[2023-10-25 03:14:30.397] Starting up round ID 217452. - ------------------------- [2023-10-25 03:54:31.797] SIGNAL: movable_ztransit overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: AH-621 (/mob/living/silicon/robot/model/syndicate) Proc: on_observing_z_changed [2023-10-25 04:00:40.994] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:00:56.068] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:00:57.005] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:00:58.010] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:01:11.949] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:01:13.147] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:01:25.953] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:01:26.886] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:01:27.622] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:01:44.890] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:01:45.711] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:01:46.303] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:01:49.659] SIGNAL: movable_ztransit overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: AH-621 (/mob/living/silicon/robot/model/syndicate) Proc: on_observing_z_changed [2023-10-25 04:02:19.315] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:02:20.606] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:02:27.511] SIGNAL: living_death overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the bubblegum (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/bubblegum/virtual_domain) Proc: charge_end [2023-10-25 04:04:14.109] SIGNAL: parent_qdeleting overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: Cosmo Rader (/mob/living/carbon/human) Proc: handle_marked_del [2023-10-25 04:41:02.221] SIGNAL: human_monkeyize overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: Gavin Newton (as Gage Fischer) (/mob/living/carbon/human) Proc: became_monkey [2023-10-25 04:44:50.205] SIGNAL: human_monkeyize overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: Gavin Newton (as Gage Fischer) (/mob/living/carbon/human) Proc: became_monkey [2023-10-25 04:45:43.638] SIGNAL: human_monkeyize overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: Gavin Newton (as Gage Fischer) (/mob/living/carbon/human) Proc: became_monkey [2023-10-25 04:46:30.561] SIGNAL: human_monkeyize overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: Gavin Newton (as Gage Fischer) (/mob/living/carbon/human) Proc: became_monkey [2023-10-25 04:49:35.940] SIGNAL: human_monkeyize overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: Gavin Newton (as Gage Fischer) (/mob/living/carbon/human) Proc: became_monkey [2023-10-25 04:59:07.922] SIGNAL: movable_moved overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: the surgery tray (/obj/item/surgery_tray) Proc: play_sound [2023-10-25 05:10:05.108] SIGNAL: human_monkeyize overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: Gage Fischer (/mob/living/carbon/human) Proc: became_monkey [2023-10-25 05:10:05.110] SIGNAL: human_monkeyize overridden. Use override = TRUE to suppress this warning. - Target: Gage Fischer (/mob/living/carbon/human) Proc: became_monkey