Round ID: 166827
    Shift Duration: 31 minutes and 5 seconds
    Station Integrity: 99.4%
    Total Population: 49

    Evacuation Rate: 23 (46.9%)
    (on emergency shuttle): 22 (44.9%)
    Survival Rate: 39 (79.6%)
    First Death: The Librarian, Mime, at Robotics Lab (151,99,3). Damage taken: 30/0/0/0/0.
    Threat level: 51.1
    Threat left: 16.1
    Executed rules:
        Roundstart - Nuclear Emergency: -20 threat
        Midround - Nightmare: -10 threat
        Latejoin - Syndicate Infiltrator: -5 threat
W.I.T.C.H. (Played by: Arctrooper8)'s laws at the end of the round were:
1: Serve the public trust.
2: Protect the innocent.
3: Uphold the law.
Total law changes: 0

W.I.T.C.H.'s minions were:
Rasputin-281X (Played by: AdmiralMegavolt),
Mario (Played by: Sheltton)
Klupz-Buttstink Operatives:
Crew Major Victory!
The Research Staff has saved the disk and killed the Klupz-Buttstink Operatives

The syndicate operatives were:
(Syndicates used 105 TC) [Thermal Imaging Glasses (75% off!)
1 TC
These goggles can be turned to resemble common eyewear found throughout the station. They allow you to see organisms through walls by capturing the upper portion of the infrared light spectrum, emitted as heat and light by objects. Hotter objects, such as warm bodies, cybernetic organisms and artificial intelligence cores emit more of this light than cooler objects like walls and airlocks. Normally costs 4 TC. All sales final. Keep away from fire or flames.
[Elite Syndicate Hardsuit
8 TC
An upgraded, elite version of the Syndicate hardsuit. It features fireproofing, and also provides the user with superior armor and mobility compared to the standard Syndicate hardsuit.
[C-20r bundle
14 TC
Old Faithful: The classic C-20r, bundled with two magazines and a (surplus) suppressor at discount price.
[Airlock Authentication Override Card
3 TC
A specialized cryptographic sequencer specifically designed to override station airlock access codes. After hacking a certain number of airlocks, the device will require some time to recharge.
[Syndicate Combat Medic Kit
4 TC
This first aid kit is a suspicious brown and red. Included is a combat stimulant injector for rapid healing, a medical night vision HUD for quick identification of injured personnel, and other supplies helpful for a field medic.
[Artificial Intelligence Detector
1 TC
A functional multitool that turns red when it detects an artificial intelligence watching it, and can be activated to display their exact viewing location and nearby security camera blind spots. Knowing when an artificial intelligence is watching you is useful for knowing when to maintain cover, and finding nearby blind spots can help you identify escape routes.
[Thermal Imaging Glasses (75% off!)
1 TC
These goggles can be turned to resemble common eyewear found throughout the station. They allow you to see organisms through walls by capturing the upper portion of the infrared light spectrum, emitted as heat and light by objects. Hotter objects, such as warm bodies, cybernetic organisms and artificial intelligence cores emit more of this light than cooler objects like walls and airlocks. Normally costs 4 TC. All sales final. Keep away from fire or flames.
[Airlock Authentication Override Card
3 TC
A specialized cryptographic sequencer specifically designed to override station airlock access codes. After hacking a certain number of airlocks, the device will require some time to recharge.
[C-20r bundle
14 TC
Old Faithful: The classic C-20r, bundled with two magazines and a (surplus) suppressor at discount price.
[Shielded Syndicate Hardsuit (63% off!)
11 TC
An upgraded version of the standard Syndicate hardsuit. It features a built-in energy shielding system. The shields can handle up to three impacts within a short duration and will rapidly recharge while not under fire. Normally costs 30 TC. All sales final. Check local laws for legality in region.
5 TC
Stimpacks, the tool of many great heroes, make you nearly immune to stuns and knockdowns for about 5 minutes after injection.
[Syndicate Sentience Potion (50% off!)
2 TC
A potion recovered at great risk by undercover Syndicate operatives and then subsequently modified with Syndicate technology. Using it will make any animal sentient, and bound to serve you, as well as implanting an internal radio for communication and an internal ID card for opening doors. Normally costs 4 TC. All sales final. Check local laws for legality in region.
[Syndicate Bomb
11 TC
The Syndicate bomb is a fearsome device capable of massive destruction. It has an adjustable timer, with a minimum of 60 seconds, and can be bolted to the floor with a wrench to prevent movement. The bomb is bulky and cannot be moved; upon ordering this item, a smaller beacon will be transported to you that will teleport the actual bomb to it upon activation. Note that this bomb can be defused, and some crew may attempt to do so. The bomb core can be pried out and manually detonated with other explosives.
[Syndicate Detonator (66% off!)
1 TC
The Syndicate detonator is a companion device to the Syndicate bomb. Simply press the included button and an encrypted radio frequency will instruct all live Syndicate bombs to detonate. Useful for when speed matters or you wish to synchronize multiple bomb blasts. Be sure to stand clear of the blast radius before using the detonator. Normally costs 3 TC. All sales final. Not responsible for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defect, error or failure to perform.
[Detomatix PDA Cartridge
6 TC
When inserted into a personal digital assistant, this cartridge gives you four opportunities to detonate PDAs of crewmembers who have their message feature enabled. The concussive effect from the explosion will knock the recipient out for a short period, and deafen them for longer.
[Energy Shield (25% off!)
12 TC
An incredibly useful personal shield projector, capable of reflecting energy projectiles and defending against other attacks. Pair with an Energy Sword for a killer combination. Normally costs 16 TC. All sales final. Not responsible for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defect, error or failure to perform.
[Surplus SMG
2 TC
A horribly outdated automatic weapon. Why would you want to use this?
[Syndicate Soap
1 TC
A sinister-looking surfactant used to clean blood stains to hide murders and prevent DNA analysis. You can also drop it underfoot to slip people.
The other antagonists were:
ON1ON was Amerziox the Nightmare and survived
The Nightmare was successful!

The traitors were:
44logic2021 was Armin Hammer the Cook and survived
(used 20 TC) [Miniature Energy Crossbow
10 TC
A short bow mounted across a tiller in miniature. Small enough to fit into a pocket or slip into a bag unnoticed. It will synthesize and fire bolts tipped with a debilitating toxin that will damage and disorient targets, causing them to slur as if inebriated. It can produce an infinite number of bolts, but takes time to automatically recharge after each shot.
[Sleepy Pen
4 TC
A syringe disguised as a functional pen, filled with a potent mix of drugs, including a strong anesthetic and a chemical that prevents the target from speaking. The pen holds one dose of the mixture, and can be refilled with any chemicals. Note that before the target falls asleep, they will be able to move and act.
[Agent Identification Card
2 TC
Agent cards prevent artificial intelligences from tracking the wearer, and hold up to 5 wildcards from other identification cards. In addition, they can be forged to display a new assignment, name and trim. This can be done an unlimited amount of times. Some Syndicate areas and devices can only be accessed with these cards.
[No-Slip Chameleon Shoes
2 TC
These shoes will allow the wearer to run on wet floors and slippery objects without falling down. They do not work on heavily lubricated surfaces.
[Energy Dagger
2 TC
A dagger made of energy that looks and functions as a pen when off.

Objective #1: Download 30 research nodes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal The Blackbox. Fail.
Objective #3: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

The code phrases were: Curator, lotsa spaghetti, velociraptors, wonder
The code responses were: eggnog, Han Reid, wonder
Station Economic Summary:
Service Statistics:
The restaurant served 0 customers and made 0 credits.
The bar served 26 customers and made 750 credits.
In total, they earned 750 credits!
Centcom is displeased. Come on service, surely you can do better than that.
General Statistics:
There were 20932 credits collected by crew this shift.
An average of 427.184 credits were collected.
The most affluent crew member at shift end was Lyn Nakamura with 1439 cr!