[2019-08-26 06:06:35.019] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper Author's Note: All events written in this story are the work of fiction, aside from the characters involved. The author is not responsible for any actions caused as a direct consequence of this text. - The author is also very, very sorry. - Tags (Monster Girl, Monster Boy, Moth Feet, CBT?!?!) - 2361 AD; 23:56 XI (NT Plasma Sector Hours) | Station 13 - The stations ventilation creeks and groans habitually as the station sets a course into the latter hours of the daily shift. The automated lighting system dimming the lights to a soft and ubiquitous velvet shade to simulate the night cycle of its parent body. This was to be like any other ordinary shift, with the usual fanatics working their projects through the night, the occasional down on their luck spaceman with a appetite to drown out their memories, and the some whom roam the hallways and return to the dorms to rest before the next shift begins. This night was remarkable in that it was bizarrely quiet, save for a distant honk or the AI voice sequencer softly [2019-08-26 06:08:10.150] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper buzzing "Silent Night", not much commotion or ruckus has caused the denizens of the station to fly into a frenzy. Central command had indicated that there were no credible threats to the station, and as such, not much alarm had been set upon their employees. In these times, there are those who take it upon themselves to take advantage of their freedoms... [2019-08-26 06:08:59.827] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper Tiny Tinea bounced down the halls in a bubbly stride. They were a short and somewhat shy but wholesome and energetic moth boy with a charming and effeminate personage. They had a pair of elegant pink speckled wings that straddled their back and bounced along as they trotted. A soft thick pink scruff covered most of their neck, and wrapped around the back of their head like a gift bow. A pink Nanotrasen brand suit skirt hugged their fuzzy body, and hid away the most delicate of moth appendages. They had been a late arrival this shift, and had been assigned to the station with many recognizable faces to them. To them, though, the most exciting part of this assignment was whom they were assigned to assist. Tiny's best friend, and to whom they found the most admirable and lovely, Luminata Executus. As Tiny makes her way around a bend in the hallways, slowly the cargo bay airlocks slide away from one another, to reveal Luminata standing behind them. Luminata had a much more dominating presence than Tinea, a [2019-08-26 06:10:37.524] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper nd could be willful and strong worded at times to get what she wanted. Luminata could command a cargo bay like no other, and was driven to become successful in their shipping endeavors. Luminata donned a pair of sunglasses over their similarly large black eyes, and a full suit and vest to match their position as Quartermaster. Draped on their back like a cloak, they had large black, speckled wings, with a similar black scruff and nape. On shifts like these, Luminata and Tinea would work together to extract valuable gasses from the neighboring planet. This time however... Luminata was waiting for Tinea, and Tinea had no idea what Luminata had in store for him. [2019-08-26 06:11:08.697] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper "Lumi!" Tinea immediately leapt into Luminata's open arms, and they embraced each other for a short while before breaking apart. "It's good to see you Lumi!" Tinea fluttered as a grin smeared across their face. - Luminata smiled and fluttered back "Likewise, Tinea!". They locked eyes for a bit, the chemistry exchanged between them stronger than a meth explosion. "Let's go for a walk Tinea, I want to show you something... grab my hand!", a mischievous smile purses Luminata's lips for a bit, though Tinea does not seem to pick up on it. "Sure!" fluttered Tinea, "Let's go, I trust you!". Tinea grabbed onto Luminata's hand, and as he did so Luminata jokingly fluttered "Lewd". Tinea replies with a sharp and mocking "No!! No lewd!!", after which they both have a short chuckle. They make their way through the velvet lit halls, their shadows dancing down the corridors as they swooped past corners and on their way to the dorms. - [2019-08-26 06:11:41.722] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper The two come to a stop in front of Dorm 3, Luminata then spins around on her heel and purrs to Tinea "You can't tell anyone about what you see in here, okay?" adding a wink into her ultimatum. Tinea, still completely oblivious to what this all implies, shakes his head feverishly "I understand!". - The entrance way to Dorm 3 hisses open to reveal a simple yet elegant dorm room with a velvet carpet bordered by golden trim, and a simple fabric of reality laying on top of the bed. On the opposite of the room sat a golden lamp on a well-cut mahogany table. Almost immediately, Tinea darts for the lamp and stares at it from a menacing point-blank range. [2019-08-26 06:11:59.756] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper "Lamp!!" Tinea exclaims happily, stricken by the beautiful light being produced by the lamp. Luminata smiles, seeing that her trap had worked, takes a step through the air lock, and locks the airlock behind them. The two were now alone and secluded in Dorm 3. Luminata glides up behind Tinea and presses her chest into the distracted Tinea's back. Suddenly Tinea is taken out of her trance! "H-huh... Lumi... you are kind of c-close..." Luminata embraces Tinea from behind to capitalize on his moment of weakness. Luminata flutters mischievously "Hey, are you ready to see what I wanted to show you...?". The situation that Tinea is in hits him like a dent in his skull. "I-I... you... uh..." Tinea finds it hard to concentrate, completely flustered by the implications of Luminata's embrace. After a hard swallow, Tinea finally flutters "Y-yes... please". [2019-08-26 06:17:00.839] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper In the blink of the eye, one of Luminata's arms twists and turns in Lovecraftian fashion, to finally reveal itself as a sharpened marrow blade. Tinea's eyes go bleak with horror, and tears begin to roll down his fluffy cheeks. "A-are... you really Lumi? W-What did you do to Lumi!" This stung Luminata in the heart, for it truly was Luminata, her head was cloudy from her assignment, and she can't quite remember why she had become a changeling. Luminata pressed her head into Tinea's nape, and Tinea could feel the tears well up from Luminata's eyes. "I-I have an objective to take your DNA Tinea... I don't want to do this but it's what I've been assigned to do, I have to do it for the good of my company..." Tinea's head was spiraling, it was a green shift, wasn't it? How did Luminata turn into a changeling? Must be the work of gods... Luminata heaved and fluttered "I'm sorry Tinea, I'm really sorry." Tinea was about to break down, he could fe [2019-08-26 06:18:16.820] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper el how much it hurt Luminata to be forced into this situation... if only there was some way to give her his DNA without killing... - Then, Tinea's head began to circle around lavaland faster than the station, because he had realized that there is a way to do that... "Lumi... y-you don't have to kill me.., I c-can give you my DNA... t-through... ha-ha-" Luminata's arm suddenly shaped its way back into the arm of a moth, and she pressed her body further, pushing Tinea onto his stomach. Why didn't I think of it earlier? Of course, I can take his DNA another way... This idea gave Luminata newfound fervor. Biting her lip, she fluttered "I thought you'd never consent". Tinea's head was firing off more than a clown with a pulse rifle. Tinea fluttered back "If-If it's you...". Like a greytider on Nuka Cola, Luminata flips Tiny Tinea onto his back, and pushes her lips against his. [2019-08-26 06:19:01.212] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper The feeling is so electric, that is powers the rooms APC to full. Luminata straddles on top of Tiny, and she looks down into his eyes imposingly. "Let's do fusion". Tiny Tinea can only manage a nod back, dizzy with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. Luminata dunked her head into Tiny's chest, and she chomped her way through Tiny's suit skirt, exposing his feminine moth chest. Luminata then goes lower, and chomps on the skirt, careful to avoid biting anything fragile. "Looks like you aren't just Tiny in name." purrs Luminata, stifling a giggle. Tiny almost faints from how flustered he is, but he holds back from saying anything because he wants Luminata to enjoy herself. [2019-08-26 06:19:18.482] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper Luminata reaches back into her satchel and pulls out a bottle of Space Lube. "The clown wasn't going to use it well anyway", fluttered Luminata. Luminata began to gently lather up Tinea's Tiny, making not only the Tiny erect, but also Tiny's antennas. Luminata then proceeded down to one of Tiny's weakest spots... their feet. Luminata tore apart Tiny's shoes with her teeth, revealing Tiny's fuzzy feet. She then proceeded to nibble on Tiny's toes, and Tiny squealed, he was really ticklish down there! "N-No!! No feet!!" squealed Tiny. [2019-08-26 06:19:37.089] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper Luminata got up from the Tiny's feet and smiled. It's time to show Tiny my goods... I hope he likes them! Luminata nibbles through her suit to reveal, to put it lightly, the manifestation of the very concept of underwhelming. Tiny's nervousness was instantly evaporated, and he tried very hard to contain his laughter. For once, Luminata was the one who was flushed, and a quiet "S-shutup" was muttered under her embarrassment. Luminata, out of desperation, ripped off her bottom and immediately plunged Tiny's pipe into her canister. The stimulation for both was greater than stimulants, meth, and bath salts combined. [2019-08-26 06:19:53.249] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper Luminata started to increase the pressure, and Tiny joined in and swapped from a normal pump to a volume pump. Both of the moths were in a fit of pure ecstasy, multiplied by the feeling of respect and love they have for one another. "Ti-Tinea... i-is that tritium?" [2019-08-26 06:20:12.849] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper Tiny could hardly control his pressure anymore "I-I'm pumping in tritium..." Luminata's head swirled, the feelings welling up inside of her. "Ti-TINY, I-I'M GONNA DELAMINATE!" Both started giving it their all, it was all or nothing, a chain reaction had started! A sudden feeling of warmth surged from both and a loud buzz came from Luminata! "I'M DELAMINATING!" Tiny got up and embraced Luminata for the delamination, and with a sudden flash, both of them reached their limits and collapsed on top of each other. [2019-08-26 06:20:29.288] PAPER: Eronymun/(Jotalo Rangol) writing to paper After being in a moth pile for a bit, Luminata pulled the nearby fabric of reality onto them, and whispered to Tiny "I love you Tinea..., you make my world..." Tiny lights up, and nods back "Aw... that's sweet, I love you too Lumi!" - Then suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the door exploded open, William Dornan stood in the frame with nothing but a gas mask, flexed, then screamed "NO ERP ALLOWED" and tossed a water and potassium elance at the moths. - The end. -