodium bottle was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:01 [0x201031b] (145,58,6) || Laboratory Inventory was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:23 [0x200ff49] (145,61,6) || the laser gun was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:52 [0x200dcdd] (148,61,6) || the iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:00:59 [0x201a587] (145,61,6) || the fire axe was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:01:14 [0x200dbb3] (163,148,2) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:01:36 [0x2010442] (149,61,6) || Supermatter Crystal Generator was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:02:11 [0x200dc6d] (148,61,6) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:02:14 [mob_655] (163,148,2) || Ellioth Parayx was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:02:24 [0x201056a] (142,62,6) || the flash was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:02:28 [0x201056b] (142,62,6) || the flash was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:02:37 [0x2010447] (147,62,6) || the prototype energy gun was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:02:45 [0x201056c] (143,61,6) || the box of standard firing pins was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:02:56 [0x2010445] (149,59,6) || K14 Energy Gun Report was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:04:50 [mob_900] (0,0,0) || Ebba Howard was irradiated by Ebba Howard.
04:12:22 [0x20173fe] (161,147,2) || the pocket crowbar was irradiated by the supermatter crystal.
04:19:09 [0x2010440] (147,62,6) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:19:12 [0x201d5a6] (146,58,6) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:19:49 [0x20101a2] (140,58,6) || the prototype health analyzer was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:19:56 [0x2006bad] (142,58,6) || the light tube was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:20:11 [0x20101a0] (140,59,6) || Health Analyser Report was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:20:15 [0x201ccf3] (148,62,6) || the shard was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:20:29 [0x201ccf5] (148,62,6) || the cable piece was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:20:32 [0x201019d] (140,61,6) || B01-RIG Hardsuit Report was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:20:57 [0x2002ad0] (147,58,6) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:20:57 [0x201ccf4] (148,62,6) || the iron rod was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:21:16 [0x2006937] (142,58,6) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.
04:21:21 [0x201f2e5] (144,58,6) || the iron was irradiated by the supermatter shard.