[2019-12-31 02:47:46.355] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper |#Avoiding Stalkers| [2019-12-31 02:48:43.030] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper ##Avoiding Stalkers - - **A Guide by %s** - --- [2019-12-31 02:49:21.372] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper ## Avoiding Stalkers - --- - [2019-12-31 02:50:20.283] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper # Avoiding Stalkers - - ## A guide - --- - [2019-12-31 02:50:42.852] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper |Book Contents| [2019-12-31 02:52:09.550] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper - *1. Introduction - *2. Signs of Stalking - *3. Defending yourself - *4. Fighting Back - *5. Final Notes - --- - [2019-12-31 02:52:44.140] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper ##Introduction - [2019-12-31 02:55:50.988] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper - Stalkers, They appear when you last expect it. Bribing or sneaking their way to you, and composing an ill intent. - - This book will provide you with information on how to recognize a potential stalker, how to defend yourself, and how to fight back. - --- [2019-12-31 02:56:24.544] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper ##Signs of Stalking - [2019-12-31 03:02:43.255] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper Signs are important, you need to recognize them before the stalker acts against you. - - *1. Stalkers WILL attempt to be near, or follow you. - - This sign is the most obvious, If they are following you, or is seen constantly near you, then they are probably a stalker. - *2. Stalkers may attempt to photograph you, or ask others to photograph you. - - Another obvious sign that can be detected with a pair of sharp hearing and eyes. - *3. Stalkers may attempt to murder coworkers. - - While slightly less obvious, the absense of your coworker for long periods of time is a signal something is wrong. [2019-12-31 03:03:55.459] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper - *4. The Stalker appears to want to harm/kill you. - - At this point, you should probably go ask for protection, or make weapons to defend yourself. - --- [2019-12-31 03:04:33.952] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper ##Defending Yourself [2019-12-31 03:11:38.137] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper - Defending yourself from stalkers is important. There are several methods, but here are some that are simple, and can be effective. - - *1. Create improvised weaponry. - - Improvised weaponry, such as a stunprod, will allow you to stun your attacker/stalker, and cuff them with cable cuffs. Several types of improvised weapons exist, and can help your odds of survival. - *2. Jump into a nearby locker or plant. - - While it may sound dumb, it can easily fool the stalker into walking right by you. Lockers are only useful if they are not nearby, as it creates sound, and needs a few moments to get in and close it. Plants can be very useful, as it fully concels you, unless examined closely. Note that plant hiding spots CANNOT BE USED IF THEY HAVE A FORM OF HUD. This refers to secHUDs, medHUDs, diagnostics HUDs if you have nanites, or borg/AI HUDs. - *3. Ask security for protection. - - While potentially unlikely, a simple stalker is usually no match for an officer or two. Additionally, the brig is usually safe. - *4. Ask [2019-12-31 03:12:44.986] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper *4. Ask Coworkers for help. - - Coworkers can be key to survival. Additonally, they may be a target themselves. - --- [2019-12-31 03:12:59.278] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper --- [2019-12-31 03:13:20.831] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper ##Fighting Back [2019-12-31 03:17:02.384] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper - While a threat, stalkers are mearly something that CAN be neutralized, and make it safe once more. - - *1. Stalkers usually possess a brain trauma. - - In this situation, the Stalker is usually refered to as an, "Obsessed", and can be cured with brain surgery. - *2. Fight the stalker with a group. - - Unless the stalker happens to be able to take on a group, a group usually overpowers a singular person. - [2019-12-31 03:19:47.195] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper *3. Obsessed get debuffed if they are near, or away from you for too long. - - This can help identify, and allow you to combat them, They will be super depressed, and can help security identify whom is after you. Additonally, they will sputter when talking near you. (The sputtering usually undetectable if it's the mime). - --- - [2019-12-31 03:20:01.517] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper ##Final Notes [2019-12-31 03:21:40.478] PAPER: Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) writing to paper - While these may not be all the solutions to a stalker problem, this book offers the effective solutions can aid your survival. - - Additonally, you may develop some methods of your own, to combat stalking. - - I hope this guide was useful, and has allowed you to further your knowledge. - - The author, - - %s [2019-12-31 03:28:39.290] PAPER: Jerry Derpington/(Sasha Oakland) writing to paper this paper gives baldies bald rights [2019-12-31 03:29:21.657] PAPER: Syruse Eln/(Bob Oakland) writing to paper %s - [2019-12-31 03:33:28.288] PAPER: FotisLight/(Bennett Camp) writing to paper Boys im sorry. I did my best its just so hard to go on with out others.. I just hope you will all forgive me solars are set im turning off the Uranium gen.. I just hope you all make it out. - [2019-12-31 03:36:36.509] PAPER: Kayek/(Tux) writing to paper Want some AA?? - - %s -